Stay-At-Home Moms 12/1-12/7



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hi to all the other stay at home moms out there. I'm new to this site today actually. I find it hard to getthe motivation needed to get up and get my workout done being at home. I have a 15mo old I think that's part of the problem I can't run with her up she wants to try and run to or grab the machine. Which leaves me no choice but to either get up early, do it while she naps, or in the evening all of which I don't always care for I use to get up and do it before Chris(my other half) would leave for work but I became lazy. In the evening I find I lack the motivation. I see a lot of success out there and I'm wondering how do I start mine. I feel like there's so much to lose and I have good intentions but intentions don't drop the lbs. So what should I do? It's easier said then done to just do it. If I could only afford a personal trainer but with 4 kids that wont happen any year soon. To make it worse I start college in Jan of 09 and I saw the girls that go there. They are thin just like I use to be. Oh does that make me feel even worse. Actually really sad and almost like I don't want to go. Sound sad doesn't it anyone out there feel me?

    Welcome & good luck to you! My best advice would be to not compare yourself to others. There will ALWAYS be someone out there that is skinnier, prettier, more succesful, happier, etc...than you. Just be the best YOU you can be! Good luck with everything!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    You are an angry cleaner too!! Sometimes I ask DH to make me mad so I will do the dishes... :blushing:

    Sorry you have some unrest in your house :frown: At least he tried to make dinner, even if his peace offering majorly backfired. :flowerforyou:

    Make that THREE! Before we had kids & I'd be upset about work (usually not dh believe it or not), I would SCRUB the house when I came home. After having kids, if I get upset I get out the vacuum b/c then I can't hear them whinning. :bigsmile:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lyn - sorry you're having such a bad fight with your dh. I hope you're able to get cooled down enough to talk about it so it can blow over. Drawn out fights are the worst, imo. I'm the opposite of you & Lori. When we get in fights, they're often over very quickly b/c I'm TOO vocal about them. I follow him around until he sits down & talks to me about it. I'm too busy to be angry.

    Lori - the ottoman is a start! Maybe try putting her pack & play near the ottoman & pop her in there the next time. yay!

    MM - I'm sorry you're on such strict bed rest situation right now. It'll work out. DH might not like it, but he'll have to deal. The house will still be there after you're done being on bed rest. So what if it gets messy. Your baby is more important! *hugs*

    Loki - LOVE the new Darrell pic! I want to squeeze him!! I would have had issues with the strange man with my son, too. Maybe the next time you go, say something to them about if the regular lady needs to leave, clear it with you first. I wouldn't have handled it very well, but wouldn't have caused a scene.

    Allenhm - welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:

    Off to have a day. Got my workout in & had breakfast so 2 accomplishments down for the day. I'm just ready for AF to leave so I can start losing weight again! BLECH!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I broke my vow of silence last night and DH and I talked things out. It was a typical case of Men are from Mars Women are from Venus!!! Why can't we all be built the same, it would make relationships easier....or would it??? Anyhow we both apologized and I got to sleep in our bed again....which led to...:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :wink: hahahaha

    Honestly I can't stay mad at him. It hurts too much and the angry really isn't worth the time or energy although I did get my house cleaned. Next time something happens I just need to remember "Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it." (American History X).

    So :drinker: Here's to a new day! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Lyn - sorry you're having such a bad fight with your dh. I hope you're able to get cooled down enough to talk about it so it can blow over. Drawn out fights are the worst, imo. I'm the opposite of you & Lori. When we get in fights, they're often over very quickly b/c I'm TOO vocal about them. I follow him around until he sits down & talks to me about it. I'm too busy to be angry.

    Lori - the ottoman is a start! Maybe try putting her pack & play near the ottoman & pop her in there the next time. yay!

    MM - I'm sorry you're on such strict bed rest situation right now. It'll work out. DH might not like it, but he'll have to deal. The house will still be there after you're done being on bed rest. So what if it gets messy. Your baby is more important! *hugs*

    Loki - LOVE the new Darrell pic! I want to squeeze him!! I would have had issues with the strange man with my son, too. Maybe the next time you go, say something to them about if the regular lady needs to leave, clear it with you first. I wouldn't have handled it very well, but wouldn't have caused a scene.

    Allenhm - welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:

    Off to have a day. Got my workout in & had breakfast so 2 accomplishments down for the day. I'm just ready for AF to leave so I can start losing weight again! BLECH!

    AF? 'splain.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning,
    Welcome Allenhm!
    DM I am glad you got things worked out fairly quickly with your dh. I totally understand needing to be silent, not necessarily to torture them but to keep yourself from saying something that would do horrible damage.

    I am already hurting this morning so nothing but laying around today. I think I over did it yesterday. I was spotting again last night for a bit. Sigh. It's a busy day for my dh and I feel bad I can't help him. He's understanding although it is frustrating for him. I am trying to help as much as I can without actually doing anything. I printed off a layout of walmart to help him locate things later when he goes shopping. That's about all I can do. lol I figure I can awkwardly fold clothes while laying down so that might help. I am going to try not to complain about the situation and be grateful that the baby is still with me!
    I hope everyone has a good day!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I know the silent treatment is childish but my mother taught me if I don't have something nice to say don't say nothing at all......and right now I have NOTHING nice to say to him.

    Maybe I should try that....hah, yeah right. I am beginning to think that men have cornered the market on childish behavior....and that they think it's only wrong when we do it.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Marla - Aunt Flo, menstration, time of the month, the curse, shall I go on? :bigsmile: I'm not a fan right now so it has been called every name in the book. I just need to remember to be thankful b/c without it, I wouldn't have been able to have children. That's the right way to look at it, right? :laugh:

    MM - Your husband will adjust. Good luck folding that laundry! If you're only on bedrest until 12 weeks, that won't be too horrible. Less than 2 months to least it is during the winter...I'm trying for positives here!

