meanest people ever



  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    When I was at school, people used to say I looked like Sonia from Eastenders (a UK soap).
    Although Sonia looks nice now, this is what she looked like when I was at school :cry:
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    Many years ago when I got promoted to a job which qualified me for a company ca. The first night of driving the lovely gleaming brand new car, I parked in front of a shop. A woman who was walking by started bending down and closely inspecting the car mumbling to herself. I said "Can I help you" and she stood up and yelled at me "How can someone like YOU afford a car like THAT? B*tch!"
    It really stuck in my memory.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've been called every name in the book and a few that never made it to the book, but the funniest insult was a guy who'd already called me the b-word and c-word, with some f-words as adjectives, then said, that I wasn't "ladylike" because I liked the band Korn. :laugh:

    Seriously? It's supposed to hurt my feelings that some foul-mouthed wanker doesn't think I'm dainty enough?! So I'd still be an f-ing b-word and c-word, but if I listened to Kenny G, I'd be ok?
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    On the day I made the local paper due to my weightloss, I was skipping out of the newsagents with the paper when someone took the time and trouble to while parking their car shout out the window - " you have a great big fat *kitten*" - I am so glad I just turned and shouted back - " and you have a great big fat mouth" - I was so angry, I wanted to go into the shop and show her the paper, I didn't coz I feared I'd be in the paper for giving her what for!!! I cried a lot! On a day I should have been proud
  • dragonfly1120
    dragonfly1120 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a nurse too and I think the meanest thing is when someone tells me what I should know because I'm an RN and what they know because they know someone who did something in the medical field or sports. And then procede to tell me how to do my job and how they can tell what kind of infection it is or isn't or if there is a broken bone ...just by looking at it. I just say, "I'm glad you can determine that because as an RN I can't and even physicians have to do a culture or an xray to confirm a diagnosis".
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm a nurse. I could spit out a list of things I've been told and called by patients and their family members that would fill up this page. LOL

    Love it! I'm a nurse that sticks out in my mind was one night I was working in Neuro ICU. There was this elderly lady who had been in there for a few days, (can't remember her diagnosis), but one of the things we did in that particular unit was HOURLY neuro checks. This lady had obviously had enough of them. I asked her to hold up two fingers, and she flipped me two birds! LOL

    This one seriously made me laugh out loud =)
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    The lady who lived in the apartment above me hated me from the day she moved in. 'Til this day I still do not know why. She would stomp on the floor above my bedroom at 3am and scream are you awake now you f****** b****. Talk about startling. She would tell the office my daughter was tormenting her and I was stealing from her. I had only seen the woman a couple times and never even spoken to her. One day as I was leaving she was coming in and I held the door for her to be nice. She refused to walk through the door and told me straight out she did not like me. She waited until I closed the door so she could open it her self and walk through. I was completely dumbstruck that another adult could behave in such a way. lol!!

    whoaaaaa. I have had my fair share of ridiculous neighbors living in a duplex and of course apartments but never anyone that crazy!!! although, the couple that lived above us once.. the woman worked in a bar and they had just had a baby.. she came home late, really late.. next thing we know we hear some loud THUMP THUMP THUMP. And quite a bit of screaming and door slamming. Uhm. She came home drunk and broke the dude's guitar because he was mad she was so late. And threw his amp down their upstairs/attic. We lived in a big house/duplex. And apparently bit the tip of his finger off and kicked HIM OUT!!! hahaha.. yes, I believe the cops were called. These people were the worst. The cops were there often. Sigh.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    The lady who lived in the apartment above me hated me from the day she moved in. 'Til this day I still do not know why. She would stomp on the floor above my bedroom at 3am and scream are you awake now you f****** b****. Talk about startling. She would tell the office my daughter was tormenting her and I was stealing from her. I had only seen the woman a couple times and never even spoken to her. One day as I was leaving she was coming in and I held the door for her to be nice. She refused to walk through the door and told me straight out she did not like me. She waited until I closed the door so she could open it her self and walk through. I was completely dumbstruck that another adult could behave in such a way. lol!!

