Sexy in Six Challenge - Team Blue (Closed Group)



  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    I can commit to walking along with the stationary bike. I'm excited!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hey girls!

    Very excited! I just took my before pictures and uploaded them. I'm going to try to do this every Sunday night to see the progress.

    I'm definitely committed to the goals you listed here plus doing 20 push ups a day ( I have no upper body strength).

    You know what? I'm in my workout clothes still, I'm going to start my crunches right now... :0)
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Hey girls!

    Very excited! I just took my before pictures and uploaded them. I'm going to try to do this every Sunday night to see the progress.

    I'm definitely committed to the goals you listed here plus doing 20 push ups a day ( I have no upper body strength).

    You know what? I'm in my workout clothes still, I'm going to start my crunches right now... :0)

    I will join you in the 20 push ups. That is a good one.
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey Ladies!!
    I am super excited to get started! I have been camping in the middle of nowhere for the weekend...wondering how that will look on my weigh in tomorrow :ohwell: Did lots of exercise, but didn't do a good job tracking my calories.

    My name is Sarah, I am currently a SAHM to a 5 year old little boy (who starts kindergarten orientation tomorrow :cry: ) and a 5 month old little girl. I am also working on my MBA with a concentration in Corporate Compliance online, so when I have a spare minute I seem to always be at the computer. My hubby is also in the military. I am originally from NY (upstate) and we actually just moved back here for about 8 months for a training phase from South Carolina. Hopefully next we are off to the West Coast, but the military will do what it wants with you!

    I can commit to 30 minutes of walking or the elliptical a day, at least 8 glasses of water a day (SERIOUSLY need to work on this!!), 20 push ups a day and 100 crunches on top of keeping to my calorie goal. It will be interesting getting it all in with the kids, but I love a challenge! I am currently at 231 and would like to get down to 140 eventually, but my goal weight for this challenge is going to be 220. My highest weight was 260 when I was full term with my daughter. My lowest adult weight was 170.

    Team Blue is going to rock this challenge!!
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Hey girls,
    I had to down size on how many lbs per week because I had it at 2 and I only have 10 lbs to go. I am going to try my best to lose weight but I'm at the point where the weight lifting might not be allowing me to lose as much as I could since I'm building muscle but losing inches. Plus, it had me at 1200 cal a day and you can't go under 1200 or you get those little red words that tell you you're not eating enough, now I can be under and not get "yelled" at.
    I'm going to try my best with the 8 cups of water a day... I know I can drink 8 cups of dt. pepsi but it'll be good for me to try for water.
    As far as the crunches I have abs built into every lift day so I'll be joining you on T and R since those are my cardio days.
    I have no upper body strength but I don't think I can join you in the pushups because after liftin I usually can't pick my arms up to save my life. lol
    I'm very excited for this challenge and I promise to do my best. The only question I have is should I weigh tomorrow to start off the challenge. I only weigh on Thursdays usually but if I need to change my weigh day to Monday morn for the challenge I will.

  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Hey Ladies!!
    I am super excited to get started! I have been camping in the middle of nowhere for the weekend...wondering how that will look on my weigh in tomorrow :ohwell: Did lots of exercise, but didn't do a good job tracking my calories.

    My name is Sarah, I am currently a SAHM to a 5 year old little boy (who starts kindergarten orientation tomorrow :cry: ) and a 5 month old little girl. I am also working on my MBA with a concentration in Corporate Compliance online, so when I have a spare minute I seem to always be at the computer. My hubby is also in the military. I am originally from NY (upstate) and we actually just moved back here for about 8 months for a training phase from South Carolina. Hopefully next we are off to the West Coast, but the military will do what it wants with you!

    I can commit to 30 minutes of walking or the elliptical a day, at least 8 glasses of water a day (SERIOUSLY need to work on this!!), 20 push ups a day and 100 crunches on top of keeping to my calorie goal. It will be interesting getting it all in with the kids, but I love a challenge! I am currently at 231 and would like to get down to 140 eventually, but my goal weight for this challenge is going to be 220. My highest weight was 260 when I was full term with my daughter. My lowest adult weight was 170.

    Team Blue is going to rock this challenge!!

    I was also in the middle of nowhere camping this weekend! Hi Ladies! I'm Laura! And I am also from South Carolina! Super excited to get started with our team!!!

    I have been working the couch to 5k program and am on week 3, I have been running 3x weekly with my husband - but I am pushing it up to 5x for this challenge, My starting weight for this challenge is 159.8 - I want to FINALLY GET UNDER 150- for the first time, well ever in my adult life - its been a mile stone for me, and I have not crossed it yet - so with your help I"m on my way - NEVER over 160 again! YAY!

    I'm up for upper body and abs as well!

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member

    Just finished today's work out. 1 hour on the gazelle (i do the gazelle instead of walking so I dont have to get my kiddos out in the heat). 200 crunches. 2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 10 Swimmer’s Press and 40 pushups

    On target with my food and already have 6 glasses of water down.

