.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Yes! It's time for remeasuring!
    You can post them here!!
    Awesome job with losses, ladies!!

    I was 180.0 today- no change. But at least it hasn't crept up!!

    So happy to see great results from everyone!!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    LW: 158.2
    CW: 158.4

    Damn!! I actually was a little happy this morning cuz I thought I was 158.8 last week.

    1) Do 5 workouts this week
    2) Stay under calories (I have to make sure I do this one!!)
    3) Try to get at least 8 glasses of water
  • 3ricaAnn
    My goals for the week are the same as last week.
    My weight I'm pretty sure it has not dropped but will find out as soon as possible.
    I meassured myelf over the weekend and nothing has changed :/ but I am going to do it again tomorrow morning to see if I just measured wrong or something.
    Hope all you ladies are doing great!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    I had read somewhere that it is best to measure in the morning - something about your body tends to bloat throughout the day. I will take some measurements tomorrow morning and see if I have any changes.
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi all! My weight this week is 193.....finally the scale moving in the right direction! :)
  • KaeChelle
    My weight as of yesterday morning was 271.8. Last week it was 278. I'm not sure how that can be. That was from my Wii Fit Balance Board, which is what I've been weighing on all along. It could be that last week I gained after a huge splurge all weekend while on vacation, then getting back on track during the week caused me to lose that excess. I have no idea... or my scale could have been off. I'm afraid to get back on and see it go back up!
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I weigh 192 so I've lost 2lbs this week. My measurements are the same:(
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So here are my new measurements for this week:
    Bust: (right across nipples) 37
    Waist: 29.5
    Hips (widest part!): 41
    Arms: (where they jiggle!) R- 11.5, L-11.5
    Thighs: (widest part!) R- 24, L- 24.5
    Neck: 13
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    My measurements:
    ura 12.4 = 0
    ula 12 = 0
    bust 40.5 = -1
    waist 35.5 = -.5
    abs 41 = -5
    hips 41.5 = -.5
    urt 23 = 0
    ult 22 = 0
    l.calf 15 = 0
    r.calf = 0

    So, I have seen some losses since we started...total of -2.5. Pretty good
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    My measurements 9/20:

    Bust: 26 (-0.5)
    Waist: 29 (-0.75)
    Navel: 34.5 (-0.5)
    Hips: 40.0 (-0.5)
    LC/RC: 16 each (-0.0)
    LA/RA: 13/12.75 (0.0)
    RTh/Lth: 24 each (-0.5 each)
    Neck: 12.75 (-0.25)

    Total loss: 3.5 inches.

  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi ladies,

    My weight is up this week by .02 - 158.8. I think the chinese takeout I had Sunday afternoon wrecked havoc on my weigh in this week.

    I'll try to take my measurements tonight.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Awesome job ladies!! The inches and pounds are flying off everyone!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    I hooked the Wii up to a different tv, no weight lost this week....sigh....I really thought there was going to be some change! Oh well off I go to sweat some more off! There's always next week :)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    My measurements 9/20:

    Bust: 26 (-0.5)
    Waist: 29 (-0.75)
    Navel: 34.5 (-0.5)
    Hips: 40.0 (-0.5)
    LC/RC: 16 each (-0.0)
    LA/RA: 13/12.75 (0.0)
    RTh/Lth: 24 each (-0.5 each)
    Neck: 12.75 (-0.25)

    Total loss: 3.5 inches.

    Bust is 36 not 26
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    My friend asked me if I wanted to meet at Hunan (chinese buffet) for lunch today...much as I wanted to, I declined. She said I have awesome will power :happy: I told her that when I lose 4 more pounds and get to my 90 mark, I will treat myself to the buffet. She said she will treat me to lunch when I get there. Now, there is some motivation for me :laugh:
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    This week has been a mess. I was so proud of how I was last weekend. I didn't overindulge and was ready to get b ack into it. Monday was great. Then I stopped tracking and gave in to all my weaknesses. I mean, I could have been worse but I definitely didn't make any pretenses of watching what I was eating or trying to make the healthier of the choices. Now I feel like I have been hit by a bus and am feeling like I can't get back to it. I haven't felt this defeated in a long time. I don't know if being so close to my goal has done something to me mentally but since I realized that I am only a few pounds away it has been a horrible downward spiral. I need to stop it now and get back on track.

    Weekend goals:
    - Track everything (no matter how bad)
    - No major over indugling on Saturday (my b-day)
    - Stop beating myself up for every little slip up
    - No scale until next week- no need to discourage myself with flucations.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    drcarrier - sorry you had a bad week. you are so close - you can do it! Happy Birthday on Saturday!

    I have had a really good week. Stayed within my calories everyday so far, did 30DS no matter how many times I tried talking myself out of it and walking when I can even if I had to use the treadmill cause of the weather. It is going to be a nice weekend. Plan on doing a 5k with my daughter tomorrow morning and hopefully getting in a bike ride and more walking or running. Leaves are starting to fall - time to dig out the rake. It is our local Pumpkin Fest, plan on walking around town taking in all the activities.

    I am only 24 pounds away from my ultimate goal. It is a constant struggle. Many people ask me if I can afford to lose more weight. My daughter was after me last night cause she doesn't think I need to lose anymore. I told her that I am the one that sees me naked and I am still not satisfied with the way I look - may never be. Even after almost 2 years and 86 pounds, I still see that fat person. I think I always will.

    goals this weekend:
    drink water (always seem to forget on the weekends)
    walk lots
    stay within calories
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    dcarrier - hang in there! you are doing great and are so close! Happy Birthday!

    thamre- you are doing great too! We all are own worst critics. 86lbs is and awesome accomplishment!

    Shamrock/Bridget - Happy (belated) birthday!!!

    I had a so-so week. I have been feeling extra hungry so I have been eating. Must be impending TOM.

    My weekend goals:
    I think I will take off tonight but I will take spin class Saturday morning, either Spin or bike ride on Sunday.
    I seem to slack a little on the weekends, so I will work on this. I will take a water bottle wherever I go also.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Hi everyone!! So the weekend is almost here and I promise to myself that I will not let myself go and overeat (as usual). It is just another 2 days.

    1) Stay under calories
    2) Workout tonight
    3) Try to get in 8 glasses of water each day
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Did everyone have a good weekend? Mine was ok. I stayed within my calories, just didn't get the extra walking I wanted to :(

    Weigh in: 176

    I did not gain or lose this week.