Week 4 Aug. Challenge - Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROUP)



  • cath1717
    5k CHECK
    Water CHECK

    Final day of August! Woohoo!
    Looking forward to September!
    Great group! xo :glasses:

    Yeah, bravo!
    I second, very nice group we have, helps alot!
  • amazing_grace♥
    I have been busy, busy, busy today!! But I did post the September challenges (first week - even tho it's a short one) on the September thread for everybody. There are Basic challenges,and advanced challenges, and you can mix and match and pick and choose!! You can choose to stay with beginner all the way, or do a few days of beginner and then a few days of advanced.... does that make sense?

    The point system is the same for both the Basic and the Advanced..... if you do the challenges for that day, you get one point.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Myself, I lost 1.4 pounds this week.... whoo hoo!! I'm happy with that.

    Today I went to the gym for the first time (I've been putting it off for weeks because I was nervous about going there by myself when I know nothing about those machines!!) I think I'm going to like adding some new stuff to my workouts!! Then I came home and did my Tuesday challenge (sheesh - that would've been hysterical to watch!! haha),

    Then after that, I went out and walked my 5.3 mile walk at a very brisk 4.0 mph! Whew!!

    I have to get a few more weigh-ins from people for the August challenge, then I will let you know how much we lost total.... you guys were an AMAZING TEAM and I'm so glad that we kicked booty in August together!!

    One more time, for any one who might need it, here is the September thread......

  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I have been busy, busy, busy today!! But I did post the September challenges (first week - even tho it's a short one) on the September thread for everybody. There are Basic challenges,and advanced challenges, and you can mix and match and pick and choose!! You can choose to stay with beginner all the way, or do a few days of beginner and then a few days of advanced.... does that make sense?

    The point system is the same for both the Basic and the Advanced..... if you do the challenges for that day, you get one point.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Do we get a bonus point if we do both of the challenges?? LOL
  • amazing_grace♥
    I have been busy, busy, busy today!! But I did post the September challenges (first week - even tho it's a short one) on the September thread for everybody. There are Basic challenges,and advanced challenges, and you can mix and match and pick and choose!! You can choose to stay with beginner all the way, or do a few days of beginner and then a few days of advanced.... does that make sense?

    The point system is the same for both the Basic and the Advanced..... if you do the challenges for that day, you get one point.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Do we get a bonus point if we do both of the challenges?? LOL

    LOL, no bonus for doing both... sorry.