meanest people ever



  • tamdee43
    tamdee43 Posts: 10 Member
    This guy called me and my friend "fat bit**es" one time because we caught him in a lie. I said "he can call me a bit** all he wants but he better not call me FAT".. LOL..
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!

    Mine loved to try to get in my pants afterwards. I'm glad my daughter doesn't why to see him so I dont have to feel with his crap. Which is sad because he tells so many lies on me know that he forgot the truth. Apparently I'm a *kitten*, a bad mom, worthless, I keep her from him even though he hadn't tried contact her in over a year, so many more to choose from... I doubt I will ever get married or have a child with anyone again. Thats not even adding what his gf and her sister that have never met me have to say.

    Same here. He said it should have made me feel better about the situation, but it just made me feel worse and used. One time, things almost got violent and I was too upset to "do anything" and he forced me anyway. I'm carrying his baby right now. It's hard. I don't want him to have any type of custody cuz he has a history of violence, but he's seeing a therapist. I'm afraid a judge will see him as someone who is recovering and let him have partial custody.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    My ex would cuss me out on a regular basis. u_u Pretty obvious why he is my ex. It took me a few times to seriously break up with him and get away, but the first time he called my MOM up and started screaming at her, "You should never have had kids you crazy piece of ****!" He told me, "You should never reproduce!" Which is funny since I was child free by choice and he was always trying to convince me to have kids...

    As for strangers, when I was in 8th grade a little girl started screaming at me calling me ugly and she told me to go die. o_o

    When I was 15, I studied abroad and the host family adopted a little girl who would scream at me calling me ugly and stupid. o_o I'm positive the family taught her this, since they were pretty f'd up (except my older host sister who I loved). They had the maid clean every room except mine, and were in debt up to their eyeballs trying to show off <.<

    People usually don't say things directly to me, but the way people have treated me has made me feel like dirt before. <.<
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    considering that i have battled with my weight for 20 years, I have not had to deal with insults for the most part. however, this past June, i was insulted twice in a short period. By people who i believe are just ignorant. I don't think they intended to hurt me, they just clearly do not understand how what they say can be interpreted as hurtful.

    I teach preschool at a montessori school. one of the grandparents actually poked me hard in the stomach and said "you haven a baby?"
    a week later, my sister in law (who is just 2years younger than me) and i went for a mani/pedi. we had been chatting to each other for nearly an hour, and to any casual observer, it would be clear that we were contemporaries, but the woman doing my nails asks me, "is she your daughter?" wtf, i am told all the time that i do not look my age (40), so how the heck could I possibly look like her mother? even if she only looked 30, that would make me 50...*sigh*

    When I was 18 or 19 a lady asked me if a ~6-8 year old girl in the library was mine. o_o I know she was just trying to find the parents, but geeze, I felt so awful! I asked her, "How old do you think I look??? Like I was a preteen mom?!" I usually don't get upset with people, but was really upset! The lady apologized later and explained her grandma had her mom at 12...not sure if she was telling the truth or not, and I still feel like a douche for having acted that way. Know how you feel though lol
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    the occurance that immediately came to mind is that i have a full-sleeve tattoo, and i used to work at Target. one time, i was stocking some shelves, totally minding my own business, and this lady comes up to me and says, "why do you have that?", gesturing toward my arm. i smiled and said, "because i like it, i think it's pretty!", she scowled at me and said, "ehhhh...." (as if to say, "really? you think that's pretty? i certainly wouldn't call it such!") and walked away. all i could do was fume wordlessly.

    it threw off the whole rest of my day. in general, i'm not an incredibly normal-looking person, but, i think i'm a good person. i try to maintain some measure of courtesy and respect for those around me, whether i know them or not, whether i agree with their choices or not. i don't randomly mess with people, and i expect people not to mess with me. so it REALLY throws me for a loop when i get one of those special people who likes to go out of their way to make me, a total stranger, feel like ****.

    like, i can cover up my tattoos. i can hide or remove my piercings. i clean up quite nicely. but being a mean person (like that lady) isn't someting so easily concealed... i guess that thought is what i find comfort in.
  • smallerthighs
    F'ing N- word........................and my cousin Lonnie and his friend 'tapped dat azz!!!'