    Feeling good :o)
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    so impressed by you guys! about to go do my zumba workout. so apparently we all need to stay under our calorie goal and we will get the 10 extra points at the end of the week! have had a difficult time with that over the weekend, but am not going to let the team down this week! go team blue!!!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Getting under calories or staying on target can be a real challenge. I have found looking at other peoples food diarys to be something that helps me get eating ideas. I look in the recipe section of the message boards. I use spark people recipes. and I use Allrecipes,com. There are lots of meals out there that I make for my family that take me about 10-15 minutes to prepare and maybe cook 30ish minutes. Also the crockpot is your friend.

    I also keep in mind that this is a lifestyle change (i know that sounds cliche) not a diet. This weekend was my daughters b-day party at chuck e cheese and I had a salad. One small piece of pizza. and one small piece of cake. Its not like I will never eat cake or pizza again. I just had to use moderation. Takes time to find out what works best for you

    We can do it :o)
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Hi everyone,

    So far so good. I have been staying on my plan and not giving in to any temptation. I rode my stationary bike 50 minutes and will walk for a half an hour later and maybe do some other cardio,
    Tomorrow I go back to work and it is an "In service" day which means everyone goes out to lunch. I'm hoping they pick Applebees because I know they have some things on the menu I can have. If not, I will opt not to go.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Hi everyone,

    So far so good. I have been staying on my plan and not giving in to any temptation. I rode my stationary bike 50 minutes and will walk for a half an hour later and maybe do some other cardio,
    Tomorrow I go back to work and it is an "In service" day which means everyone goes out to lunch. I'm hoping they pick Applebees because I know they have some things on the menu I can have. If not, I will opt not to go.

    Chilis also has a great plate of food...the margarita yummy...i dont remember its exact calories but i think its like 500ish and super yummy

    Most places im sure you can order a grilled chicken breast and side salad...then you dont have to opt out
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    alright just finished 50 min. of cardio. i just saw your other post, bethany about the cardio and crunches and stuff.

    ok, i can do
    30 min of cardio at least a day.
    20 push ups
    and the 8 glasses of water

    the crunches are suuuuuper scary lol. haha but i'll try for 200 crunches a day, and we'll see if that is realistic for me lol. work it girl!!!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I know 200 sounds overwhelming...pomise its not that bad at all.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member

    Just finished today's work out. 1 hour on the gazelle (i do the gazelle instead of walking so I dont have to get my kiddos out in the heat). 200 crunches. 2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 10 Swimmer’s Press and 40 pushups

    On target with my food and already have 6 glasses of water down.

    Feeling good :o)

    Whoa, overachiever! I’m definitely feeling those 200 crunches from yesterday. Today, liek you I got super stressed out and I really wanted to go out and buy some Pringles eat the whoooollllllleeee thing.

    Well, I decided I couldn’t let my team down and I didn’t get them!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    alright just finished 50 min. of cardio. i just saw your other post, bethany about the cardio and crunches and stuff.

    ok, i can do
    30 min of cardio at least a day.
    20 push ups
    and the 8 glasses of water

    the crunches are suuuuuper scary lol. haha but i'll try for 200 crunches a day, and we'll see if that is realistic for me lol. work it girl!!!

    Even if you break it up! like 40 at a time. Try it. I do it in between commercials :0)
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hi everyone,

    So far so good. I have been staying on my plan and not giving in to any temptation. I rode my stationary bike 50 minutes and will walk for a half an hour later and maybe do some other cardio,
    Tomorrow I go back to work and it is an "In service" day which means everyone goes out to lunch. I'm hoping they pick Applebees because I know they have some things on the menu I can have. If not, I will opt not to go.

    Great Job! Usually when I know I’m going out to eat I try to look at the menu online and find a low-cal meal. You can look at some usual places they tend to go. OR you can plan around it, like you can have a light breakfast and then super lite dinner. As well as bumping up a little more working out. It sucks to miss out social outings!

    Let us know how it goes!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member

    Just finished today's work out. 1 hour on the gazelle (i do the gazelle instead of walking so I dont have to get my kiddos out in the heat). 200 crunches. 2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 10 Swimmer’s Press and 40 pushups

    On target with my food and already have 6 glasses of water down.

    Feeling good :o)

    Whoa, overachiever! I’m definitely feeling those 200 crunches from yesterday. Today, liek you I got super stressed out and I really wanted to go out and buy some Pringles eat the whoooollllllleeee thing.

    Well, I decided I couldn’t let my team down and I didn’t get them!

    Way to go!
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    Finished my cardio, stayed under my calories, drank 8 glasses so far and now off to do some push ups and crunches! I am just getting started adding exercise back in. I usually over-do and burn myself out because I get frustrated about not being able to do what I used to, so slow and steady for me! This challenge is really helping to keep me motivated!! Great job today everyone!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Way to go team!

    Here is a new recipe I tried tonight - So good. I used wonton wrappers and ground turkey and all reduced fat cheeses. took maybe 10 minutes to prepare and 20 minutes to bake. ENJOY!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Goood Morning Blue Team!!! Its a great day to KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! - If you get tired of the crunches try youtube - 10 minute target toning by Cindy Whitmarsh - you get a great ab work out in only 10 minutes -

    Happy Tuesday!!!!
    <3 L