    It sounds like she had mental issues ~ which, unfortunately, more often than not, goes untreated :( Sorry you had to deal with that!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    The lady who lived in the apartment above me hated me from the day she moved in. 'Til this day I still do not know why. She would stomp on the floor above my bedroom at 3am and scream are you awake now you f****** b****. Talk about startling. She would tell the office my daughter was tormenting her and I was stealing from her. I had only seen the woman a couple times and never even spoken to her. One day as I was leaving she was coming in and I held the door for her to be nice. She refused to walk through the door and told me straight out she did not like me. She waited until I closed the door so she could open it her self and walk through. I was completely dumbstruck that another adult could behave in such a way. lol!!

    She sounds pretty seriously mentally ill--I've known schizophrenics with similar behaviors. Scary stuff.

  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    The one that comes to mind is my brother in law's ex-girlfriend. She effin' HATED me! I don't even care that she didn't like me but it was just so weird because she wasn't around long enough to get to know me. Looking back, i don't even think we spoke to each other... I think she was jealous because I had been a member of the family for several years before she came into the picture and she saw me as competition (as if I cared enough to compete to be top-dog among the daughter-in-laws) :noway: Psh-yeah right!!

    She would say *kitten* about me but she'd never say it to my face and, unfortunately, it wasn't until after they split that I found out about all the smack she'd talk. She'd say things like, "Thank God, she's gone", as soon as I'd leave my in-laws house. Or she'd call me a b**** to my in-laws and her boyfriend (my husband's brother). It really didn't even piss me off though because all her ranting and bad-mouthing just made her look like a CRAZY b*tch!! The chick had serious issues... thank goodness that relationship didn't last.
  • SgtBB
    SgtBB Posts: 2
    Having been a Police Officer for over 25 years now...well, let your imagination run free.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I got desensitized to mean stuff as a kid, now I just notice bizarre stuff. Like getting called the N word because the restaurant I work at doesn't serve ice cream cones. I mean really, does that make any sense to anyone?

    People really are amazing. I had some guy once, in the middle of an argument, scream, "YOU'RE FAT!" Like that MEANS anything! Fine, I'm fat--but you're still WRONG. And to have someone go for the most hurtful thing they can think of because there isn't any ICE CREAM? You've got to wonder what hole that creature was raised in, you know?

  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I had a lady ask me "when is the baby due?" & my last "baby" was standing right beside me & he was a teenager.
    Now maybe I should of taken it as a compliment that I looked so young - but I think not.
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    First of all let me say that I am sorry you had to endure that! :flowerforyou:

    Years ago, I got pregnant after a couple of years of us trying only to have a miscarriage
    5 months later..anyway I had gained alot of weight during this time and one time my "then"
    husband went out of his way to get a pillow case, stuff it with a blanket and brought it to me and said...
    this is what the back of your thighs looks like..of course it was all lumpy and he was referring to my
    cellulite! I closed the bathroom door, locked it, and cried literally for the next hour, it hurt so bad to have
    someone you love so much hurt you so deeply..:cry: we're not married anymore... go figure!!! :bigsmile:

    I am now married to the most wonderful man in the world, he says he'll always love me no matter what!
    I have gained 100 lbs since we got married, so I tend to believe him, he always tells me that I am beautiful!! :heart:

    Hang in there and don't let nasty, rude, insecure people hurt you or get you down, they are the ones with gthe problem.
    I would rather have weight issues as to be like that!!!
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    I'm a police officer and I'm used to being called bad names. It only Gets to me when they say they're going to hurt my family and go into explicit details as to how they're going to do it!

