30DS Challenge Starting 8/15/11



  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    Sure, i'll join, count me in !
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    I'd love to join! I got the DVD off Neflix...awesome!
  • Just FYI: You can buy it on VUDU. I actually cancelled my online order and will now stream it through VUDU on the tv! =) It was 9.99 which is a bit more than you can order it online, but it's convienent!
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm in! I was going to start today but it's a celebration weekend so the food won't be so great lol.. Monday is a perfect start day for me! =]
  • If I can get a copy before Monday I'll start with all you ladies too!
  • HavenIryxia
    HavenIryxia Posts: 116 Member
    So I finally got word that my DvD shipped on the 9th, and it takes 7-10 business days to arrive. I am crossing my fingers that it will arrive for Monday but I am seriously doubting it... I will still do it though, even if I am a few days behind...
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i restart 30ds with you guys. i have completed it 3 times and stopped in the middle once (last month, i got bit by a dog). i was planning to do 'slim in 6' in august but i've only done it 5, maybe 6, times. :) anyway, i don't do exercise videos on the weekend so i may fall behind but i'd love the support of a group to stay motivated.
  • Can I join? :D I used to have the dvd and then I lost it :( but I was already thinking of buying it again xD
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    GBOH & Clyde - Yayayayayay!!!!!!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    ***OK... I want all of you to be a part of this!!

    If your movie comes later, so be it-- Just jump on the wagon as soon as you can!! I don't want to be one of those super bad cliche groups that is uber strict!! We are here to get fit!! Not rule the High School Drama!!

    That being said... I want everyone to have an amazing time being a part of this group! I am new to the whole group thing, so if I mess stuff up (kindly) let me know and we will keep pushing forward!! I will be very open and honest with everyone... I am not going to 'force' you to do/share anything you don't want to!

    I promise to try my hardest to be the most encouraging and respectful 'friend' as I possibly can via the internet. We are going to get our butts kicked by Jillian, but the results are going to be amazing!!

    Let's get ready!!


    P.S. I am a terrible terrible speller!! I will spell check and re-read my post, but I am sure I will miss things from time to time. Some days may grammar might suck too, please forgive me!!
  • Jenn- No worries...We aren't here to critique your spelling; we are here to get fit, girl!!!
    I have been searching 30DS results on google-I've read about success and seen before/after pics. The results on some people are really amazing, BUT one thing I have noticed is that most of these girls are semi small to begin with and are simply toning. So my question is will it help me (the fat chick)!?!?!?! I mean really, I have at least 50 pounds I need to lose so I am nowhere near at the place i need to be to just tone. What do you girls know about this? What is your opinion? No matter what I am going to do it...i'm just curious what y'all think!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Brooke - I know what you mean! I'm a bigger girl too :) I think that toning will make us smaller overall, the added muscles with speed up our metabolism and consistent calorie burn might help us drop a little. The most weight loss I've heard of on it is 7lbs... which isn't much but it would be a good 7 lbs to see go away!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Jenn- No worries...We aren't here to critique your spelling; we are here to get fit, girl!!!
    I have been searching 30DS results on google-I've read about success and seen before/after pics. The results on some people are really amazing, BUT one thing I have noticed is that most of these girls are semi small to begin with and are simply toning. So my question is will it help me (the fat chick)!?!?!?! I mean really, I have at least 50 pounds I need to lose so I am nowhere near at the place i need to be to just tone. What do you girls know about this? What is your opinion? No matter what I am going to do it...i'm just curious what y'all think!

    I feel that no matter what we are working hard!! Yeah if you are 'smaller' to start it is going to be easier to see the results, but that is why I, with an obese BMI of 30, took before pictures. I have the Momma pouch that hangs - EW! Gross I know! And I plan on sharing the pic at the end of 30 days. I don't expect all that wonderful fat to disappear and wonderful abs to appear. I expect/hope/ will work hard towards having less pouch, flatter belly (and a hot booty)! This is why I feel it is important to take measurements (and pictures, even if it is just for yourself!). Most of us aren't going to look like Jillian at the end, but we are taking the steps. Our enduance will increase and we better feel awesome about ourselves for just making the time to put in the hard work.

