feel like im about to quit



  • EmilySG2011
    I dont like to eat a lot either. I have found that drinking some kind of shake like slimfast helps get your vitamins and calories in and doesnt "blow me up" after eating it. I have been making very slow progress too----I don't mind working my butt off on workouts and eating healthy if I see results--however, it's very non-motivational to do so without results. I too have had those days that I feel I'm spinning wheels. It's a super hard journey.
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    Dont quit! You need to take the time to log your food and not go over your calorie intake. If you are doing that then you need to probably measure yourself instead of weighing. Muscle weighs more than fat so you are probably loosing inches instead of pounds.

    Also only weigh once or twice a month. I weigh at work. I had scales but threw them out because I was weighing daily and getting frustrated.

    Dont' give up. I will be glad to support you! If you want to friend me, my username is Bluejay789 my name is Claire

    Keep your chin up!
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I hit a plateau and didn't start losing weight again until I bumped my calories to more than 2000. If you're not hungry in the morning it's a sign that your metabolism is at a standstill - a revved up metabolism will be eager for food after a few hours sleep. You're putting a lot of effort into making food for your family, but there's no reason you can't eat when they eat, even if it's smaller amounts. Nothing is off limits to you if you plan well. I can eat steak and cheeseburgers, McDonalds and ice cream, but I'm smarter about it now. I split a meal with my daughter at McDonalds when I'm forced to go there, and when I go out to eat with my family I choose more carefully, order smaller versions of things I love, and leave food on my plate. Fat is not the enemy, nor is protein, nor carbs. Once I couldn't leave a Ben & Jerry's container in the freezer for even an hour, and now it will last all week. Aim for eating healthy 90% of the time, and incorporate things you love 10 % as you learn to control your cravings.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    The whole eating your calories back thing seems to confuse a lot of people. When you exercise you are building muscle which will increase your body's ability to burn fat and calories at resting rate. So eating the calories back helps you to lose the fat and the exercise helps to increase your ability to burn the fat off as well. So make sure you eat at leat 1200, I know it is hard but there are a lot of calorie dense things out there if you don't want to eat too much, like peanut butter and cheeses etc...

    you actually made me unerstand that. even the trainer couldnt explain that i burn cals durning the rest after work outs. so is it after i eat the 1200, burn off most of em, do i eat 1/2 or do i go up to 1200 again?

    You should eat a net of 1200. which means eat 1200 calories a day (at least) and then also eat back at least half if not all of what you burn off in exercise. This is just becuase 1200 is the minimum calorie consumption they recommend for women, it is what you need to have your body function - blinking, breathing, heart beating, disgestion etc...
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    i get up around 6 am every morning to make my husband and daughter breakfeast,

    An easy was to get breakfast in when you are busy is to make to go things. When you are cooking boil half a dozen eggs. Then when you get up, grab a hardboiled egg and much on that while doing your house work, or if you need smaller, grab a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts. It doesn't need to be a big breakfast, just enough food to get your metabolism going. You sound like a great mom and this is a way to teach your daughter by example how busy women take care of themselves and their families.