The ONE simple move you can do TODAY that will change your l



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'm actually going to go against the majority on this one and agree to the point she was trying to make. Maybe the way in which she presented it "APPEARED" as though she was generalizing that "ALL" of us are "OVERWEIGHT" because we spend so much time "WATCHING TV" and maybe eating bon bon's along the way... why? because we have been presented with the generalization that "oh you're that way because you're lazy." Well I don't feel as though that was what she was trying to say but simply make a suggestion just the same as someone posting a message saying "WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? TRY HUMMUS!!!" Yet I'm sure no one would barrage the poster with "what the heck is your problem?" Let's face it "SOME" people "DO" and "HAVE" gained more weight because they choose to watch tv over exercise not to mention the issue of children choosing to stay indoors and watch "JUNK" tv instead of get fresh air and yes I feel the same way about the internet and for that matter any form of technology because yes everything does have its pros and cons and yes you can watch informative things on tv but maybe... and I mean just maybe she was trying to say instead of watching that one hour of tv because you have self-control go out and learn something new by doing... I'm sure I've offended someone along the way but like I said before I said "SOME" people. Any let’s not forget it was only a suggestion which is what these posts are for and it’s only tv…. Now I’m sure I’ll get some slack for the post, but felt I had to agree with her.


    Ok, now that the silliness is out of the way, a serious rebuttal. A full life is about variety. True, we can do other things instead of watching TV, but hey, I do other things in addition to watching TV, and in addition to hanging out on the internet, in addition to playing video games, in addition to working out, in addition to working, in addition to hanging out with friends, etc, etc. Cutting things out just for the sake of cutting them out is pointless, and solves nothing.

    Your body needs rest. That's when it does all of it's repairing and rebuilding. If you eliminate an hour of TV for an extra hour of working out, you'll probably be hindering more than helping. Your body does not build muscle or repair damage while you're working out, it does it while you rest. Resting and relaxing is just as important to health and well-being as eating right and exercising.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I don't often watch TV, and from the 1st of January I've been logging my home viewing, to work out whether it's worth the cost of the yearly license (£145 a year) and so far this year I've watched only one hour of TV.

    Far better to be actually doing something, than sitting on my fat *kitten* and watching a box.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I haven't watched TV in over 8 years (with the exception of Letterman when I'm at a hotel).

    I don't miss it.

    I do, however, spend ridiculous amounts of time on MFP :\

    ooh, I love hummus!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I only use it for exercise videos. Sometimes animal documentaries! I like to learn more about my field of study. I'd have to get rid of the computer before TV... that's my real problem. But to argue with myself, I need MFP to lose weight... :huh:
  • Angelamu77
    Get rid of your TV. NO..dont`just limit your watching, or cut off the cable. GET THE TV OUT OF THE HOUSE. CAN do this. It`s perfectly OK and doable for EVERYONE. Sell it, put it in storage, give it away.

    It will change your life. You will get more done, you will read more, exercise more, and yoru kids will realize they can play OUTSIDE

    ps..also do this with any vid game systems in the house.

    If you get rid of the TV and just start doing everything on the pc that you did with your tv isn't that going to have the same issue?

    Learnning to put limits and stay within them is part of a lifestyle change; isn't it? I mean we are limiting what we put in our body why not take that focus and energy and limit TV.

    I am not a TV watcher myself but even I am not getting rid of my TVs (own 5 of them). I think it is more important to set limits instead of off limits.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    No way Im getting rid of my TV. It was a free 47" flat screen. Never gonna win something like that again! I do try to limit myself. I actually spend more time in front of my computer than TV (graphic/web designer here!). I didnt have cable all last year and hardly ever watched TV. Sometimes I would watch Netflix. I'm not addicted to television so I think I'll keep mine.