When you just don't want to workout...



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i put my pj's on and go to bed...I work out at night, so if i don't make it., then I don't go...but i can't stay up and stuff my face, so showering and going to bed is the alternative
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    So usually I like doing workout videos like Insanity, Jillian and ChaLean Xtreme but there are just some days when I REALLY don't have the motivation to do a video. I'm not quite sure what to do during those moments...

    What do you do when you just don't have the motivation to do anything? I don't want to go for walks because I don't like walking around town and have nowhere else to walk. I WOULD just jump on a treadmill and go...if I had one...soooo what do you do when you don't wanna workout? Any ideas of what I can do?

    ETA: Just doing it doesn't work. I end up slacking all the way through it (If I get through it at all) then I feel horrible at the end because I slacked and I feel like a failure so just doing it doesn't help. I usually don't even get through the warm up.
    This is an indication that you're bored with the exercises. You need some new stuff. Try a boot camp DVD. Hard as hell and time goes by fast.
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    invite somebody over to work out with you on those days and that way you have to do it. or... if you have some kind of video game console play one of the games that is active. but i love the other suggestions (just do it!, get out a picture that will motivate you, or just dance).
  • sandrajessica
    sandrajessica Posts: 6 Member
    I run into this problem ALL. THE. TIME...and I would like to tell you to JUST DO IT - but that doesnt work for me either. When I dont wanna - I DONT WANNA. But, what does work for me when I'm feeling like this - is HOUSEWORK!

    I know it sounds lame, but put on some tunes or turn on your favorite show and...

    pick up clutter
    sweep the floors
    get your laundry sorted, washed, dryed, folded and put away
    dust the furniture
    scrub the shower

    ...any of these activities is bound to burn up at least a few calories! And if you're anything like me, 6 loads of laundry and a sparkley clean bathroom later my feet hurt and I need some R&R. Then at least your chores are done and you feel slightly better about skipping that workout :)
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    SHOP. ;)

    Seriously, when I do this, at least I've walked the entire length of the mall both ways, both upstairs and downstairs... and I will park far away... I often don't even buy anything (or I just get like a $5 necklace or something at Target I needed anyway...)
    Agreed. When you just don't feel like doing something, don't. Shopping burns calories especially if you buy heavy things like cat food and push the cart all over the store like Walmart. Trying on clothes also burns calories and it is also motivation to get to the gym the next day.

    Another idea is cleaning - your house, your car, yourself. I like to blare my favorite tunes and get to it. Before you know it you're drenched in sweat then you have a clean house to enjoy. :) Good luck!
  • jaybee25
    jaybee25 Posts: 117
    bump :)
  • greatdragon
    put a movie on my tablet and go over the apartments ( or other ) gym and just do cardio, or go for a bike ride on a real bike out side.

    but then again I am not a huge fan of fitness videos.
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    Log on to MFP and check out the success stories. I swear it always gets me motivated!!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    This probably sounds stupid but it's worth a try? How about looking over some before pictures? Let your body relax and linger over some pictures of the you, you are trying to make healthier.... Look at where you were and how far you have come... Clean your house even if it's already clean.

    If still you just don't feel like it, maybe you just need to rest a bit.

    Hmmm.. I think I'm gonna take a picture of me now, while I'm still overweight. Some kind of picture that I will make large to help motivate me later on down the road... giggle... I can picture it now... A HUGE picture of me in my sports bra and shorts. My flab covering all the bones that my MFP friends claim is really in there... I have yet to see those bones, but I'm just believing in the unseen for now...

    I suggest take a time to reflect on where you are going. Try going over some MFP blogs and see if you can motivate someone else. That just might help motivate you too...
  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    I run into this problem ALL. THE. TIME...and I would like to tell you to JUST DO IT - but that doesnt work for me either. When I dont wanna - I DONT WANNA. But, what does work for me when I'm feeling like this - is HOUSEWORK!