    In a most delightful way..heehee. I normally don't condone violence.....but that remark had "azz whippin" written all over it.
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    I'm a nurse. I could spit out a list of things I've been told and called by patients and their family members that would fill up this page. LOL

    Oh...I think nurses are wonderful. I admit that the last time I was in labor I told the nurse that I didn't believe that she had called my doctor to see if I could have the epidural and furthermore, I KNEW that she and all the other nurses thought it was FUNNY. God bless her, she was still very, very nice to me.

    Of course I apologized later, when I wasn't out of my mind with pain!
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!

    Mine loved to try to get in my pants afterwards. I'm glad my daughter doesn't why to see him so I dont have to feel with his crap. Which is sad because he tells so many lies on me know that he forgot the truth. Apparently I'm a *kitten*, a bad mom, worthless, I keep her from him even though he hadn't tried contact her in over a year, so many more to choose from... I doubt I will ever get married or have a child with anyone again. Thats not even adding what his gf and her sister that have never met me have to say.

    Same here. He said it should have made me feel better about the situation, but it just made me feel worse and used. One time, things almost got violent and I was too upset to "do anything" and he forced me anyway. I'm carrying his baby right now. It's hard. I don't want him to have any type of custody cuz he has a history of violence, but he's seeing a therapist. I'm afraid a judge will see him as someone who is recovering and let him have partial custody.

    I know that feeling all too well... I think people like that need more than professional help. At least you're out of there. Just be ready for the verbal assault of your character once you cut him off completely
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    I've been called almost every name I can think of referring to my weight. beached whale, fat *kitten*, wide load, fat *****, ugly, slut, fatty fat fat (not particularly clever) been barked at......all by my 2 brothers and my father, let alone other people. I just laugh it off now, cuz I know I'm gorgeous and it pisses them off =3
  • MrsH06
    MrsH06 Posts: 159
    I was looking at dresses with my 3 little boys and another customer, very skinny I may add, says "I don't think they have what size you are looking for" and started to walk away. I stopped her and told her that she was lucky my boys were there or we would play peter cotton tail and I would start by thumping her in the head. Women (and men) can be so rude.

    I haven't looked for a dress since though.

    I also remember a young man stopped me while I was buckling my then 1 year old in the car just to tell me I was ugly.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!

    Mine loved to try to get in my pants afterwards. I'm glad my daughter doesn't why to see him so I dont have to feel with his crap. Which is sad because he tells so many lies on me know that he forgot the truth. Apparently I'm a *kitten*, a bad mom, worthless, I keep her from him even though he hadn't tried contact her in over a year, so many more to choose from... I doubt I will ever get married or have a child with anyone again. Thats not even adding what his gf and her sister that have never met me have to say.

    Same here. He said it should have made me feel better about the situation, but it just made me feel worse and used. One time, things almost got violent and I was too upset to "do anything" and he forced me anyway. I'm carrying his baby right now. It's hard. I don't want him to have any type of custody cuz he has a history of violence, but he's seeing a therapist. I'm afraid a judge will see him as someone who is recovering and let him have partial custody.

    I know that feeling all too well... I think people like that need more than professional help. At least you're out of there. Just be ready for the verbal assault of your character once you cut him off completely

    I COMPLETELY agree! Most physically and emotionally abusive people are a type of sociopath, and don't have a conscience, but are really good at pretending they have one. The tricky thing about them seeing a therapist and such is, they then know ways of consealing their abuse behind facades of other mental health issues and say that they can't help it. When they say they will get mental help and follow through......RUN! They are arming themselves for a battle they know they will win, when they have information straight from a professional.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member

    When I was 18 or 19 a lady asked me if a ~6-8 year old girl in the library was mine. o_o I know she was just trying to find the parents, but geeze, I felt so awful! I asked her, "How old do you think I look??? Like I was a preteen mom?!" I usually don't get upset with people, but was really upset! The lady apologized later and explained her grandma had her mom at 12...not sure if she was telling the truth or not, and I still feel like a douche for having acted that way. Know how you feel though lol
    same happened to me when I was 19 and au pairing two kids (aged 8 and 9) and in several cases people thought I was their mother. Sure, I went everywhere with them, but still it was annoying!
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!

