Things I've learned from MFP Forums



  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    #7--If you have an opinion that differs from someone are a troll or "trouble maker" (even if said opinion is stated in the most respectful way possible)


    I couldn't agree more with this!!! And if it is not what someone wants to hear, you are also judgmental.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I've learned that people care wayyyy too much about what other people are posting/eating/doing.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I've learned a lot about nut butter.

    Ditto. I enjoyed that thread about making your own nut butter, shame the shut it down.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Oh and being honest = being rude.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    #7--If you have an opinion that differs from someone are a troll or "trouble maker" (even if said opinion is stated in the most respectful way possible)


    I couldn't agree more with this!!! And if it is not what someone wants to hear, you are also judgmental.

    Why don't the two of you get off your high horses and stop being so rude! :laugh:
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    People are usually saying something ignorant when they use the word "ignorant".
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Haha Carl....that picture is fantastic!!!
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    Is nobody going to point out that evidence was spelled wrong?
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    In semi-defense of women who complain about TOM (and no, I have not nor will I ever do so on this site) - women have become incredibly disconnected from their cycle. It has become a burden - the "curse." As long as it is viewed this way, it will be complained about. Many women also do not know that what they eat, and their weight and exercise, but particularly what they eat and when they eat it can have a huge effect on what their cycle is like (excluding those with true health issues). Is that information out there? Yes. Can they access it fairly easily? Yes. Do they? No, just like a lot of other things. Culturally, women have become disconnected from their bodies and until they take control of their own knowledge, there will continue to be complaints, rather than looking for a solution. So, in one way this is a defense because women do not know their own bodies and have been encouraged to remain in the dark (I've never been present at a birth - that's just sad), in another way I'm saying - get out there and read and learn about your own amazing bodies and the value that your cycle has.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member

    Why don't the two of you get off your high horses and stop being so rude! :laugh:


    Hey Taso, Should I eat my exercise calories?
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Is nobody going to point out that evidence was spelled wrong?

    I have to turn off the red pen in my mind when I come on to MFP...or else it would explode. :laugh:

    And I don't want to "loose" my head. :frown:
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Is nobody going to point out that evidence was spelled wrong?

    I have to turn off the red pen in my mind when I come on to MFP...or else it would explode. :laugh:

    And I don't want to "loose" my head. :frown:

    Sorry, I was frothing at the time. Most of the time my spelling and grammar is good. Unlike when i'm writing an article I don't always spell check or edit posts on forums. As long as the you get what I mean, it should be fine.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    What I have learned:

    Men who know exactly how many TOM threads women have posted need to step away from their pc more often.

    Why would men give a hoot about TOM threads? And why would they read them to know if we are clueless about our own bodies or not?


    25 is an estimate, obviously a lot of ladies don't understand their won functions given the number of TOM titled threads. All you have to do is scan the first page of each forum and you'll probably find at least one with in the title. I guess that basic logic is above your capacity for reasoning.

    Let me make it easier:

    A bunch of TOM threads on the first page= more likely that people don't understand.
    Not man TOM threads= probably more likely that they do understand.

    Simple logic.

  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member

    Let me make it easier:

    A bunch of TOM threads on the first page= more likely that people don't understand.
    Not man TOM threads= probably more likely that they do understand.

    Simple logic.

    LOL. Well I found this quite funny. :D Hehehehe!!

    Like "Help! My girlfriend is on her TOM and she got REALLY angry when I told her to suck it up princess. Is this normal?!??!" LOL