Stay At Home Mommies Unite! 60 Day Challenge Week 5



  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    28,342 Calories burned so far, just since wednesday! That is amazing ladies!!! I have noticed some of you still haven't filled this out, come on ladies we can do this and for those of you who have..Great Job!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Okay Ladies, I need some help! I want to post some pics, but I can't download to my computer right now, (still resolving problems from a computer crash).
    So, my question is...if i take a pic with my phone and send it to my email, how do I send it to photobucket? Can I send it to photobucket from my email or do I have to upload from my computer??
    Thanks in advance for any help! I'll be checking in tomorrow morning looking for answers!
    Night all!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Okay, I was just skimming thru the spreadsheet while I entered my calories burned for today, and how in the h3ll are some of you guys burning 700 & 800 calories a day?! Holy Moly, I'm working out three times a day and only getting around 450 +/- on average. What kind of workouts are you guys doing??? Please share, I might need to change my routine!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Cardiovascular Minutes Calories Burned
    Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort 8 107
    Walking, 3.5 mph, uphill 10 101
    Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace 45 287
    Bicycling, 12-14 mph, moderate (cycling, biking, bike riding) 35 470

    Total of 965 calories

    This was my day, and I am hevier than you so I burn more probably.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    We should all share how we burn our calories here to give eachother idaes. So lets see it ladies, how do you burn those calories?

    I just copied mine from my exercise journal here, it was super easy!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Sorry this took me so long!



    1. ORANGE TEAM WITH A LOSS OF 7.1 POUNDS!!! Great job Orange Team, you are all doing fantastic!
    2. Yellow Team - loss of 5.8 pounds!
    3. Pink Team- Loss of 5.2 pounds!


    Great job! Make sure to add an extra point to your team point line.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Okay, I was just skimming thru the spreadsheet while I entered my calories burned for today, and how in the h3ll are some of you guys burning 700 & 800 calories a day?! Holy Moly, I'm working out three times a day and only getting around 450 +/- on average. What kind of workouts are you guys doing??? Please share, I might need to change my routine!!!

    Even I had the same question 2 days back on the green team and Karie did answer that... :-)

    But today I had a great burn too... 900+ for the first time, usually i never cross 500 but these days due to my dance I burning a little more... :-)
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Blah. Anyone have lots of loose skin? I took my usual weekly pictures, and even though I'm losing weight, I feel like I'm looking bigger. My tummy is just full of loose skin :( I was so excited to take my first pictures in the 140s and they were so disappointing! Anyway, that's my little rant of the day. Stupid loose skin!

    Depending on how much weigh you have lost/ will loose, some of that extra skin will not "firm up" and can only be removed with surgery; I have a lot of excess skin myself. I don't know if I could go through with surgery though, scares me...
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    We should all share how we burn our calories here to give eachother idaes. So lets see it ladies, how do you burn those calories?

    I just copied mine from my exercise journal here, it was super easy!

    So Far I've burned:
    Wed. 8/17 Treadmill warm-up & personal training (weights + core), Calories burned = 200
    Thu. 8/18 24 Set (step aerobics with weights) & Yoga Calories burned = 498
    Fri. 8/19 Spin & Pilates, Calories burned = 548
    Sat. 8/20 Elliptical (10 min. warm up) & Body Pump, Calories burned = 298
    So far Week 5, TOTAL Calories burned = 1544

    Guess I gotta get moving!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I WANT TO LOSE 5 POUNDS THIS WEEK! LOL. I feel like I have worked hard enough!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    My calories are coming from a mixture of 30ds (usually just over 200 cals) and walking/running C25K on the treadmill(200-300 cals). I find that I do the best when I have routine. Actually, the weekly calorie goal has really pushed me. I set the number higher than my normal burn but based on what I've done so far should likely go over.
    I, too, am amazed by the 800+ calorie burns. Now that's a commitment.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    My calorie burn is also coming from 30DS, plus doing at least 30 min aerobics too. Some days, it's 45-60 min plus, and on crazy high days-- I'm mowing the lawn using our push mower. I'm a little afraid that once my HRM gets here, it will tell me that I was way over on my estimates for my calories.. but we'll see!

