.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    I didn't lose yesterday, but I wasn't really expecting to since I ate rather poorly while watching football on Sunday and am holding onto some water weight. I did work out each day over the weekend though, which was one of my major goals.

    Goal 1 - Get rid of this water weight
    Goal 2 - Train for Run For Your Lives 3 days this week, lift the other days (rest day Sunday)
    Goal 3 - Watch the salty foods and avoid a water weight gain next week!!

    GW: 130.5
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    My measurements stayed the same but I lost a pound making me 194.

    My goals for this week are to log all my exercise and eat half.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope things are going well. It is Wednesday! Happy Hump Day. How is everything going this week.

    Things are going great here. My finger is starting to not throb all the time which is great. Hopefully it will be better by the weekend, at least enough that I can take advantage of the perfect running weather we are expecting. I am trying to have a great week because I know this weekend is going to be really tough (which is why I am hoping to be able to run by then). Saturday we are having a birthday party for my son (he is turning 1 on 9/22). It is just a BBQ with hamburgs/ hotdogs, mac salad, pot salad and come snack foods. It shouldn't be to hard to stay on track since I am going to be busy playing hostess. On Sunday I have a baby shower to attend to and it is brunch buffet at a restaurant. Brunch is my favorite! That will be tough but on the plus side my mom who is currently trying to eat healthier will be there and will help me stay on track.

    Only 3.5 weeks until vacation! I don't think I am going to hit my goal before vacation (150) but I am going to keep chipping away even if it is 0.1 lbs at a time. Hope you are all having a great week! Lets do this.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Wow - woke up to frost on the car. Not ready for that. Also not ready to turn the heat on in the house but it was cold. I have been eating pretty good so far this week. I started 30 Day Shred Tuesday morning plus back to running at night. I had to take Monday off from everything. I was just so exhausted. I have no big plans this weekend. I would really like to go for another bike ride, but only if I can find a little pillow to sit on...bum still hurts from the last ride :laugh:
  • 3ricaAnn
    Started to see a little definition back in my abs yesterday :) now if I could just stay motivated I'd be doing great! I have been under calories but haven't been exercising like I need to be.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I have decided to try and keep away from the scale except for Mondays. I know everyone says no more than once a week, but it was kinda nice to see it go down a little bit each day. Well for the past 2 weeks it creeps up a little everyday. It is really depressing and makes me feel like all this work is for nothing. So away it goes and only will see the light of day on Mondays. :happy:
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    That's the way to do it cdngrl81. I know how hard it is not to step on it everyday! I stop myself several times a week. And as I have seen on many posts, even if you are not losing weight you may be losing inches!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I have decided to try and keep away from the scale except for Mondays. I know everyone says no more than once a week, but it was kinda nice to see it go down a little bit each day. Well for the past 2 weeks it creeps up a little everyday. It is really depressing and makes me feel like all this work is for nothing. So away it goes and only will see the light of day on Mondays. :happy:

    So I did it!! I made it through the day without weighing myself!! :happy:
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    So I have decided to try and keep away from the scale except for Mondays. I know everyone says no more than once a week, but it was kinda nice to see it go down a little bit each day. Well for the past 2 weeks it creeps up a little everyday. It is really depressing and makes me feel like all this work is for nothing. So away it goes and only will see the light of day on Mondays. :happy:

    I struggle with this. I am in such a habit of weighing everyday that I automatically step on. I did put it away for a week over the summer but I decided it didn't make me any more or less focused so I put it back out.
  • 3ricaAnn
    So I have decided to try and keep away from the scale except for Mondays. I know everyone says no more than once a week, but it was kinda nice to see it go down a little bit each day. Well for the past 2 weeks it creeps up a little everyday. It is really depressing and makes me feel like all this work is for nothing. So away it goes and only will see the light of day on Mondays. :happy:

    I struggle with this. I am in such a habit of weighing everyday that I automatically step on. I did put it away for a week over the summer but I decided it didn't make me any more or less focused so I put it back out.

    I'm forced to stay away from the scale because mine broke and my hubby refuses to let me buy a new one :(
  • 3ricaAnn
    Is it time for remeasuring yet?
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Hello again, I hope everyone is doing well.

    I think I did pretty good on my goals this week. I fit in two spin classes, a weightlifting class and a light workout on the elliptical. I stayed close to my calorie goals. As long as I keep on track this weekend I hope to have a nice loss.

    I think it is time for measurements...am I correct?

    As for my goals, my weekend will be very busy. My boys have soccer games all weekend, but I intend to do my best sticking to my plan. I may take off from working out tonight or try to fit in a short walk or dvd.
    Saturday morning spin class
    Sunday either spin or bike outside.
    plan my meals ahead and stay close to my calorie goals
    drink my water
    Have a loss to report on Monday!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Happy Friday :drinker: Hope all had a good week. Mine was so-so. Need to have a good weekend to see any loss on Monday.

