Sexy in Six Challenge - Team Blue (Closed Group)



  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    OK Team...all in all...I had an awful weekend. So sorry. I did well on my water but I didnt track my calories at all so I dont know where I stand but i know it was over. I didnt get the last day of challenges done this week. I will be on track tomorrow and will kick butt at the JJs and crunches. I hope this weekend didnt mess up my weightloss goals...I just...failed big time.
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    Third place this week :( Let's get first this week ladies! Make sure you do your best to count your calories, get your cardio in and drink your water! I would also like to challenge everyone to get at least 4 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Good luck!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member

    ITS ok if you went off track over the weekend! You can pick it up again RIGHT NOW - always remember if you go off track and start to get hard on yourself, its no reason to throw away the whole day, just start right back up once you realize you're off track. Think about it, I stopped at the drive through and got a big mac (540 calories) - think "hmmm, well I'm here, if I"m getting a big mac, I might as well blow off the rest of the day" order fries and a mcflurry (that just added another 800 calories to your whoops) - and it can go on down hill from there, or you can say, "yup I had a big mac, I went slightly over my calories today, but I started right back on track and I can make up for it by staying on track tomorrow." NO BIG DEAL :))

    Don't be too hard on yourselves!!! We had a good loss this week - all negative is positive!!!! time to bump it up, good thing we have already been on top of the water challenge!!!

    I am having a medical thing on tuesday , and may not be able to exercise wednesday or thursday, so I made sure to exercise through the weekend so I could try and get ahead of the curve. Any advice on how to keep myself occupied while I can't work out and earn extra calories for those days??

  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hey guys!

    Yes, I didn’t have to best weekend either but from this moment on all you can do is make is BETTER! You cheat a little then get back to it! We’re all very busy but think about how you’ve already done well! Just by posting on MFP it shows you are still committed.

    Are you able to walk at all?? If not, do you knit or something? I know you're burning calories when you’re busy with your hands.
    Make sure to drink plenty of water then you’ll be less likely to snack! Good luck with everything and I hope you feel better soon.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Phew - BARELY under my calories today - and I didn't like the projected 5 week weight loss because of it!!! I ran today but didn't get my normal run in bc my hubby joined me and he's been off a few weeks and so we had to down the pace and intervals for him today. I should be able to make it up tomorrow.

    Keep it up!!!
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Hope you are having a good week, Yesterday was rough. Not a good day at all at work but today will better, right?
    I wanted to run for a bad of vienna fingers! I brushed my teeth and went to bed instead :-)
    I'm so glad I have this site and you ladies here.
    Hope everyone has a good one!
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    haven't been around much the last two days. chugging that water though

    want to give a big congrats to canidoit11!!!!!!!! she lost the most this past week AND IS ON OUR TEAM! 6 LBS! WOW! wtg, girl! so glad you are with us!!! almost half of the weight loss from our team was all you!!!!

  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Hey Ladies!How'd the week go? I had a good one - almost down 3 lbs!!! Starting off today with a run, and have company this weekend, were are planning a few meals out so I'm going to keep up on the exercise so that I can allow myself some extras over the weekend!!!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    This week went well....I dont know if I lost any weight or not...I forgot what I weighed in at last week lol. I need to keep better records

    I am going out of town this evening and wont be back until tuesday evening....going to do my best while gone...feeling nervous about it. Im in 2 challenges with lots of things I need to do to keep my commitments to my teams and more importantly to me. I do NOT want to see a gain on the scale
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    No loss this week, but no gain either. I was WAY under 1200 a couple of days, TOM was visiting, hubby started 12-16 hour days (<3 the NAVY) and it was just all in all a stressful week. So I am taking the weekend off to just enjoy my family and friends then next week I am upping my calories, making sure I net at least 1200 and upping my water intake. Hopefully these will help break my plateau!!

    Hope everyone else is doing well. What was your biggest challenge this week?
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    This week went well. I managed to lose 4lbs. I hope everyone is doing well.

    My biggest challenge was stepping off the scale. Last week I vowed to weigh in every Friday instead of every day. It was driving me crazy lol. The only thing I'm nervous about is the BBQ on Sunday.
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Hey Blue Team! How many of you all had trouble with the water challenge? I for one had sooooo much trouble. I had no idea I didn't drink near enough water. But thinking back I probably only get 2-4 cups of water on days when I exercise. Other than that I'm lucky to get one.... that's so bad! Anyway, this challenge was hard but I think I did okay. I was just wondering how you all felt? :happy:
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey Blue Team! How many of you all had trouble with the water challenge? I for one had sooooo much trouble. I had no idea I didn't drink near enough water. But thinking back I probably only get 2-4 cups of water on days when I exercise. Other than that I'm lucky to get one.... that's so bad! Anyway, this challenge was hard but I think I did okay. I was just wondering how you all felt? :happy:

    I did. THe most I can do is 6. I have a very hard time with it. For some reason it upsets my stomach :(
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    This week went well. I managed to lose 4lbs. I hope everyone is doing well.