    That said, I had an unplanned day off on Sat, only got my workout finished now today ( it's 10:30) and to meet my goal, I have to do over 1800 between tomorrow and Tuesday. Crapperdoodles!!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I am back and show was a big hit.. I had few of them walking to me and being appreciative.. One elderly person was like I did a good job... Everything was perfect except my belly Now I have to have to lose that fat...

    Thanks for all the wishes and I was confident on stage... they gave me a break after each song... and I didn't realize that if I was ok...

    My hubby too liked it...

    Organizers have taken the video of my performance, will post it in youtube once i receive it.. We could capture few snaps, not very good but will post them here... Had a great day...

    Have burnt a bit of my calories... but took a day off on my strength for today...

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge:
    What excuses have you made (to yourself or others) in the past for your weight, and how do you stop yourself from falling back into the "I am heavy because...." attitude?

    I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in 2005 and that has been my "way out". I have blamed that for years, I would workout a few weeks and wouldn't lose anything and give up saying "it must be my thyroid" Then of course like alot of you, I blamed getting pregnant. Yes it may be a bit more difficult to lose this weight having no thyroid but I now know that I can do this! No more excuses, In life having comparisons helps me alot and being on MFP and meeting all of you I have learned alot! There are some of you who are single moms, working moms, only have your husbands home on the weekend, have kids with health issues and I say if they can do this so can I!!! I believe I have gained the strength to no longer place blame but only have accountability!

    If for some reason I begin to fall back in my old ways when I start work in October (I am confident I won't) I hope all of you will give me a swift kick in the rear!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Here is a list of my calorie burn for the week:
    AM -weight lifting 60min
    noon- aerobics 20 min (butt bible)
    PM- walking 3.5 mph, 45 min
    AM- walking 3.5mph, 45 min
    noon - aerobics 20 min (butt bible)
    PM- walking 3.5mph, 45 min
    same as Mon
    same as Tues
    same as Mon
    AM -walking 3.5mph, 45 min
    PM- walking 3.5 mph, 45 min (this one is a big maybe, it depends on what's going on that day)

    I don't usually do the aerobics everyday, I only started to add more of a calorie burn for this challenge, but I might start adding something in since school has started and I have the house to myself at nap time now.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    Walking, 3.5 mph, uphill for 70 mins
    Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog for 20 mins
    Rope jumping, moderate, general for 15 mins
    TOTAL= 721 calories burn

    *plus i do the strength exercises listed below, but do not log the calories burned:

    50 Squats
    25 Push Ups (push-ups)
    100 Sit-Ups
    30 Lunges

    (Some days I do a combination of Insanity cardio work out and walking, along with the strength exercises listed and the average burn is between 500 and 750 a day).

    *Also, don't forget that two people doing to same work out will have different caloric burn rates because of the weight differential. And muscle/fat ratio. For instance, my husband is 221 lbs and I am 149 lbs, and if we both walk for 45 minutes at a 4.0 pace he burns on average 500 calories when I only burn half of that. Not fair... just sayin lol. :)
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    I usually burn my calories by doing (usually) 30-50 minutes of the Biggest Loser game on the Wii, then usually 20-30 minute workout video (I have quite the collection, but when trying to ramp up my cals burned like to do kickboxing ones), then in the evenings I go for a 1-2 hour walk/run.
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Loving the cardio challenge & spreadsheet, can we do it again next week I didn't realise we were doing it till sat! It's SO getting me motivated! Did 50 lengths instead of 30 at swimming earlier and doing a 2 hour walk tomorrow! I think a challenge next week should be to burn a percentage, e.g. 10% more cals than this week!