Stressed and Getting Healthy! new group



  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Just wanted to say hello to everyone who is new! Welcome!

    Sorry to those having a hard time today. When I am feeling down or anxious, I try to write down how I am feeling and what made me feel that way, or I listen to music.
  • Butterfly3081
    Butterfly3081 Posts: 67 Member
    I too have a height really gets in the way of doing things!
  • Butterfly3081
    Butterfly3081 Posts: 67 Member
    "Having a pretty anxious day. Feels like everything is wrong and terrible but logically, nothing bad is happening.

    Going to skip exercise and just mull around the house, slowly getting my list of stuff to do done. Hmmm :| hate this feeling"

    Free floating anxiety is the worst! Feeling anxious but not knowing why or what is making you feel that way I think is the worst feeling in the world so I totally understand where you are coming from! Sometimes exercise makes you feel better though..takes your mind off of the unseen things that are bothering you. Have you tried meditation?
  • Butterfly3081
    Butterfly3081 Posts: 67 Member
    Having a pretty anxious day. Feels like everything is wrong and terrible but logically, nothing bad is happening.

    Going to skip exercise and just mull around the house, slowly getting my list of stuff to do done. Hmmm :| hate this feeling

    Free floating anxiety is the worst! Feeling anxious but not knowing why or what is making you feel that way I think is the worst feeling in the world so I totally understand where you are coming from! Sometimes exercise makes you feel better though..takes your mind off of the unseen things that are bothering you. Have you tried meditation?
  • Brook70
    Brook70 Posts: 164
    I would like to be part of this group. I am not sure how groups work, but I have stress, anxiety and depression. Yay me, Lol! I think this group will help a lot of people. Thank you!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I'm not sure how this group works, either :) I just check in 'my topics' to see if anyone has posted, or add my thoughts if I have anything to say that day.

    I'm feeling a little better now that I've wasted about an hour doing pretty much nothing. I think I can pinpoint this specific day of anxiety to my job. I've been trying to find a different one for a few months now and not doing good at all with that.

    I tried meditating years ago, I should step back into it again, it did help.
  • CherryTop
    CherryTop Posts: 41 Member
    I am just stressed :~/
    I think I will have a cortisol test to see if that contributes to my weight issues. I never had a weight problem til the death of my Mother , then a car accident and now more recently my MIL has cancer. With each episode I had a weight gain. Exercise keeps the stress somewhat manageable. Now that I am eating more calories , the weight is starting to drop. I have lost 4lbs in 12 days ... 5 of those I did not workout.
  • fiercekindness
    fiercekindness Posts: 31 Member
    Hi All, I'am new and would like to be apart of your group.

    I've been on my weight loss journey for about 9 months now. I've lost 110 pounds. I am really struggling with being grateful and celebrating that accomplishment. I am also very stressed and worried that I'll gain it all back. Which I really don't want to do. I really want to live a healthy and balanced life altogether. I am tried of obsessing about my weight and just hating my body altogether. If I cannot celebrate where I am at today and how far I've come...then I don't believe there is no way I'll ever get to my goal weight. I am just really scared. I am know I am an emotional eater. Easily overwhelmed and food is my comfort. It calms me and soothes me as well. I know it's only a temporary fix, but I don't think that when I am in the height of my anxiety or whatever other emotion it may be. It's really scary. Exercising does help me greatly. I do enjoy doing it, would love it better if I had a partner who could push me along the way. I don't want to constantly struggle with my weight or constantly argue with myself inside that since I'am not at this certain weight then therefore I cannot allow myself to enjoy the present. It's just hard. No, extremely hard. Does anyone else struggle with this? Thanks for listening to me.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Hey everyone! First I wanted to say welcome to everyone who has joined.

