Stressed and Getting Healthy! new group



  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I only have 12-15 lbs left to lose, but I will continue to check in on my activity and diet :)
  • saeverman
    You know how your body usually tells you something when you start craving something? What is it trying to tell me when I'm craving ice cream? I don't even really like ice cream, but I cannot seem to avoid McDonald's 49 cent ice cream cones!!!! I know I used to crave ice when my iron was low. But I just finished 10 weeks of iron infusions, so I know it's not that! I'm guessing stress because I started back to college after being out for twenty years!

    Hope everyone else is doing better in this challenge than me!!!!

    Stephanie E
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Hey everyone! I haven't posted on here in a few days since I was enjoying my first couple of days off in awhile. I have been stressed lately because of not getting enough sleep (currently running on 2 hours). Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    I am having a lot of problems with anxiety and it is getting in the way with my working out and some eating. I just ugh.. I don't know. I am working way too much and that still seems like it isn't enough, which makes me stressed out. All I want to do is have a few days off and go for a nice walk.
  • MissaUndead
    Hi my name is Melissa.
    SW: 400
    CW: 377

    I have been overweight my whole life and I would always start a diet..try to work out but always gave up. But this time I am determined and it is not a is a life change..that is what has stuck with me. I don't think I can ever go back to not counting calories...I can't even imagine how many calories I use to eat a day. I just want to be healthy and thin that way I can buy whatever clothes I want and not be paranoid where ever I go..feel like everyone is staring at me.
    I have always had anxiety...I have no is so hard for me to talk to anyone other than my husband and son. I get very lonely. Wish I had at least one close true best friend. I have only worked once because I would have anxiety attacks when I would go to work. I can't handle being around a lot of people.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Zombella have you tried to schedule your day? As in 'work 8-5' 'relax 6-6:30' 'workout 6:30-7:30'? anything like that? sometimes it helps me destress if I see what lays ahead of me in the day.

    Nice to meet you Melissa! I never really think of this site as a diet. just kinda a limit to how MUCH I eat instead of what kinds. So I just eat and eat and log it in, and when I hit my calorie goal? I drink water and whine (that was the first 2 weeks) now months and months later I find it fun to log in the food and see how the macro goals fit in.

    I hope you do really well here! I don't really have one true friend. I count my boyfriend as my best friend but I see you mentioned you have a husband, so other than my guy, I don't really have anyone close to me. It does bother me a lot that I haven't found that kind of friendship, and I am continually putting myself out there in hopes I can find a BFF :P

    I hope sharing here with us will help you find new ways to cope with your anxiety!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    This is a good idea!

    I have been on a mission for a long time to have as stress free of a life as possible. I wanted my kids to not live in chaos, and then 3 years ago I decided I needed to stop taking care of others who were not taking care of themselves, which just added more stress to my life. I went back to school (which only increased my stress and anxiety but I was glad to be doing something for myself) and then six months later I started losing weight. I have been on this "weightloss/stress free/ looking out for myself a bit more " journey ever since. Watching what I eat (which now includes elliminating gluten) and working out regularly gets overwhelming, i sometimes get anxious about it, and certain causes stress at time. BUT I know this is the best way for me to deal with the stress and anxiety that I normally have in my life. Anxiety has been a part of my life since I was 4, I just didn't know thats what it was till recent years. Because of the anxiety, I was viewed as emotional and unstable by my family. Who knew what a little peace could do. I think there really needs to be better awareness about anxiety.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Anxiety regarding heights became an issue a few years ago. It never had been an issue before at all. Last year we went to the falls, the big one is 177 feet. I looked over it and felt a lot of anxiety, I felt dizzy, and disconnected. I forced myself to keep looking over till this anxiety got better. It didn't fully go away but was better, so I took my hike down around and under. A bit of anxiety, but I felt connected to the environment. Two days ago we went back. Now that I have a hrm I was curious as to how many calories I would burn hiking the falls. When I walked up and looked over the edge of the 177 foot fall, I felt no anxiety at all. I hiked the whole thing, and never felt discomfort. I credit a lot of this too take flax seed oil capsules. I have seen them help take the edge off my anxiety a lot.

    Last night I had to go to OHSU in Portland, it sits up on a hill over looking Portland, I looked over and out, and was a bit discomforted, but not much anxiety. I got into the elevetor (which leads to anxiety in it self) but went up 10 floors and there was a bit more discomfort, mostly do to the idea of the elevator so high. I didn't like being up there, and earthquake most definitely popped into my head, but the fact that I didn't feel panic when I looked out and over, or was in the elevator, or spent 2 hours on the tenth floor, is HUGE. Again I believe the flax seed oil capsules have helped me a lot with anxiety. I had more anxiety when walking through the parkade at 10 at night cause we lost our car. lol. But still not a state of panic. I thought more about the calories i was burning walking around and around the levels of the parkade.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I couldn't even read the entire post you just did, Becky. My hands started getting clammy and I had to close my eyes.

