Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I slept super good again last night! I sure did not want to get up at first this morning but once I was up, I had super energy!!! I love that feeling! I do have to say that my muscles can feel the Back & Biceps workout I did yesterday! I am pretty sore but it is a "Good Sore". I love that feeling!!! Tonight is the KILLER, Intervals+...

    Gotta get to work.. I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout!

  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Mornin' all,

    Stayed in bed this morning and decided to do a 30 minute run at lunch time and the ab ripper 200 at the gym. Need to stick to the Cardio 3+4 though as it's totally different that just running for 30 minutes.

  • huskeymom
    I hope everyone is having a great day.

    Nicolet - welcome to the group. Congrats on starting P90, you will enjoy the results from it for sure.

    Tena- You really make me jealou son the great night sleeps, really waht is your secret. I sleep horrible and even if i do manage to sleep through the night I feel even more tired. I think i woke up only once to look at the clock to see what time it was and then went back to sleep, I went to bed at 830 and woke up at 6am and still feel so exhausted. My doc sent me to get bloodwork done but so far I havent heard anything so no new is good news in a way. just means they didnt find anything wrong. argh

    Well last night I didnt workout at all isnce I had major chills and even sitting right infront of the fireplace for 45min didnt warm me up, hubby siad no to working out for me. So I went to bed. But I did do kenpo at lunch so I did do something. Then today I have already done plyo and will do the chest and back i was supposed to do yest.. later tonight with dh.

    Jenn found out her reason for migraines yest when they smelled gas in the house. I guess it was from the furnance and the fire dept finally were called in and I guess the levels were deathly high.
    I still havent heard from her yet!!! I hope you are ok Jenn you are really worrying me.
  • huskeymom
    Finally heard from Jenn she is fine, they stayed in a hotel last night and tonight. she is feeling weirded out that the levels were that high that they wouldnt have woken up the next morning. So she is enjoying the benefits of working out at the hotal gym and swimming pool.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone! Just got back from lunch. Tummy is happy now...

    Jen: Thanks for the update of Jenn! That is super scary! You hear about that alot anymore! She was sure lucky... I am so thankful that she is ok... Nice to know she is working out in the gym. That's our girl!!! About sleep, I do not know why I sleep well. I do not drink caffeine except 2 cups of black coffee every morning. Then water all day and right before bed, a cup of decaf green tea. Plus I workout at 6pm CT and finish between 7 and 7:30pm. So I am on the go all evening... I guess I am just lucky huh?

    Paula: Hope you had a good workout today...

    Well, back to work..
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Finally heard from Jenn she is fine, they stayed in a hotel last night and tonight. she is feeling weirded out that the levels were that high that they wouldnt have woken up the next morning. So she is enjoying the benefits of working out at the hotal gym and swimming pool.

    Holy Krap! Thanks for updating us.

    Be well Jenn!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well, I did my workout and again, it was AWESOME!! I truly left it all on the floor tonight! I did Intervals+! I will never get used to that workout! It is a killer workout and whoops my booty every time!!! I finished my workout and immediately jumped in the shower so I would not miss any of Biggest Loser! Perfect timing too!!! Now I need to eat some dinner and watch BL! Will be back in alittle while!

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I slept super good again last night! Woke up and it is in the teens! I sure did not want to get out of that warm bed! Once I got moving and the body temp warmed up, I was fine! It is supposed to be sunny and in the 40's. Tomorrow 60's and Friday and Saturday 70's. Crazy huh???

    Sorry I did not get a chance to come back last night but Biggest Loser was on and I just love that show! It is so inspiring and motivating me! It is also very emotional..

    Well, gotta get to work... I hope everyone has a wonderful day and excellent workout!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hey Everyone!!!

    Well I am here to post which is amazing! As you all know from Jen my headaches were from CO2 poisoning. It feels weird that I have not had a headache all week, it feels great! So it all makes sense now why I would get even worse headaches when working out cuz I would do it in the basement.

    If it wasnt for my bf my parents and I would be dead! Monday I was talking to him on the computer and my mom said that she would go tues (yesterday) to get a CO2 dector and he said no today tomorrow maybe too late. My step did pick one up on his way home they plugged it in and about an hr later it went off. They opened all the windows and aired out the house and it went was ok. Then about an hr later it went off again. They called Union Gas who called the fire dept and ambulance.

    Your house is supposed to be 20-30 and ours was 200! My mom and I got sent to the hospital by ambulance and we were on oxygen for 2.5hrs. When my blood came back I had 100% CO2 in my blood.

    We have been staying at the casino and I love it so much there Im staying till friday!

    Monday I did take my bf's dog for a half hour walk and yesterday did 30mins on the treadmill at the casino. Eating hasnt been the greatest but at least still working out.

    The guy is here right now installing a new furnace so everything will get back to normal.

