Any other 5'4" ladies out there?



  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I'm 5'4, currently weight 160, but I hope to get down to 135. Somehow, though, my body likes to put on muscle, rather than to lose weight ... hmmm ...
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    I am 5' 4" and my 1st goal is 150 and my final goal is 130. I think any smaller would make me look unhealthy. :)
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    Hi im 5'4"...167 - hoping to get to 140....taking it slowly but my fitness levels are getting much better :)

    By the way - you look great!

    Taking it slowly is the best way to go. But sometimes when it comes off so slowly it's hard to see your progress. Take pictures of your body as you progress, I didn't realize how much my body had changed until I looked at pictures of me after losing 12 pounds. It made an amazing difference. Good luck, and thank you! :)
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    5'4'' RIGHT HERE! Yay for finding other people in my range!
    Well, I was 183 to start & I want to get down to between 150-155. :)
    Here's me on my birthday back in June... YIKES!
    I've only lost 7 pounds so far. I'm waiting until the 10 pound mark to take another photo.
  • Hi there,
    I am 5'4 and currently 170...ugh! I am also working on getting to 130, since that was where I felt the healthiest and happiest. I am on week 2 and have lost my 2 pounds (I started at 172).

    I have a really athletic build and will never be "super thin" and I'm totally ok with that, I just want to get back into my size 8's, where I spent most of my 20's.

    How are things going for you?

    I haven't taken photos yet that show my body (I've been hiding behind my son for the last year) lol. I'll attach the one I have tomorrow.
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    I'm 5ft 3.5. I was 147 and now 135lbs. Goal weight is 126lbs (9 stone). Its taking AGES to get there!!
    Not a clue how to post pictures!! :flowerforyou:

    I know, I've been stuck around 150 for months now. It's driving me nuts! And posting pictures is a little tricky. First you need the url of an image you want to post (you can find this by right-clicking on an image on the web and selecting "copy image location". Then in the message boards you write [*img]insert image URL here{*\img] and you have to remove the *s. I hope that helps!
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    I'm 5'4 :happy:'s been a journey but it can be done :bigsmile:

    Below is my before and after.

    You look amazing! And I love your ticker! Hahaha.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    i am 5`3 and the last time i weighed myself i was 104 pounds....for any of you ladies wanting to be that weight or under it is VERY uncomfortable!! i am looking to be about a healthy 115-125 pounds, at the minimum.
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    Hi there!!
    Im also 5ft4 and my goal is also 130!!! not far off it now and feeling good
    my profile pic was taken last week and I now weigh 134.5


    That's great! You look amazing!
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    I'm 5'5" and have ranged from 105 to 170. I'm currently at 151 and hoping to get to about 135 for a comfortable weight.
  • Fit4sure
    Fit4sure Posts: 63 Member
    :happy: As I started out at 267 lbs:sad: doctor set my goal at 150. Weight Watchers set my goal at 146 so that's not too far off (for someone who had been morbidly obese for a L-O-N-G time...) I continued with my healthy lifestyle changes and continued to lose on down (with a doctor monitoring) until I got to my low of about 130. The doctor didn't want me going below 135. At my healthiest (in high school) I weighed 135 so that's a great number for me. I've maintained that weight now for over 5 years within a 7 lb. range of 130. Currently (this morning) I weigh 132.4. I wanted to get on down to 128 but honestly that number would be harder and require more strenuous effort to maintain and would be detrimental in the end. I'm right in the middle of a healthy BMI now so I'm not messing with things. I like the weight I'm at and it's easy enough to hold it there so I'm good. I have pictures on here I think.

    I realize there are those who are more comfortable at a lower weight and I'm all for being comfortable as long as it's healthy and not unrealistic. :smile:
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 145lbs, hoping to get to 132lbs not sure why it just seems like thats how much fat I have left haha.
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    i am 5`3 and the last time i weighed myself i was 104 pounds....for any of you ladies wanting to be that weight or under it is VERY uncomfortable!! i am looking to be about a healthy 115-125 pounds, at the minimum.

    I can understand that. When I was 118 I was very skinny, I didn't like the way I looked in pictures and had multiple people ask me if I was anorexic or on drugs. Not fun! But everyone is different and everyone carries weight differently. I met a girl who I thought weighed about the same as me only to find out she weighed about 25 lbs more. Not fair! Haha. But good luck obtaining your goals!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I am 5'4" I originally hit about 180lbs and now am currently down to 138lbs. My original goal was to get to 135 but since I have been loosing some of my shape my new goal is to stay where Im at and do weight lifting to build muscle and loose fat so I can shape my curves back. A girl cant live without her curves ya know what Im sayin LOL!!

  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    I am 5'4" I originally hit about 180lbs and now am currently down to 138lbs. My original goal was to get to 135 but since I have been loosing some of my shape my new goal is to stay where Im at and do weight lifting to build muscle and loose fat so I can shape my curves back. A girl cant live without her curves ya know what Im sayin LOL!!


    Haha! I know what you mean! My boyfriend tries to tell me I shouldn't lose weight because he's afraid I'm going to lose my boobs and booty (not that my booty is much to write home about as it is.) But I definitely want to do some shaping so I don't lose my curves!
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    5'4" and hoping to get to and stay around 135 pounds. Lost to 140 last year but the diet got away from me and I blossomed up to 162. Back on track now but have quite a ways to go. This morning was at 156 with my first goal to be 150 by September 15.

    I don't have any photos though maybe I should take a few. Might be a good idea. This site has been good for me and always looking for the support from help tremendously!

    By the way, many of you look absolutely fantastic!
  • I'm 5'4 used to be 183 lbs went down to 116 lbs ( horrible) I went up to 150 lbs ( during my depression after my father's death) now I'm 137 lbs and I believe 125 to 130 will be perfect for mais goal is get in that weight with low body fat %. I don't know how to post pictures here .
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    I'm 5'4" and currently 130-ish.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yep, I started at 157 or so, I'm hovering happily around 125 with lots of muscle density! I don't hate the process of posting pictures, but you can see some under my profile.
  • I'm 5'4 and at my heaviest was 205.
    CW is 141.5 and would LOVE to get to 130!
    GW is 125-130.