Turkey Bacon is a LIE



  • melzeeryp
    Yup, turkey bacon is processed floor scrapings basically. They tumble the bones, connective tissues, etc in a giant centrifuge thing that strips the bits and pieces off. It then gets mashed and ground together with some of the organs then washed in lye to disinfect it, then washed and rinsed again. Then formed into "bacon".

    Actually it's much more involved but that's the Cliff notes of it. Nasty stuff. Stay away.

    Well.....that is enough to make me want to quit eating bacon!!!! Yuck!!!
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Hmmm...I like turkey bacon much better than piggie bacon. We will stick to turkey bacon :) Turkey sausage on the other hand ~ bleck!

    Same here. I can't stand the taste of real bacon. And regardless if turkey bacon is bad for you, I think it tastes better. But that's just me.