    I know it sounds lame, but put on some tunes or turn on your favorite show and...

    pick up clutter
    sweep the floors
    get your laundry sorted, washed, dryed, folded and put away
    dust the furniture
    scrub the shower

    ...any of these activities is bound to burn up at least a few calories! And if you're anything like me, 6 loads of laundry and a sparkley clean bathroom later my feet hurt and I need some R&R. Then at least your chores are done and you feel slightly better about skipping that workout :)

    Hands Down THIS ^ is the best answer ever!
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I go to the gym. That makes me work with intensity even when I don't really feel like it because I don't want to look like a slacker in front of the other gym-goers. Besides, about 25 minutes into it my adreniline and happy hormones get going and I"m happy I went.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    This probably sounds stupid but it's worth a try? How about looking over some before pictures? Let your body relax and linger over some pictures of the you, you are trying to make healthier.... Look at where you were and how far you have come... Clean your house even if it's already clean.

    If still you just don't feel like it, maybe you just need to rest a bit.

    Hmmm.. I think I'm gonna take a picture of me now, while I'm still overweight. Some kind of picture that I will make large to help motivate me later on down the road... giggle... I can picture it now... A HUGE picture of me in my sports bra and shorts. My flab covering all the bones that my MFP friends claim is really in there... I have yet to see those bones, but I'm just believing in the unseen for now...

    I suggest take a time to reflect on where you are going. Try going over some MFP blogs and see if you can motivate someone else. That just might help motivate you too...

    I was actually never very big to begin with so before pictures of me won't work. I've always been just like 5 pounds "overweight".
  • IggyL
    IggyL Posts: 181 Member
    There have been some awesome suggestions and I don't mean to be disrespectful but it seems like you have an answer and an excuse for every suggestion that has been provided to you. YOU have to make up your mind to do it and follow through. If YOU keep making excuses then it won't work.

    I wish you luck in finding a solution.
  • greatdragon
    :laugh: I love the I don't want to look like a slacker, but the last time I was at my gym there where 3 guys banging weights around. so when I sat down I did the lowest weight that I could deal with and did 15sets of 100 reps just to piss them off. so I don't think that would work for me.....

    But I still think it great advice
  • greatdragon
    :laugh: I love the I don't want to look like a slacker, but the last time I was at my gym there where 3 guys banging weights around. so when I sat down I did the lowest weight that I could deal with and did 15sets of 100 reps just to piss them off. so I don't think that would work for me.....

    But I still think it great advice
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    I usually HTFU and do it anyways.

    Excellent answer Panda Bear.
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    . I WOULD just jump on a treadmill and go...if I had one

    I used to be that way, always using machnes to work out. Then someone pointed out the environmental impact of that choice, and encouraged me to use the outdoors for my walking/running weather-permitting.

    I would have never thought of it that way, but ever since I try to minimize my impact on the earth my fitness routine has.

    Just a suggestion, kind of off topic.
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member

    Yup, dance!!!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    There have been some awesome suggestions and I don't mean to be disrespectful but it seems like you have an answer and an excuse for every suggestion that has been provided to you. YOU have to make up your mind to do it and follow through. If YOU keep making excuses then it won't work.

    I wish you luck in finding a solution.

    It's just the I've tried it all! Most of the suggestions are "Just do it" and TRUST ME I have done it. And I could get through a whole workout like that...but the problem is at the end I feel WORSE than when I started because I just CAN'T put the effort into it. Usually I workout with a lot of intensity so if i slack through the workout I just feel horrible. And with that kind of lack of intensity I don't consider it a workout so then my time was just wasted.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    There have been some awesome suggestions and I don't mean to be disrespectful but it seems like you have an answer and an excuse for every suggestion that has been provided to you. YOU have to make up your mind to do it and follow through. If YOU keep making excuses then it won't work.

    I wish you luck in finding a solution.

    It's just the I've tried it all! Most of the suggestions are "Just do it" and TRUST ME I have done it. And I could get through a whole workout like that...but the problem is at the end I feel WORSE than when I started because I just CAN'T put the effort into it. Usually I workout with a lot of intensity so if i slack through the workout I just feel horrible. And with that kind of lack of intensity I don't consider it a workout so then my time was just wasted.

    Which makes you feel worse then? Getting through a workout after doing what you feel like is only half the effort you would normally have, or skipping workouts altogether because you just don't feel like it?

    Sounds to me like you just have to change the way you think about your workouts. You can tell yourself to feel guilty for not putting as much into your workouts, or you can tell yourself "good job" for getting it done.