women only!!!!



  • inn0c3ntbbygrlx3
    I was kind of kidding on the size matters comment. lol

    So, its like 330 AM, any one else tired right now... Oh wait, I forgot, all the men are sleeping and I am alone with all these women talking about size and how it matters... How did I get to be the lucky one?

    hey, size matters to guys as well, so fairs fair :P
    and that is so true in more ways than one! lol
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    2 things:

    1. I'm usually the only male in my Zumba class
    2. I posted a serious "men only" thread a while back and... well you know...
  • inn0c3ntbbygrlx3
    2 things:

    1. I'm usually the only male in my Zumba class
    2. I posted a serious "men only" thread a while back and... well you know...
    im sorry us girls are curious! :)
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    Well, you can't go hating on men on the entire 1st page of this thread then say, sorry we're curious! Oh wait, yes you CAN... you're a WOMAN!
  • inn0c3ntbbygrlx3
    Well, you can't go hating on men on the entire 1st page of this thread then say, sorry we're curious! Oh wait, yes you CAN... you're a WOMAN!
    i wasnt hatin on men, we just simply stated they are nosey, and i admitted that im nosey too! so put that in your juice box and suck it! hahahah lol, and yes i can say those things because i am a woman! hahahahaahah lol lmfao! its all fun and games til someone gets hurt, then its hilarious! lol :)
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    LOL! Ya'll are too funny!!! Yes, it's all fun and games and even MORE funny when someone DOES get hurt (just not too bad). :-P

    Gotta love women though... Maybe that's why I don't have one. Either that, or my penis is too big! LOL!!!!
  • inn0c3ntbbygrlx3
    LOL! Ya'll are too funny!!! Yes, it's all fun and games and even MORE funny when someone DOES get hurt (just not too bad). :-P

    Gotta love women though... Maybe that's why I don't have one. Either that, or my penis is too big! LOL!!!!
    lol you crack me up like an egg!!!! lmfao!!! oh my! that is too funny! :) yea it could possibly be because it is too big....lol!!!