    Guess I'm afraid of heights. Even imagined heights. :ohwell:

    School is back and I am more stressed than ever. House is almost finished from the big move, and work is going ok... but I find myself taking nap after nap after nap and then having homework. I just haven't been my usual active self.

    I have scheduled in times to do homework/workouts but I haven't made myself keep to them. Gotta keep trying!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Remember Sarah, even a good walk is going to your brain good, not just your body. Which is ultra helpful with school.. I do not envy you though, but don't be hard on yourself, it's tough!
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Zombella have you tried to schedule your day? As in 'work 8-5' 'relax 6-6:30' 'workout 6:30-7:30'? anything like that? sometimes it helps me destress if I see what lays ahead of me in the day.

    I try to schedule out my day but it can be hard sometimes. Because I work from home, what I make and how long I have to work is basically based upon how much traffic is coming in. One day, I might only have to work 6 hrs while another I might have to work like 12 or more. I try to work out like 30 minutes before my fiance comes home for his lunch and we take our lunch together, then I go back to work for the rest of the day.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    One of my biggest anxieties has to come from being a hypochondriac. It mainly started because I lost my medical insurance in 2007 and it was really hard. Thankfully I do have medical insurance now, but I still get stressed from it.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I don't work from home, but I'm a sub for teacher assistants, so I never know if I'm going to get called in for work or not. Or how long I will be working if I do work that day. It's made it a challenge to plan out workouts, as well as meals, cause I have to eat so differently if I do work. I prefer having small meals, through out the day, and I can't do that when working at school. I just take each day one at a time, and try to do what I can on each given day. I normally have to come home and relax, then work on dinner for the family. But I'm going to try and come home and just do my work out first before dinner. I have seen myself overcome so much this summer and reach goals I never even imagined reaching, so right now, I'm thinking I will be able to push through that comeing home and needing to relax time. That is my goal. Working out is too beneficial to me to not push through being tired and worn out.
    Zombella have you tried to schedule your day? As in 'work 8-5' 'relax 6-6:30' 'workout 6:30-7:30'? anything like that? sometimes it helps me destress if I see what lays ahead of me in the day.

    I try to schedule out my day but it can be hard sometimes. Because I work from home, what I make and how long I have to work is basically based upon how much traffic is coming in. One day, I might only have to work 6 hrs while another I might have to work like 12 or more. I try to work out like 30 minutes before my fiance comes home for his lunch and we take our lunch together, then I go back to work for the rest of the day.
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    Stress has, over the last couple of years, turned my life completely upside down. I wasn't exercising, was eating stuff that was horribly unhealthy, wasn't sleeping, and was pretty much a disaster. Add high blood pressure into the mix and it's not a good thing.

    I've since cut back to 1/2 time at work and am beginning to schedule a lot more, including time for me, and not just my boys and husband. It's amazing what a couple months can do. I'd like to be able to say that I'm working from 8:30 to 12, then at the gym from 12:30 to 1:30, then home to do some work for my own business, get supper ready, and get everyone off to their various activities. So far, I haven't yet had a day that I've met my ideal, but I keep working at it ... it's got to all come together at some point ;-)
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Today I really don't feel like doing anything, I'm not even hungry. One of the problems with me working from home (online) is that my eyes get strained and really bother me. Today is one of those days where they are really bothering me and I have to work. I won't be able to see an optometrist for another 2 weeks. UGH.
  • saeverman
    So it looks like there are 12 of us. How did everyone do last week? Did you remember to weigh in on Monday? Feel free to post your result good or bad. We are all here to support you.

    Stephanie E
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    I did weigh in on Monday and I lost half a pound. I think that is better than nothing, but hopefully I will do better next week. That was my own fault because I wasn't eating enough (not all of my goal cals).
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    within the past 2 weeks I have lost 2 lbs, but they were lbs I had lost previously and regained.

    I am trying to get back 2 more pounds down, to 139.2 (my lowest point this year) and someday back to my lowest adult weight, 125 :)
  • saeverman
    Congrats to Zombella and sarah44254 on your weight loss. It all has to start somewhere and every pound counts! Keep up the good work!

    STephanie E
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    I'm in the same boat as Sarah, having lost 0.4 pounds last week (part of the 4 I gained whilst on vacation). But, hey, I'll take any loss, so long as the number's going down!