    My biggest challenge was stepping off the scale. Last week I vowed to weigh in every Friday instead of every day. It was driving me crazy lol. The only thing I'm nervous about is the BBQ on Sunday.

    I made my husband hide the scale on me this week :) I was getting to where I was weighing myself every time I went in the bathroom for anything. He isn't allowed to give it back to my until Friday when I weigh in, then I'll probably have to make him hide it again! It is driving me crazy not having it but it is helping me focus less on the numbers and more on being healthy.
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    WE WON!!!:happy: Go ladies! You all did awesome this last week. This weeks challenge of 50 situps/crunches will be so easy for us to accomplish. I know you all can do it.
    Sad to report I fell off the bandwagon Sat-Today.:embarassed: But I promise I will work my butt off 4x over to make sure and get under my weight for this week. Congrats to Lwdllc for kicking butt and losing the most weight.:flowerforyou: We can do it. Let's work hard and come out on top again.
    P.S. I think to push myself the extra mile (and help get the extra pounds from my slip off the bandwagon) I am going to compile our challenges. So from now on I will be trying to meet 8 glasses a day, doing the 50 crunches, and staying under my calorie. Technically the water and staying under calories should always be happening but I'm going to make sure they happen!
    Good job y'all!!:drinker:
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    wow!!! we won!!! yay group!!!

    but we also lost two members :(

    We have the least members on our team where as two teams have 10 and the other has 9. can we replace them so it is not unfair?

    I didn't lose much again. .8 . boooo. this is starting to make me upset and my family is all "well u are going to hit a plateau at some point." PLATEAU MY BOOT! I refuse!

    we have to get in 50 crunches a day this week hahaha. u know how much i hate the crunches and have failed up until now to even attempt them! NO MORE EXCUSES!

    team green is tailing us! lets pick up the pace! we can do this, girlys!!!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    YAY GIRLS!!! Who did we lose? Last week was great, so how do you fight the menstrual munchies? I am having a HARD day playing the " I've been perfect for 2 weeks and its just because I'm PMSing game" I DO NOT want to let this throw me off, I definitely let a bit lose this weekend and need to stay on course!!!!

    Challenges should be easy for us I am compiling them as well, we already are doing all of them anyway!!!!

    Time to get 3 more glasses of water in before bed -

  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hey girls!!!
    Great job this past week...

    So siince I was flying on Friday to Brazil I missed our weigh in because I only got here on Saturday morning. With everything going on, I only sent my form in on Sunday morning. I messaged “Peanut" to let her know and she was wiling to give me another chance. So I assumed all was okay. But apparently, she booted me from the challenge. I’ve sent her a message asking her to reconsider because I really want to stay on because honestly everyone from the challenge has been helping me with my progress (especially all you ladies).

    So, I’m going to wait for her reply. I’ll let you all know. Whatever happens, I’ll probably still read up on you guys and just try to stay in touch.

    You are all doing great and I know you guys ae going to rock this week's challenge!!!!
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Hey girls!!!
    Great job this past week...

    So siince I was flying on Friday to Brazil I missed our weigh in because I only got here on Saturday morning. With everything going on, I only sent my form in on Sunday morning. I messaged “Peanut" to let her know and she was wiling to give me another chance. So I assumed all was okay. But apparently, she booted me from the challenge. I’ve sent her a message asking her to reconsider because I really want to stay on because honestly everyone from the challenge has been helping me with my progress (especially all you ladies).

    So, I’m going to wait for her reply. I’ll let you all know. Whatever happens, I’ll probably still read up on you guys and just try to stay in touch.

    You are all doing great and I know you guys ae going to rock this week's challenge!!!!

    I hope she'll reconsider. maybe she is just stressed with the challenge and forgot she said she would give you another chance. I hate losing people. Especially dedicated people who actually post and keep up with the challenges like you!
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    Well so far this week I have gained a pound :(, but I lost 2 inches around my waist!! Hoping that pound is just water retention and will go away with a few good workouts!! Hope everyone is having a good day and getting your exercise in!!