Anyone starting 30DS tomorrow??



  • nels0071
    nels0071 Posts: 19
    Great job everyone! This is helping me a lot, hope this thread is helping you too.

    Oh, yes I punch her in the face the face for sure. lol and yes my calves feel tight and sore doing jump rope too. I think we just need to stretch more.

    Okay, I finished L1D3 this morning and it was alright. I'm thinking working the same muscles everyday can't be all that good, can it? I'm going to do it anyways, but all you ever hear is allow for a day of recovery in between for strength training.

    I finished under calories yesterday, but had a moment of weakness. Cheetos! Darn it. Well I keep it to a serving so I guess it fine.
  • KelieHerrera
    I am officially hating life. Last night as I was doing my shred workout, during the chest fly section, I put my arm down on a random wasp that had gotten inside my house and it stung me!!! Talk about adding insult to injury.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Taking a rest day in between is more for heavy lifters, and there's been some recent research that says that so long as you're not in pain, you're fine. (this is obviously a paraphrase). Sore is good, it means that your muscles are working and rising to the challenge. I think the key is knowing the difference between sore and pain.

    I'm having trouble with all the jumping, so after the jumping jacks I'm running in place while doing the arm motions instead of the jumping rope. It's helped. So has adding extra stretching at the end.

    Kelie...I clocked my cat with a dumb bell when I was doing chest flies yesterday. He picked the wrong time to try to sneak by... Maybe it's something in the air? (he's okay)
  • KelieHerrera
    I'm waiting for a kid to slither by at the wrong time!
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    Tonight will be my L1D2 of 30DS so I'm right tere with you guys! We can do it!
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Speaking of kids... It happened to me last night. I was doing the lunge/bicep curls and not paying attention to where the moochie was because my husband was in the room... She ran up behind me just as I brought the dumbell down and I hit her in the face. We had a long talk about how if she wants to work out with mommy she needs to stay in front or to the side where I can see her. This morning she had a black eye and I feel just horrible.

    The lesson- I have to get up and do this in the morning before the family is up. Jillian is too dangerous for family consumption!
  • KelieHerrera
    Oh no, I've lost track of what day I am on. I think this is 6. Or 5? LOL, I'm a mess.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    We started the 12th, so this would be day 6.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    i couldn't manage yesterday as my injury was playing up but i will catch up with you guys on it tomorrow.

    Keep going everyone you are all doing great x
  • KelieHerrera
    We started the 12th, so this would be day 6.

    Thank you, what would I do without this site?

    I am feeling SO much stronger already. If you would have told fat, lazy me of a year ago that I could have muscles in just 6 days, I would have started this a lot sooner. Looking forward to level 2 a lot, although honestly I am so irritated by Jillian's voice at this point that I could scream :)
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    If you go under audio options you can turn off her commentary. :D
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    I want to join in too starting tomorrow .. how often do we do it ?
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    A few of us are insane and doing the 30 days straight through, but in all honesty I'd say it's up to you and what you're comfortable with. Good luck!
  • nels0071
    nels0071 Posts: 19
    So I just finished L1D5 this morning. Feeling good, getting easier a little I think. Although, I still stink at push-ups.

    Sorry to those who are injuring family memebers and pets. Who knew this would be so dangerous.

    OMGosh! I am going to turn her voice off tomorrow, she is driving me crazy! Kind nervous for L2, is anyone else?
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    I put her on mute today and cranked my ipod. Lady Gaga made the workout so much easier! I also do the knee pushups, and when those are to hard I resort to box pushups. So... yay! Day 7 done. For whatever reason, today was harder. I think it might be because the hubby woke me up when he crawled into bed at 2 and I wasn't able to get back to sleep right away. I was yawning like crazy throughout!

    Not thinking about level 2 yet... must get through level 1 first. ;)

    How's everyone else?
  • KelieHerrera
    How's everyone else?

    I feel really horrible...I skipped yesterday. I worked all day, and then after work I went to see 311 and Sublime in concert and didn't get home until after midnight, but by then I was a little too inebriated to work out anyway. It was a bad day in terms of not working out, drinking too much, but on the plus side, I didn't pig out.

    I did an extra day of 30DS before you guys, so I am still on track. Right...right? Anyone? No...? Ok then..:)
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    How's everyone else?

    I feel really horrible...I skipped yesterday. I worked all day, and then after work I went to see 311 and Sublime in concert and didn't get home until after midnight, but by then I was a little too inebriated to work out anyway. It was a bad day in terms of not working out, drinking too much, but on the plus side, I didn't pig out.

    I did an extra day of 30DS before you guys, so I am still on track. Right...right? Anyone? No...? Ok then..:)

    Right! The key is to not give up. (Hell, I'd have skipped it for 311 and Sublime too... )
  • nels0071
    nels0071 Posts: 19
    So today would have been my L1D8, but I thought I'd switch it up a bit. This morning I did Bob Harpers Inside Out Method - Pure Burn/Super Strength for 25 mins and then tonight I did L2 D1 of 30DS. Wow am I tired. It was hard! Think I'll finish out my last 2 day at L1 :)

    I might be noticing a change in my arms already, is that possible?

    How's everyone else doing? I see it's been a few days since anyone has posted.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    I am horrible about getting online on the weekends. I spend all week in front of a computer, so I'm mainly on my iphone Saturday and Sunday and can't see the forums.

    I'm kinda dreading tomorrow. First day of level 2! Though I've survived this far, I can keep going.

    Right? :S
  • KelieHerrera
    I have the worst painful shin splints. I can't sleep at night because my knees and legs are aching so bad. I was trying to "push through" the pain for the first 10 days but I can't stand it anymore and I'm afraid I'm doing some kind of damage to my knees. It's to the point that it hurt to kick my legs in the water when I went swimming on Saturday.

    I hate to say it, but I think I'm done with this for awhile :( I don't know if it's because I'm so heavy and it's stressing my legs, or because my family has a history of genetic knee problems, or because a month before I started this I fell and twisted my right knee while hiking and cut it up pretty badly and maybe it's throwing my whole body out of whack, I don't know. I think I'm going to see a doctor about the pain and re-evaluate.