Thin for the Holidays Group



  • gettingthin03
    Woo!! I just lost another 3lbs this week. I have met my labor day goal...I guess that means I have to readjust my goals :P. That actually makes me feel pretty good. Woo!!

    Great job!! We will both have to readjust our goals! WTG

    Thanks!! And congrats to you too!! That is awesome!!

    I have readjusted my goals, lol, as follows:
    Assuming I am able to lose at least 2lbs a week...

    09/05/11 - Labor Day: 226
    10/31/11 - Halloween: 210
    11/24/11 - Thanksgiving: 203
    <199 (1st major goal met *hopes* and I guessed the end of the year now maybe sooner :D)
    12/25/11 - Christmas: 195
    01/01/12 - Happy 2012!!: 193 (hopefully start the new year in the 100s :Dx2

    I hope to stick to losing 2lbs, but I know there's going to be the time when I hit a plateau or actually gain. But I think I can do it! :)

    Great job readjusting!!! You can do it. Lookout "onederland" here she comes!!!
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    I am not doing so good I am up 6 lbs this at 192.4. I was on vacation, so struggled with eating healthy and exercising. I don't think I will make my Labor day goal...but I will continue to try.
  • DebsFernandez
    I am not doing so good I am up 6 lbs this at 192.4. I was on vacation, so struggled with eating healthy and exercising. I don't think I will make my Labor day goal...but I will continue to try.

    Don't worry, I read how this happens to quite a few people who go on vacation. Just work a little harder or longer than usual to make up for it. By the time you know it, you'll get back to where you were. Labor Day is just the first holiday and there are plenty more after that to catch up to your goals! :) We know you can do it!! :D If it makes you feel better you can make slight changes to your goals too. So it's not so overwhelming. Just keep your head up, you're doing great!!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Congrats, DebsHernandez for already making your Labor Day goal!!!
    GettingThin -- thanks for your encouragement (if only it was true that I am losing inches... but, that is not happening).
  • DebsFernandez
    Thanks, Elbee1! It felt kinda awesome, lol. I guess my estimates were a bit off :P
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    Hi everyone.. is this group closed?? I'm trying to get back on track and need the support of a group :)
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Hi y'all! The scale is finally starting to go down! I lost 2 pounds this week. 148.6 lbs.
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    Everyone is doing so awesome!!! There are some that have met their labor day goals! CONGRATS!!! I just weighed myself this morning and I can't believe I met my Labor Day goal a week early!!! Woot!!! We can all do this. I'm thinking that I will re-assess my goals next month!!! Great support on here and makes me motivated to continue on to be a healthier me!!!! Bringing down my body fat and BMI!!! :)
  • DebsFernandez
    Well, I've lost another 2lbs!! Woo! I wonder what I'll be at for my new Labor Day goal!! Lol. Just 2lbs to go.
    I thought losing those 2lbs was pretty good, I have been feeling like since last week cause I have been sick. But I just slowed down my exercise but still kept at it. I feel better when I do something :P.

    @tokidokigirl: Congrats on meeting your Labor Day goal!! You're doing great!! :)
  • gettingthin03
    Congrats to everyone on meeting your goals................We are AWESOME.

    I have been MIA for a few days due to being away with my job. I haven't been logging but I continued to eat healthy. Nothing fried and limited my sweets and drinks. I did not weigh in this week, I am going to wait until Monday which is Labor Day. I am excited and cannot wait to see everyone's results. We are going to be "skinny" by Christmas Holidays. Thanks again for your support and for loggin in and checking on everyone.

    For those who have not meet your goal yet, you still have a few more days to go. Also, you can blow out Halloween which is the next holdiay :wink:
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I reched my Labor Day goal of 145.0 this morning. Now lets see if I can hold it till Monday.:noway: Everyone have a great day!
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    I'm so happy for everyone that's been able to reach their goals. I haven't been able to reach my Labor Day goal which is really frustrating but I have to remember it's not about the number on the scale. I've been eating healthy and working out 6 days a week.

    I've been improving on my stamina and endurance and I feel as though I'm more toned...

    Oh well, only time will tell and I still have until Monday to lose a couple more pounds!

    Keep working hard everyone!
  • gettingthin03
    I reched my Labor Day goal of 145.0 this morning. Now lets see if I can hold it till Monday.:noway: Everyone have a great day!

    Great job. My fingers are crossed that I am the same or less by Monday also!
  • gettingthin03
    I'm so happy for everyone that's been able to reach their goals. I haven't been able to reach my Labor Day goal which is really frustrating but I have to remember it's not about the number on the scale. I've been eating healthy and working out 6 days a week.

    I've been improving on my stamina and endurance and I feel as though I'm more toned...

    Oh well, only time will tell and I still have until Monday to lose a couple more pounds!

    Keep working hard everyone!

    I have a really good feeling that I am going to log on Monday morning and the first post will be from you saying "I REACHED MY LABOR DAY GOAL". You can do it. As long as you are feeling healthly and looking healthy, the scale will have no other choice but to go down. Good luck
  • DebsFernandez
    Well, its that time of month and I have gained 1lb. I will go with the crowd and blame it on it being that time of the month lol. But I am still past my first goal. I just hope I can make my new labor day goal! :P.

    @susanjackson66: Excellent job at meeting your goal!! I'm sure you will pass your goal by Monday. Just keep it up!! :D

    @vannabehr: You still have plenty of time. Since you are probably gaining muscle, you shouldn't worry too much about the scale :). You are doing great and you can make your goal!! :) Just keep up all your hard work!!! :D

    @gettingthin03: That's great that you stayed with healthy foods!! That always makes me feel good that I was able to say no to temptation lol. I can't wait till Monday to see how everyone has done!! :D
  • gettingthin03
    Good Thursday morning everyone!!!

    For some odd reason, I am up 2 lbs :noway:

    Im not going to sweat it for 2 reasons: I should not have gotten on the scale and believed the numbers and I still have time until Labor Day!!

    Good luck to all and everyone enjoy your day!
  • DebsFernandez
    I can't wait!!
    I now have to lose 3lbs by Monday, lol. I gained this week.
    Which sucks, cause I got sick and now its that time of the month. Boo!
    I'm trying to still work out but its hard with cramps and back pain, haha.
    Ah well, hopefully it's over real soon!! :)

    4 more days!!

    And I can't wait for a 3 day weekend!! Woo! :D
  • gettingthin03
    I can't wait!!
    I now have to lose 3lbs by Monday, lol. I gained this week.
    Which sucks, cause I got sick and now its that time of the month. Boo!
    I'm trying to still work out but its hard with cramps and back pain, haha.
    Ah well, hopefully it's over real soon!! :)

    4 more days!!

    And I can't wait for a 3 day weekend!! Woo! :D

    You can do it. I hate that time of the month. I always feel like a "true" fatty. LOL

    YESSSSSS, I can't wait for a 3 day weekend. We got a cookout to attend and I have already put in my mind that I will be having 1 piece of grilled chicken, salad, and corn on the cob. Fruit for dessert. But just in case there is not fruit, I am bringing along one of my 100 cal packs!
  • sara42066
    sara42066 Posts: 28 Member
    Im in!!!!
  • CSYounce
    CSYounce Posts: 19 Member
    Can I still join this group? I have already set some holiday goals but it would be way more fun with a group!

    Have a great day!