    Friday is my bday so I dont know how much working out I will be doing this weekend but Monday is a totally fresh new start for me!

    Sorry for the long post just wanted to fill everyone in!

  • thury
    thury Posts: 138 Member
    Wow what a close call. I am glad everything worked out and everyone is ok. Pretty scary to think about it. I don't think I even have a CO2 detector in the house. Probablly will by tonight.
  • huskeymom
    Welcome Jenn back to the land of the living.. literally. I am glad you are headache free.. yeah. I wish I could figure mine out now.

    Tena - Wow you make me really scared to how bad interval + is if you have a hard time though it. I can just make it through plyo. hehe Glad I dont have that video yet. hehe But it would be a nice goal to work up to.

    I slept like crap last night, I think my tender muscles kept me up, everytime I turned I woke up with the ache. So yesterday dh and I did chest and back, man I was super proud of myself. I actually did more reps than I did last week, but failed on doing dive bombers the second round I couldnt do as many as I did last week on the second round. But my arms were so jello-y that I just kept falling to my face. hehe I do love that I felt like I was worked to the bone for sure.

    The best part was after my workout I was in the bathroom and I looked in the mirror and I swear my belly is starting to get flatter. and the muscle tone in my arms can be seen slightly without flexing. I will take another pic of me for the 30 day transformation probably next weekend and hopefully Jenn will do my measurements again.

    Today I am doing Cardio X at lunch and then arms and shoulders at night with dh.
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Morning all,

    Again stayed in the bed this morning! I'm going to do Sculpt 3+4 in the gym at lunch time from memory. I'll go over it in my head and jot down a few things to make sure I remember everything.

    Got to do my 30 min run yesterday followed by Ab Ripper 180. I say 180 because the exercise where you "spread" your legs is not really gym friendly in my shorts "if you know what I mean!" :ohwell:

    Jen, I'm with you! I do believe I'm starting to see definition on myself! Cool!! :smokin:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Jenn-glad you are ok - I assume you have gas heat?? I need to get one of those detectors....
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member

    Everyone that doesnt have one get one!!!!!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    So, I went to the gym and am delighted as I did the FULL Sculpt 3+4! I made a list for myself on a post it note and stuck it on the wall next to where I worked out. It was great 'cos I had the choice of weights. This is so cool!!!

    Tena! I have a question for you. I'm about ready to purchase P90x. What's the best deal going? I see on the TV, it's advertised for 3 monthly payments of $39.95, I think the shipping is $15 and I've seen on the tv promos "BUT WAIT.... if you order in the next 5 minutes we'll upgrand you to express delivery". I don't actually care about express delivery as I won't need it for another 4 weeks or so. But if there was somewhere that reduced it to TWO payments of $39.95, now THAT'D be cool!

    Oh, by the way, I'm not going to get the pull up thingy as where I work out the door frame is right next to the wall and therefore it wouldn't work. I already have dumbells, do I need to get any other equipment? FYI I'm not going to get the supplements.

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Paula: Way to go on your workout today! That takes dedication! DO NOT ORDER it from the 1-800 number on the tv! If you order from there, you are dealing with foreigners and they will not help you at all with any problems. Go to the beachbody website and under my profile, tenaarnett. You will see a place that says "shop for products" . Push that and go through there. I am not sure about the billing but that way we are dealing with the people in California and I can take care of any problems you might have. If you have any questions, email me at tenaarnett@yahoo.com and I can help you or call you if you like.

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Also Paula, if you are not getting the pullup bar, you will need bands. You can get them through beachbody or any sporting goods store. Wal-mart sells them but they aren't very good quality. I bought those first and they only last a month so I ordered through beachbody to make sure I got quality ones.

  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Awesome info! Thanks, I'll do just like you advise.

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished my workout! Tonight was Chalean Extreme Ab Burner and it was another great ab workout! I could really feel the burn. Then I did Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and it kills my arms every time but it feels soooo good! It was AWESOME!!! I am very, very happy with my workouts! Tomorrow I am doing 1 on 1 Yoga and 10 min lower body...

    Time for shower and dinner. I will be back soon!

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey everyone! Thought I would check back in! My arms feel like rubber still. That Chest/Shldrs/Triceps workout is tough with the one armed pushups and clap pushups! Those 2 I do on my knees because I am afraid I will smash my face into the floor! I have better control on my knees but I feel it just the same....

    Jen: Sorry to hear you still are not sleeping well! That is so awesome that you are starting to see the changes! I am so proud of you! You are just doing an AWESOME job and it is showing! Keep it up! More changes are coming!!!

    Jenn: Like I said on my thread in beachbody, I am so happy that you are ok! That is such a scary thing to go through and a close call for you and your family! Thank goodness it will be taken care of now! It was confusing me on why you were having those headaches... At least now you know why!

    Well, I hope everyone had a great workout today and gets a good nights sleep.
