Sexy in Six Challenge - Team Blue (Closed Group)



  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I have 30 minutes left of cardio to do today then Im done with all of my challenges for the day!
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    They made us take our lunch at 10:30 today. The only place open was a local diner. I ended up getting a mushroom omelet made from egg beaters. It came with hash browns but I didn't touch them. :-)
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    They made us take our lunch at 10:30 today. The only place open was a local diner. I ended up getting a mushroom omelet made from egg beaters. It came with hash browns but I didn't touch them. :-)

    Way to go! I know its hard to make those low calorie choices
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    They made us take our lunch at 10:30 today. The only place open was a local diner. I ended up getting a mushroom omelet made from egg beaters. It came with hash browns but I didn't touch them. :-)

    wtg!! so awesome!!! you are stronger than i probably would have been!!
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Goood Morning Blue Team!!! Its a great day to KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! - If you get tired of the crunches try youtube - 10 minute target toning by Cindy Whitmarsh - you get a great ab work out in only 10 minutes -

    Happy Tuesday!!!!
    <3 L

    going to look this up tomorrow! ty!!!
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    ahhh today has been crazy. ok,

    - ate under my calories
    - did 15 minutes cardio (took the boys I nanny for a walk) and then I cleaned the house, ran after them all day, made them food... etc... so I would think I easily made the extra 15 minutes of cardio up, but I didn't log it because I don't know how much I burned.
    - chugging down the last bottle and a half of water as I type. I WILL have that done before I go to bed.
    - did the 20 pushups.
    - answered my Sin6 tuesday question

    I soooo felt those 20 push ups from yesterday. I felt them all across my chest and in my upper arms today. i could barely manage the other 20 today... so that felt GREAT to know I'm working those muscles that I have been wanting to work!!!!

    I am not doing the crunches, but I will try to do them again tomorrow. It really is just about me spliitting them up, like you guys said. Thanks for the inspiration! For the last week I've been kind of not really doing MFP although I am signing in and aware of what I am putting into me and kind of exercising, but since this started and I had "team blue" for support (today and yesterday haha) i've done great!!! We got this!
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    Hey girls.

    Today I took a break. Yesterday I power walked/Jogged 6.5 miles, I am still hurting after that lol.

    - under my calories (eggs for breakfast, fish and greens for dinner, oranges as a snack and 10 cups of water)
    - did 25 minutes of cardio on the treadmill
    - strength train for 15 minutes (Resistance Cord , 200 crunches, dumbbells, pushups)
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Way to go Team!

    Im part of another challenge so between the 2...Whew!

    I got everything Ive committed to do done.

    Its like a weightloss angel has taken over my body. I feel so motivated to push myself and do everything. Thank you ladies for keeping me accountable :o)
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    I just wanted to tell you all that you all drove me to greatness today. I overate at lunch and was over 96 calories for the day by 2 pm! So I went to the gym and worked really hard so I could eat dinner and STILL be under my calories.
    I am so happy to be on your team.... it really keeps me accountable.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    WTG ERICA!!!!!

    So I did pretty well today on my challenges.
    - Answered the Sin6 question
    - 20 push ups
    - drank all the water
    - stayed under calories
    - exercised for 30 min (aerobics; actually did 50)

    no crunches but aahhh tomorrow i try again! i am so wore out. Went straight from work to home where my friend came over for dinner and i made dinner and then we worked out. now i'm winding down and don't see the 200 crunches happening.

    another bummer is today in desperate need of energy while working i ate an apple and organic 140 calorie granola. well that stupid apple was like 22 sugar and my limit is 26 day!!! and then that granola (which was pretty good) was 12!! boo on that! didn't know about that apple until I looked it up later. :( so that bummed out my little diary and its in the red :(

    When I was making dinner for my friend though I made salmon (which I got the wrong higher-calorie salmon ... agh!) and I make this really high in sugar and sodium (honey/soy-sauce) coated salmon from a martha stewart receipe. it is not really high in calories at all, but pretty high in the other. anyway, i said no to that and just had the salmon with a squirt of ketchup which wasn't grand but a way better choice! so go me!!

    thanks for keeping me motivated guys. i'm going to do better tomorrow, but thankfully this Sin6 thing is not counting sugars (hate them but they are oh-so good!) and is only worried about calories this week! 2 points again today for team blue!!!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Great Job this week Ladies! My body is pretty angry from over exertion (I have a pretty physical job that has picked up in demand as well as the added exercise) so i'm going to give myself a break today - planning to keep up running this weekend. I will also have a few lighter days next week (for medical reasons) any suggestions besides really staying within my calories too keep me occupied? I've really been looking forward to my work outs :/

    Any good ideas for soft food for dinner? I'm tired of making 2 meals but I'm not touching the mac and cheese and mashed potatoes I've been feeding my husband all wee ( he got his wisdom teeth out monday)

    Almost Friday!!!!
    <3 L
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Today is going to be a bit stressful. We have CPR and the person teaching it is always extra hard on me because they know I Have ms.
    Good vibes appreciated.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    ok discovered BEST almost calorie FREE sweet tooth fix today - I used the left over coffee from the pot this morning - poured over ice and added vanilla almond milk!!! YUM!!!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    yum! i will be trying this tomorrow
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Completed all the challenges today!!! Go team blue!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Challenges complete! Ready for tomorrows weigh in...Gonna down a few good glasses of water before I go to bed.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hey girls!!!

    How did your week go?? I had a little bump when I got stressed over school stuff but I did extra work yesterday and some today. I weighed myself last ngiht and I didn’t gain any weight but I hadn’t lost any. I’ll weigh myself tonight again for the posts.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My week went well. I know I lost for sure I just dont remember what my starting weight was. Im waiting for peanut to tell me. Im thinking I lost 2lbs for the challenge....gonna wait and find out for sure
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm really really sorry. I am going to have to apologize to you all for going over my calories today. Late last night (this morning) we were hanging out and there were some doritos and some chips and salsa, so I had a little bit of each.:embarassed: There were also some crunch bar minis and milky way minis so I had a few of those too. Starting today out with all those calories already gone made it very hard to stay under. This doesn't mean I said forget this and went and grabbed pizza, I've still tried to be good. I will try to fit in some exercise to make up and see if I can get under but no guarantees. Sorry again :frown: :cry: :sad:
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    <3 u, erica!!!

    i didn't get my exercise (30 min) or push-ups in yesterday! :(

    Also didn't get the push-ups in today!

    Will start it back up tomorrow!

    I only lost 0.6 lbs this week! I promise I stuck to it, watched my calories (didn't go over), and worked out more consistently this week (everyday) then ever before. :( BUT I bet I lose big time this next week!!! Go team blue!!!