    Mine loved to try to get in my pants afterwards. I'm glad my daughter doesn't why to see him so I dont have to feel with his crap. Which is sad because he tells so many lies on me know that he forgot the truth. Apparently I'm a *kitten*, a bad mom, worthless, I keep her from him even though he hadn't tried contact her in over a year, so many more to choose from... I doubt I will ever get married or have a child with anyone again. Thats not even adding what his gf and her sister that have never met me have to say.

    Same here. He said it should have made me feel better about the situation, but it just made me feel worse and used. One time, things almost got violent and I was too upset to "do anything" and he forced me anyway. I'm carrying his baby right now. It's hard. I don't want him to have any type of custody cuz he has a history of violence, but he's seeing a therapist. I'm afraid a judge will see him as someone who is recovering and let him have partial custody.

    I know that feeling all too well... I think people like that need more than professional help. At least you're out of there. Just be ready for the verbal assault of your character once you cut him off completely

    I COMPLETELY agree! Most physically and emotionally abusive people are a type of sociopath, and don't have a conscience, but are really good at pretending they have one. The tricky thing about them seeing a therapist and such is, they then know ways of consealing their abuse behind facades of other mental health issues and say that they can't help it. When they say they will get mental help and follow through......RUN! They are arming themselves for a battle they know they will win, when they have information straight from a professional.

    Sociopaths are the WORST!!!! You are right they learn the system all too well. Sometimes you get a judge that can see through that charm and peg them for what they really are. However..... I was physically, emotionally, and sexually abused most of my life and i can say I am not a sociopath at all. Not all of us are evil lol, I'm just really good at pretending nothing bothers me :)
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member

    I knew what was going on--he had mistaken me for my older sister. I kept trying to defend myself, kept trying to tell him that I was KRIS, but he was relentless, and, eventually, he did reduce me to tears. When he finally stopped, he sat, staring at me for a few moments, and then turned to his good friend my mother (who had made no move to defend me), and said, "Oh, Jesus--I got the wrong daughter, didn't I?"


    Okay I'm confused. This statement makes me think that this was something your mom and doctor set up. Not that it makes it right by any means but what was going on with your sister that your doctor would make the comment "I got the wrong daughter didn't I?" This screams "set-up" to me although I can't figure out why your mom wouldn't jump to your defense if it was something they set up for your sister.

    It was still a horrible thing to do and say.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    The one that really sticks out for me is when I was 4 my grandmother took me for my first haircut. Don't ask me why it was her. I'm not even sure my mom knew she was going to do it. I went from having long curly hair to hair so short I couldn't do anything with it. No ponytail, no curls, nothing. My dad took me to the park that weekend and there was a boy there who was about my age. I was swinging and he ran up to me and started yelling "Hey little boy, let's go play little boy!" I yelled at him that I was a girl and my dad also advised that I was a girl. The kid didn't believe either of us and even proceded to look at my dad and "No it's not, that's a boy not a girl!" Needless to say, I jumped off the swings and ran to the car in tears. When my mom found out she called my grandmother (her mother) and ripped her a new one for allowing my hair to be cut so short. My parents were furious.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    This is an incredibly depressing thread.

    I'm very glad I'm not in healthcare!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    I'm a nurse. I could spit out a list of things I've been told and called by patients and their family members that would fill up this page. LOL
    honey i have no doubt. i work in a hospital and i've heard some awful AWFUL things come from patients... i couldn't be paid enough to do your job!
  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member
    so looking back why are all the mean people towards women? ive only seen one guy say something!
  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member
    so looking back why are all the mean people towards women? ive only seen one guy say something!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I've been called every name in the book and a few that never made it to the book, but the funniest insult was a guy who'd already called me the b-word and c-word, with some f-words as adjectives, then said, that I wasn't "ladylike" because I liked the band Korn. :laugh:

    Seriously? It's supposed to hurt my feelings that some foul-mouthed wanker doesn't think I'm dainty enough?! So I'd still be an f-ing b-word and c-word, but if I listened to Kenny G, I'd be ok?

    wow how stupid people are lol i guess u me and a million others are not lady like for liking korn lmao