    My goals:
    Run 6 miles Saturday morning
    bike 10+ miles
    drink plenty of water
    no bad foods
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    My weekend goals:

    1) 1weekend workout
    2) Stay under my calories
    3) Stay away from the scale

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    8-15: 159.0
    8-22: 162.4
    8-29: 158.0
    9-6: No weigh in
    9-12: 156.2
    9-19: 156.0

    Considering the large quantity of CRAP I ate this weekend I am extremely happy to see this number. Friday started with the most wonderfully delicious Lobster Mac and Cheese I have ever had. Saturday we had my son's first birthday party which was a BBQ with hamburgers, hot dogs, mac salad, potato salad. Then Sunday I went to a baby shower brunch and the food was so wonderful. To escape without a gain makes me REALLY happy.

    This week is going to be tough. Thursday is my son's actually B-day and we are spending the day at the BIG E. That means a ton of walking but it also means Fair Food! It is going to be a struggle. Friday we are going out to dinner to celebrate my son's b-day and my b-day (on Saturday). Then Saturday we are going to visit my mom and dad and I am sure the food choices available will be less than stellar. With all that being said my goals for this week.

    - Drink water! I have been horrible about this now that it isn't hot out anymore
    - Exercise.
    - Make smart choices (the lesser of the evils :-0)
    - Spend less time on the computer!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Although I did not accomplish my goals this weekend - rainy and too cold - I did see a loss this morning!

    weigh-in was 174...that is a 2 pound loss from last week :glasses:
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    After spending last week totally exhausted all the time, I've decided to spend a week listening to my body so I can find the right balance of nutrient/calorie intake while I train for Run For Your Lives. I've been obsessing too much about the scale not moving lately, so I've decided not to weigh in this week while I figure out how to keep my energy level up.

    Goals for this week:
    1) Do not weigh in until next week
    2) Eat enough to feel satisfied, but not use this as an excuse to "boredom" snack.
    3) Run: Tues/Thurs/Sat, Lift: Mon/Wed/Sun
    4) Drink at least 80 oz of water a day

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and great job to you ladies who recorded a loss this week!!!
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Sigh...I'm up this week, and therefore not posting, but I also know it's due to TOM...so not terribly worried.

    On a positive note yesterday I measured my neck, waist and hips - my neck was down 1 inch (really????), my waist and hips each 1.5 inches. I was really floored by the measurment thing...
  • Shamrock40
    8-15: 159.0
    8-22: 162.4
    8-29: 158.0
    9-6: No weigh in
    9-12: 156.2
    9-19: 156.0

    Considering the large quantity of CRAP I ate this weekend I am extremely happy to see this number. Friday started with the most wonderfully delicious Lobster Mac and Cheese I have ever had. Saturday we had my son's first birthday party which was a BBQ with hamburgers, hot dogs, mac salad, potato salad. Then Sunday I went to a baby shower brunch and the food was so wonderful. To escape without a gain makes me REALLY happy.

    This week is going to be tough. Thursday is my son's actually B-day and we are spending the day at the BIG E. That means a ton of walking but it also means Fair Food! It is going to be a struggle. Friday we are going out to dinner to celebrate my son's b-day and my b-day (on Saturday). Then Saturday we are going to visit my mom and dad and I am sure the food choices available will be less than stellar. With all that being said my goals for this week.

    - Drink water! I have been horrible about this now that it isn't hot out anymore
    - Exercise.
    - Make smart choices (the lesser of the evils :-0)
    - Spend less time on the computer!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Your son has the same birthday as me! I am not going to be that strict this week, because I have my 40th birthday on Thursday, and I have lunches out and dinner tomorrow night and Friday night. My weight is the same as last week 216. I started celebrating early, so I wasn't expecting a loss.

    Anyway, I hope you all are doing well and had a good weekend.

    Take care ladies!

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    It is check in day! I can't check in with weight because I am using my Wii (Wii fit)and my tv decided to take a dive. So while my Wii still works, I can't SEE what it is saying :laugh: I did take measurements, though

    Neck: 13 1/2...not sure I am going to lose any more there...if so not a noticeable amount
    Arms: 12 which I find odd, no loss recorded, but I know a shirt I wore the other day felt looser
    Bust: 38
    Waist 33 1/2
    Belly roll: 38 1/2
    Hips 42 1/2
    Thighs 24
    Calves 14 1/2

    so I lost a couple inches this last week...YAY!!! Of COURSE the biggest loss is in my bust; just figures!
    I'm pretty sure I lost some weight too, but as I said my scale isn't readable today. I am going to see what I can do to weigh in tomorrow.

    My goals: well I didn't make my goals last week. I DID mimic my school schedule,but didn't get the water amount every day that I wanted, nor did I do my pilates 3 times...I was sick 3 days though so that is my reason for missing the last one.

    Goals for this week:
    Continue to mimic my school schedule, but even more so, adding being ready to walk out the door at the right time, eating the kinds of food I will be eating (brown bagging a LOT) etc.
    Pilates 3 times, minimum of 40 minutes each time
    Walk 5 times with my husband
    Drink enough to not wake up thirsty the next day