Please be honest.....



  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Seriously, it's a gym, not Harvard Medical School, LOL. Go to the class.

    FTR I would assume you were an overweight person wanting to better yourself, good for you.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    If you saw a person who is overweight walking into a personal training or fitness theory course at your local gym, what would you think?

    I am asking because a friend of mine has asked me to join her in taking this class. I am very interested in fitness and am trying my best to get into shape again. I just feel like everyone else in the class will be super fit and I am going to stick out like a sore thumb.....I dont want to feel embarressed. A part of me wants to wait until I am in better shape to take the course.

    You thoughts are welcome....

    to be blatantly honest - do you and screw everyone else. If this is something you are inerested in, go for it! If you would feel uncomfortable the entire time and not happy, then wait. But, think about going at it with your friend now or alone later, if that weighs in on your decision or not. In other words, consider all factors first.
  • DanielleDuji
    DanielleDuji Posts: 2 Member
    The longer you wait, the more excuses you'll come up with not to go. I see overweight people at the gym and think, "well, at least they're trying to better themselves!" As opposed to someone, skinny or not, who does nothing to up their physical fitness. People who judge you negatively are NOT worth your time and you should go in with your head held high. :)
  • keost934
    Go for it! The whole idea of being a PT is to aid in people losing weight, training for different events, and for general enjoyment! Also, how better to motivate people by telling them about your own success story?! Who cares what others think, if you want to do it, then go for it!! Good luck!! :)
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    Honestly, the first time I went into a gym class I was terrified that those who were bigger than me would hate me for being there and being thin, as though I had no right to workout. But I was unhealthy, although thin, and needed to go.
    It was great!
    From my perspective, if I notice you (and I'm usually way to focused to pay attention to people around me when I'm working out) I have nothing but respect... Same for anyone who walks in the gym, overweight or not. And I feel a sense of comraderie. We're there for the same reason. :) and I also hope you don't think I'm thinking nasty things about anyone else, and I hope you understand that I need to workout too! Even though I'm not overweight!
  • shonasteele
    I would usually think "good for her", and then either "thank goodness i'm not the biggest girl in the class" or "i hope i can keep up with her". but EVEN if i was thinking that she was bigger than me, i'd still be thinking "good for her" and sometimes i've even thought "crap, she's bigger than me and i still can't keep up". i've also thought about one of the THINNEST gals in a zumba class "god, she's thin but so uncoordinated" so pretty much any way you cut it, most people are judging most other people based on something at any given time. if you're never gonna put yourself in a situation where you can be judged, you're gonna have a pretty dull life.

    think about it for a minute - if you order something less-than-healthy in any restaurant, chances are someone is thinking something unflattering about it, but does that stop you from eating out? probably not, and i guarantee you that those judgements are a lot harsher than the ones at the gym. the ones at the gym see you making an effort and will generally respect that, the ones who see you eating a big mac, not so much...

    what it really comes down to is that you've gotta put yourself out there if you want to get results. if you don't stretch, you'll never grow. trust me on this, the results are worth it!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I would think 'Awesome, I hope they stick with it'.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i dont think anything..i workout at the YMCA and we have a good mix of 'fit' people and 'unfit' people. we are all pretty accepting and non judgemental.
  • Gettingbettereveryday
    At the gym I go to there is a real mixture of shapes and sizes and ages. I'm fifty, still pretty unfit but getting better, and after around six personal training sessions I can honestly say that once I'm there I couldn't give a monkey's about what other people think. I started at just over 200 pounds and am down to about 187. I am sure I wouldn't have made the progress that I have without these sessions and I also believe they are helping me to develop my gym attendance into a habit for the long term - so my honest opinion is to go for it! You'll be with a group of people who are interested in fitness - surely that can only be a positive environment to help you get in shape?
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I remember feeling that way about attending the gym in general, not even going to any special classes. The reality of it is that most everyone there is going there to be fit and healthy. You all have the same object and goal in mind, and no one will be judging you because of that. I am no longer the biggest person in the gym, but when I see people joining or starting to work out that are where I was last year, and I am so happy for them and literally cheering them on in my head! I'd say go to the class, be confident, and learn the things that will help you to become healthier!
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    This may not relate but my sister is a nutritionist helping people to loose weight and you know what her biggest downfall is

    she's never been overweight! lol-may sound strange but if you're a client you want someone who you can relate to. So if I were also taking that class or looking for advise about personal training because I needed help with it I would go to the person who has had EXPERIENCE with being overweight and has overcome obstacles.

    SO GO!!! Learn new habits, have fun and help others who are willing to learn! Most individuals who want to go from flab to fit don't want to talk to someone who's been *naturally athletic or fit* their whole lives. They want to talk to someone they can relate too.

    Hope that helped :) best of luck!
  • computerwizsheri
    Personally, I feel proud of them because they are doing something positive for themselves, and being overweight myself I know how hard it can be. I think there are too many health benefits that you can gain "now", instead of waiting until you are thinner. I guess it would take courage if you are self conscious, but each time it would probably get a little easier.
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    Theory class? Missed that part :)
    I'd be like... "Omg! I'm coming too!" Go! I'd be basking in our collective, educating-ourselves-awesomeness, for real.
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    When I have gone to a fitness center, I see LOTS and LOTS of overweight people! There was one woman who was probably 350 pounds and about 5'7" on the treadmill and she was JOGGING and SWEATING and doing a fantastic job. She was on there forever and I was totally impressed with her.

    The classes were a combination of every age and body type you can imagine. Even at the Bootcamp gym, there were 8 year old pudgy kits, serious athletes and overweight men and women. There really wasn't one "type".

    When I went to a machine I couldn't remember how to do, one of the free weight lifter, a gorgeous guy about 30 years younger than I, came over and offered to help me do the machine correctly and he actually followed me to give me tips. I don't even remember any effort with this guy standing in front of me, but I was probably drooling all over myself!!!

    JUST GO AND HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!!! Most people are concentrating on their own programs anyway, it's not like the old meat markets of the 1980s.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    You would put off doing something you want to do, with a friend because you are afraid of what others might think? You're kidding right?

    Here is the litmus test I tell my children to remember when criticised:
    1. do those people mean anything to me?
    2. do they know what they are talking about?
    3. is there any truth in it?

    After applying those rules, you usually have put the criticism in perspective. Go for it, enjoy and improve you life, it's the only one you get!

  • tikkamasala
    tikkamasala Posts: 36 Member
    I would honestly think "good for them for wanting to get healthy!" We all need to start some where. I totally encourage you to do it!! You totally can!!! :)

    ditto!! And stick with it!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I say you have an opportunity. . use it. . .Take the class learn things that will help you and help others. .. I currently am in a course to be a physical trainer and I am not fit as a fiddle obviously. . .. but it doesn't make me any less knowledgeable. . . If anything it is motivating me harder to get back into shape. . .

    So who cares what others are thinking. . I think they will respect the decision that you are making for health. . Just do it!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Go for it, First who cares what others think, enjoy yourself learn lots and be better than your were.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I had this problem just GOING to my local gym, as everyone seems pretty fit that goes to it. I live in a small farming community so there is only one gym. I was pleasantly surprised in I haven't been given any grief, I've gotten a lot more encouragement then grief. I've only had one lady say anything to me that was negative. It seems to me a lot of people at the gym understand and can reate to why you are there. Most are wiling to help lift you up, instead of tear you down.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    If you saw a person who is overweight walking into a personal training or fitness theory course at your local gym, what would you think?

    I'd think great! I'm not the only overweight person in the class!

    I bet you'll be surprised at your own assumptions on who attends the class.