why did you pick your goal weight



  • amberlineilene
    I looked at www.mybodygallery.com and saw that for my height, 115lbs looks best.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    125 was my weight after I had my kids before I started on meds, which lead to me gaining and gaining.
  • 2pinks1blue
    I picked my goal weight because it was the weight I had reached 2 months before I found out I was pregnant with my third child, and I was very happy with my body at that point.
  • ltlane
    ltlane Posts: 120
    i picked my goal weight because it is the higher end of the normal range. i also would like to see what i would look like and feel like at that size, which i havent seen in over 10 years..
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I picked the goal weight 'cause I thought that'd be the weight where belly and moobs will be gone. I guess I'll just keep on losing till I don't see 'em anymore.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I've set my goal at the top end of my healthy BMI. I have big hands and feet (really) and am generally what would be termed 'big boned'. I think the upper end of my BMI will actually be more than thin enough, given my frame!
  • millionsofpeaches
    I picked mine as a happy medium...

    I peaked in 2005 at 165 (heaviest weight)
    I was the smallest ever in 2007 at 120 (way too skinny...)
    I peaked again in 2011 at 149 and saw that I could be headed back to that 165 number...
    I am currently 142

    My goal is 130/135 - Although I am not really attached to this number I am just going on how I feel and how my clothes feel... I just want to be toned and healthy!!! :)
  • dawnmichelea
    dawnmichelea Posts: 112 Member
    I don't really have a goal weight yet. When my thighs stop jiggling when I walk, then I'll know I'm at my goal weight! (I think I'm pretty close!)
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Come on! Let's here some good ones. I know there are people out there that want to fit into a certain dress or that itty bitty bikini!

    OK - bearing the truth (& potential ridicule from any of my MFP's that see this!)...
    I also promised my new Hubby that if I hit 138 (which I haven't been since middle school), I'll walk around the house neked for a full day... providing it's been fully cleaned top to bottom day before (I refused to clean it neked, that's just gross ;P)
  • kezziemc
    kezziemc Posts: 51 Member
    Mine is where I felt most comfy (not bloated/jeans not digging in etc)