    Some people are psychos!!!
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    This actually happened recently. My boyfriend and I were waiting in line at Subway. I laughed at something my boyfriend said and the guy in front of me thought I was laughing at him. He looked at me and said "what are you laughing at you ugly fat @$$ B****?" And I said "excuse me?" I couldnt believe I had heard him right. He said it again and I told him I wasn't laughing at him. It got to the point where I couldn't even look up without him saying something else horrible to me. My boyfriend tried to tell him to chill out but it only made it worse. I have never seen so much hate in someone's eyes. This was by far the worst thing I have ever experienced. It was 10 times worse than any childhood experience. I was actually in fear for my life as well as my boyfriend's. I was trembling for 2 hours when I left and was scared he had followed us home. I haven't been back to that Subway since, in fear I might see him again.
  • JulieTX86
    JulieTX86 Posts: 303
    This actually happened recently. My boyfriend and I were waiting in line at Subway. I laughed at something my boyfriend said and the guy in front of me thought I was laughing at him. He looked at me and said "what are you laughing at you ugly fat @$$ B****?" And I said "excuse me?" I couldnt believe I had heard him right. He said it again and I told him I wasn't laughing at him. It got to the point where I couldn't even look up without him saying something else horrible to me. My boyfriend tried to tell him to chill out but it only made it worse. I have never seen so much hate in someone's eyes. This was by far the worst thing I have ever experienced. It was 10 times worse than any childhood experience. I was actually in fear for my life as well as my boyfriend's. I was trembling for 2 hours when I left and was scared he had followed us home. I haven't been back to that Subway since, in fear I might see him again.

  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    This actually happened recently. My boyfriend and I were waiting in line at Subway. I laughed at something my boyfriend said and the guy in front of me thought I was laughing at him. He looked at me and said "what are you laughing at you ugly fat @$$ B****?" And I said "excuse me?" I couldnt believe I had heard him right. He said it again and I told him I wasn't laughing at him. It got to the point where I couldn't even look up without him saying something else horrible to me. My boyfriend tried to tell him to chill out but it only made it worse. I have never seen so much hate in someone's eyes. This was by far the worst thing I have ever experienced. It was 10 times worse than any childhood experience. I was actually in fear for my life as well as my boyfriend's. I was trembling for 2 hours when I left and was scared he had followed us home. I haven't been back to that Subway since, in fear I might see him again.

    I think he was obviously lacking in confidence. Some people have had such nasty things said to them.

    I can't think of anything off the top of my head, I have been large for most of my life. I guess my worst experience lately was when I was on my way home from work a few months ago and I could see this drunk skinny girl walking towards me I was on the phone to my boyfriend and she go right in my face and just went to her mate ''ewwwww are my thighs as fat as hers' now if I was a few years younger I would have probally knocked her out. I think I was more shocked than anything else.
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    Wow, these are awful stories. Those poor nurses :(. I'm terrified of nurses and doctors, but I just run screaming, I don't yell at them!! Haha :) (but honestly, I would become one myself if I wasn't downright scared of needles!) Well...maybe not now that I've heard how awful the patients can be.

    I've had a few rude things said to me, but one of them is when I was at the beach when I was around 10-12 (give or take a few years). I was walking down the beach back toward my family when my cousin yelled/sang: "HERE COMES THE BRIDE, ALL FAT AND WHITE!!!" We were both young, but she still comes up with a few fat comments. That one just really stuck with me. No swearing involved, though, luckily!
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    I can't write it here, but can try. I, too, could fill the page. Early in my working days, I was in collections and I did repossessed cars. Sometimes I even was a process server, so you can imagine how much people loved me. I had one guy call me a c*nt of a b*tch of a wh*re, and that, I thought, indicated he was NOT happy with me. But, you just can't take it seriously. One of my old bosses used to pick on me mercilously as a joke. At the time, my spine was better and I was almost 6 feet tall and about 280 pounds and he was 5'4" and 130 pounds, dripping wet. I was usually very good natured about his ribbing, but one day I pretended to go off on him and he was TERRIFIED. Thought his eyes would pop out of his head. He was yelling "Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!" He was my boss, so I spared him. LOL. I picked him up and carried him around one day. Oh, for the good times!