    GTO - I agree with you! My dh does some pretty childish things. Well, more like anti-parenting things, I would call them. He acts like he's one of the kids like thinking they should be all wound up 10 min. before bedtime. Like they'll go to sleep direclty after wrestle time with daddy. Goof ball.

    Lyn - glad you got it all ironed out! I agree. Life's too short. :)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla - Aunt Flo, menstration, time of the month, the curse, shall I go on? :bigsmile: I'm not a fan right now so it has been called every name in the book. I just need to remember to be thankful b/c without it, I wouldn't have been able to have children. That's the right way to look at it, right? :laugh:

    MM - Your husband will adjust. Good luck folding that laundry! If you're only on bedrest until 12 weeks, that won't be too horrible. Less than 2 months to least it is during the winter...I'm trying for positives here!

    GTO - I agree with you! My dh does some pretty childish things. Well, more like anti-parenting things, I would call them. He acts like he's one of the kids like thinking they should be all wound up 10 min. before bedtime. Like they'll go to sleep direclty after wrestle time with daddy. Goof ball.

    Lyn - glad you got it all ironed out! I agree. Life's too short. :)

    actually, without it you'd be having more children!!:bigsmile:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    I just had the most awesome Saturday night of my life!!!!


    It was going to be awesome. I got all purtied up and was going to go to a show here in town (which are rare, so I was excited) that my DH was playing. We dropped Darrell off at the ILs, knowing that he hadn't been feeling 100% today, but he really wasn't acting very badly at all. Just a little fussy, and kind of warm to the touch. Nothing to freak out about. I guess as soon as we left, he was burning up and lethargic so they took his temp under his arm and it was 103. Plus one because they took it under the arm. :noway: So they called, and I felt like the dumbest mother of all time, because I thought he just had a little cold. So I picked him up and took him to the ER, because I tend to get iffy about temps over 102. They gave him some ibuprofen (he had had tylenol a couple times today) and he was running around, back to his old self, but the doctor said they wanted a chest x-ray just to be cautious. Hey, cautious is my favorite word at the doctor!!! Really, it is. I LOVE being cautious. Usually it's a little wasteful and the things I am cautious about don't turn into anything, but this time...They found pneumonia. :frown:

    My poor baby has pneumonia and all day I just thought he had a cold!!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: I feel like such a bad mommy. But you wouldn't know it from the way he's been acting! Tricky kids.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Aw, Loki! I'm sorry about your little one! Some times kids hide illness really well. You are NOT a bad mommy. Fevers get worse in the evening so how could you have known? You did the right thing taking him to the ER.You probably caught it early so maybe it won't get too bad. I will pray for him!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    and I'm not cautious ENOUGH. I would still have him at home cuddling feeding him tylenol. With Zeke's insane ear infections, I learned all too quickly that anitibiotics don't always fix things so I don't run to the dr. right away. Be glad you did, Loki! *hugs* I'm so sorry about poor Darrell, though. I hope it clears up quickly! You are NOT a bad mommy! Just think how horrible you would have felt if you didn't take him to the ER! Good mommy!

    Marla - that is true! LOL I guess that makes me even MORE thankful b/c I am D-O-N-E DONE having babies!

    MM - how are you holding up?!

    Hello & Happy Sunday to everyone else out there!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Loki I'm sorry your little man is sick. You are not a bad mom. How could you have known it was more than just a cold after one day??? Don't be so hard on yourself. You were smart to take him in to the ER immediately. I get really concerned about fevers over 102 as well. And MM is right, since you caught it early hopefully it wont be so hard on his little body and he will get better quickly. (((hugs)))
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hey there,
    How are you all doing today? I'm doing okay. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night because I had some weird pains in my lower abs. It wasn't like cramps. It was a burning feeling, kind like some one was poking their finger in my right side really hard. It's hard to explain. I've pretty much had some kind of pain going on down there for weeks. lol It's not horrible pain, just annoying. I did wake up from a dream at one point and realized I wasn't in any pain at all! That was nice!
    My son has turned me into a highway. He drives his little cars and trucks on me since I am pretty much immovable now. :laugh:
    My husband went to church and is telling people we are pregnant and I'm on bed rest. I wasn't expecting us to tell people this way. I wanted to be there. :ohwell: One of our friends there is going to talk to the pastor's wife about organizing a group of women to bring meals out for us. She asked me if it was okay if she did that. Like I'm going to turn down free homemade food! lol This morning I made bacon and eggs which took all of ten minutes and I realized I needed to sit down (at least) again. I know some pain is normal but I'm not so sure what I am feeling is normal.
    I am praying for the money to get the sonogram done ($100 which is super cheap I think!) so I can have some peace of mind.
    Today I am working on getting online Christmas shopping done and I am going to attempt to put some of the tree together while laying down. Ha ha. That will be funny. I figure I can at least "branch" out the branches and DH can put them on the pole.
    I've written a novel so I will go for now. Have a blessed day all!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sara-- I'm the same way. I always "wait and see how they are in the morning." Usually they're fine, but we've had middle of the night ER runs for pneumonia years ago for my eldest and just this year for my 11 year old diabetic daughter. I thought she had a tummy bug and was treating her all day thus. Long story short, due to bad insulin, bad judgment on my part, and bad medical counsel by her endocrinologist, when we stopped "waiting to see" and took her into the ER at 3am-- her breathing was now very shallow and she was still puking everything that came her way-- they told us she was in advanced "diabetic ketoacidosis," and her condition was grave. Nice. :noway:

    She was in pediatric intensive care for 2 days, but the Lord spared her-- but it was truly surreal.

    Loki, good call-- better safe than sorry.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member