    We all deserve healthly bodies and we are all taking steps... We aren't going to know how our bodies will respond to this. Some people don't loss weight, but did they loss inches? Did they really work hard? What did they eat? I think we will get results no matter what, as long a we work hard... Even if it is just enduance! NSV - Those are important too!!

    --My rambling thoughts... Jenn
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I am looking forward to monday. I started once before and didn't make it past 4 days. I too have about 60-65 pounds to lose. Maybe this will jumpstart it. I will take the 7 pounds though. I also plan to do some stuff in between. My doctor said I needed at least 240 min of exercise a week.
  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    Jenn- No worries...We aren't here to critique your spelling; we are here to get fit, girl!!!
    I have been searching 30DS results on google-I've read about success and seen before/after pics. The results on some people are really amazing, BUT one thing I have noticed is that most of these girls are semi small to begin with and are simply toning. So my question is will it help me (the fat chick)!?!?!?! I mean really, I have at least 50 pounds I need to lose so I am nowhere near at the place i need to be to just tone. What do you girls know about this? What is your opinion? No matter what I am going to do it...i'm just curious what y'all think!

    I feel that no matter what we are working hard!! Yeah if you are 'smaller' to start it is going to be easier to see the results, but that is why I, with an obese BMI of 30, took before pictures. I have the Momma pouch that hangs - EW! Gross I know! And I plan on sharing the pic at the end of 30 days. I don't expect all that wonderful fat to disappear and wonderful abs to appear. I expect/hope/ will work hard towards having less pouch, flatter belly (and a hot booty)! This is why I feel it is important to take measurements (and pictures, even if it is just for yourself!). Most of us aren't going to look like Jillian at the end, but we are taking the steps. Our enduance will increase and we better feel awesome about ourselves for just making the time to put in the hard work.

    We all deserve healthly bodies and we are all taking steps... We aren't going to know how our bodies will respond to this. Some people don't loss weight, but did they loss inches? Did they really work hard? What did they eat? I think we will get results no matter what, as long a we work hard... Even if it is just enduance! NSV - Those are important too!!

    --My rambling thoughts... Jenn

    I agree- I have to loose that mommy pouch (mine looks like an apron) along with about 30 more pounds. The way I look at it is I will be more active in doing the DVD than I have been in a long time and I know that in-its-self is going to make me feel better. I am super excited to start this journey with all of you! We can do this! One thing that is hard for me to keep in mind and may be helpful is, muscle weighs more than fat, so in gaining muscle or toning you may not loose. but take measurements for sure!
  • Ahhhhhhhhhhh....the AWFUL mommy pouch! I have it too and I HATE it!! Do your pants roll down???? Ugh! I wish it would go away. Having a c-section was not helpful AT ALL! I think mine is so bad that only surgery will make it go away! Hopefully the exercise will make it a little less dreadful!
  • Hi! I'm Amanda. I'd love to join a support group. I did a weight loss challenge last fall and did the 30 Day Shred. I loved it and lost 25 lbs in 12 weeks. Unfortunately, I've gained it all back. I'm miserable but can't get motivated.

    I'm near Dallas, Texas. I'm a sahm of four - two girls, 9 and 7 and twin boys who are two. I turned 40 in January and want to get healthy and fit and stay that way!

    I look forward to getting to know everyone as we get in shape. :)

  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    Brooke- I'm thinking the only way mine will be totally gone is with surgery also.
    Welcome Amanda!
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    I'm in! I started lastnight. Hoping to lose at least 10 lbs.
  • So I am leaving in the morning to spend the weekend in Savannah! I am excited, but a little nervous about what I will be eating. I keep telling myself I am not on a diet, just watching calories (it's better for my mindset). If I restrict myself from a certain food then I will crave it! Anyways, I guess Monday will be a perfect day to start the shread. I have the video ready to play; I actually watched it today to check it out. I'm sure it looks a lot easier than what it actually is!