    I started this group because there weren't any other groups for anxiety, stress, and other problems and I wanted a place where I could talk to others with similar problems. I am not sure how to run a group, so basically anyone can 'join' and just talk about their progress or anything they want. If anyone has any ideas that would be great. : )
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    I am feeling sluggish today. A huge part of me doesn't even want to work out but I might force myself to anyway.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Very tired today but the nervous/anxious feeling yesterday has dissipated pretty much altogether.
  • Butterfly3081
    Butterfly3081 Posts: 67 Member
    I messed up tonite and went out to eat and didn't eat really healthy and now I'm over on my calores and of course that has me anxious and stressed! I've worked so hard to lose my first 6 lbs and I am so scared I'm going to gain it back with how I chose to eat today. I feel like I've let myself down! Then to make matters worse my boyfriend decided to act dumb when I told him what I was doing tonite and it irritated me and stressed me out more than I already was. I tried to talk to him about my diet slip cause I thought I could go to him but I guess I was wrong cause it just started a fight cause I couldn't hear what he was saying cause he mumbles a lot and I asked him to repeat himself. GRRRRR!!! I just want to feel okay in my own skin and want other people to find me attractive as well! I don't want to fail at this! I'm feeling so stressed and anxious! I wish this feeling would go away!
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I'm in!! The stress in my life comes from being divorced for almost 4 years now and being alone almost all the time. I share 50/50 custody so I only have my kids every other week. And they are getting older so they don't need me so much. I panic when I think about my life when they are both gone and living their own lives. Dating where I live is pretty much a joke.....most of my friends are married so I always feel like the 3rd seems like no matter what I don't have a hold on anything. The one positive thing is I LOVE my job so I'm pretty happy M-F 7:30 to 4! It's coming home that sucks. So I will be clicking on this topic daily!!!
  • naturechyld
    I started having panic attacks this past January. I literally thought I was having a heart attack and spent 2 days in the hospital. I have no idea what triggered it. I was able to quit smoking (and gain almost 30lbs) so that's good, I guess. I recovered. Then about a week or so ago, I had a panic attack again. It was also totally random as far as I can tell. I'm not aware of being worried or anything? Now for the last 3 days 8)I'm having anxiety symptoms: tight chest and throat, headache, lightheaded and boy am I quick tempered. I feel so bad I just want it to stop. I'm becoming paranoid that I'm having these problems because of some underlying medical issue.

    Anyway...hi everyone, lol
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    It's really hard going through the process of our kids growing up, and having them involved with other parents to begin with is really hard too. I think I'm in the middle of the growing up process, I realize that my kids become adults and have their own lives. My oldest just turned 21 today. I am very much looking forward to all 4 of them being adults and on their own, so I can get this process done, I have gone through the last two years of having our whole family dynamic change a great deal. It sent me into a pretty deep depression. It feels like we aren't a family anymore sometimes, but I know it's just a part of life and where the kids are at in theirs, so I have to jjust relax and accept. Not easy. But it's the way it goes. I'm glad you at least love your job, and can have that for an excape!
    I'm in!! The stress in my life comes from being divorced for almost 4 years now and being alone almost all the time. I share 50/50 custody so I only have my kids every other week. And they are getting older so they don't need me so much. I panic when I think about my life when they are both gone and living their own lives. Dating where I live is pretty much a joke.....most of my friends are married so I always feel like the 3rd seems like no matter what I don't have a hold on anything. The one positive thing is I LOVE my job so I'm pretty happy M-F 7:30 to 4! It's coming home that sucks. So I will be clicking on this topic daily!!!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Hi there To everyone new!
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Hey everyone new!

    I need to learn how to stop weighing myself every day. When I do that, I get bummed out when I weigh more, even though I know it is because of the food that I ate.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Hey everyone new!

    I need to learn how to stop weighing myself every day. When I do that, I get bummed out when I weigh more, even though I know it is because of the food that I ate.

    I put my scale in the closet 2 weeks ago. I've been tempted but so far I've left it in there.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    My stress for today - I got a call last night that my Grandma fell and broke her hip. I was with her til 2 a.m. and am headed back now. It's only me and her and this is scary as hell. Please send me well wishes!!! Her surgery will be later this afternoon.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    So sorry! :(
    My stress for today - I got a call last night that my Grandma fell and broke her hip. I was with her til 2 a.m. and am headed back now. It's only me and her and this is scary as hell. Please send me well wishes!!! Her surgery will be later this afternoon.