600 Calorie Mistake...Not gonna happen again!



  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I'm kinda shocked that it doesn't have more calories than that. If you gotta have it once in a while, buy the individual cups that have about 250 calories and 5 grams of fat.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I know I'm like a broken record on this but I don't think it's a good idea to completely give up a food you enjoy. Look instead for ways to work it in better. Can you eat just a 1/4 of a box per meal? Can you have on a day where you do some extra exercise and have the room for some additional calories? Otherwise is there an alternative to kraft that you would enjoy just as much? If you have cravings for a food that you try to give up cold turkey, you're setting yourself up for binging,cheating and/or failure. Plus why deprive yourself. Eating a healthy diet can and should be enjoyable.


    Sucks that the calories blindsided you on the Kraft Dinner. I bet you'll figure out how to work it in next time you're having the craving!
  • jtabor31
    jtabor31 Posts: 4 Member
    I hate that. I had my favorite smoothie from Robeks the other day just to find out it was 400 cals and 100 carbs. I was super bummed. But like others have said, everything in moderation.
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    Cheesecake Factory is famous for hiding all of its nutritional information, but I found a couple of places where they estimated the calories and other specs for all of their foods. OH MY GOOOOOOODNESS or, should I say, badness.....there is not a single thing on that menu that doesn't meet or exceed ALL of my allowances for the entire day and some for the entire week!! In my mind, the place went out of business last July.

    Krispy Kreme.......OMG....when the glazed are hot, I can put almost an entire dozen in my mouth at one time. Here on Long Island, we lost all of them, but when I go to Virginia...that is another story! I have not had a donut for 13 months now. Usually, I am OK, but sometimes it is really hard, like I miss my best friend.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Cheesecake Factory is famous for hiding all of its nutritional information, but I found a couple of places where they estimated the calories and other specs for all of their foods. OH MY GOOOOOOODNESS or, should I say, badness.....there is not a single thing on that menu that doesn't meet or exceed ALL of my allowances for the entire day and some for the entire week!! In my mind, the place went out of business last July.

    Krispy Kreme.......OMG....when the glazed are hot, I can put almost an entire dozen in my mouth at one time. Here on Long Island, we lost all of them, but when I go to Virginia...that is another story! I have not had a donut for 13 months now. Usually, I am OK, but sometimes it is really hard, like I miss my best friend.

    This is why I'm glad the Krispy Kreme near me quickly went out of business just a couple years after it opened.
  • hufflepuffin
    Mac and Cheese? SO EVIL. Sometimes I just get random cravings for stuff like Mac and Cheese or chips, and other things I rarely have. I treat myself, regret it, and vow to never do it again! If you did Kraft Mac and Cheese, did you do the light prep?

    EDIT: If I feel like splurging, I look for other alternatives on www.skinnytaste.com :)

    OMG!! Thank you for this!!! :)
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    I don't even want to think about what a disaster it would be if I made Kraft mac and Cheese (Its not even in my house right now).... The only good thing (if you could even call it that) would be that I have never made it according to the directions which means no butter but probably twice the amount of skim milk... Made it this way once a a kid for lunch and I have been making it that way ever since. I love boxed mac and cheese made "soupy" and in college I would eat it straight out of the pot - the whole thing for dinner... MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • AlmostMrsP
    AlmostMrsP Posts: 65 Member
    My fiance would live off Kraft Mac and Cheese if I would let him. He will seriously eat a whole box for dinner regularly (good thing he is lean and has a great metabolism).

    Trader Joe's has a frozen Mac and Cheese that is low in cal and still tasty. It's not the same, but certainly a good low cal alternative. If you have a store near you check it out.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    So, I was craving Kraft Dinner today. I haven't had it in ages. I know it's not particularly good for you...but I wanted something cheesy. After I consumed half a box..(I only cook half a box)...I decided to put it into MFP. Only to discover it was 600 calories. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!!! I went to the recycling box and took out the box to read it for myself. Yup...I had consumed 600 calories (half my calories for today). Never ever will I make that mistake again. I took the rest of the box and threw it out...no more Kraft Dinner for me...EVER!!!

    no worries. I ate 858 calories at Carl's Jr. at 4 am. Don't ask. ridiculous.
  • MamaMizzle
    MamaMizzle Posts: 44 Member
    Yikes! Live and Learn! Don't beat yourself up.
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    If you're craving mac and cheese, eat Michael Season's cheese puffs! They taste just like mac and cheese and 2 cups is only 130 calories! Num num!
  • valleyfrog2
    I go to a weight loss clinic and for my lunch im alowed 300 cals and the microwave one serving size kraft dinner is only 220 cals so if you only do the microwave size then I think its ok thats if your on a 1200 call diet like me