How often do you eat fast food?



  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    Honestly? LESS than 1x month :D It's only when I CRAVE for something that I go out & get it.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    The only fast food I eat is Chik Fil A, and I get a grilled chocken sandwich with a side salad instead of fries. I eat there about once a week. I won't touch other fast food restaurants with a ten foot pole. If I'm gonna eat a to of calories, I'd rather have a good steak or some seafood. Nasty burgers a McDonalds is so not worth the calories.
  • blnorman29
    blnorman29 Posts: 148 Member
    I eat fast food every couple of weeks, but usually it's because of poor planning on my part. If I don't have something planned for dinner, I'll resort to fast food. I will go for something within my calorie goal, though. French fries are almost always out. Very high fat and high salt. I'll get a diet soda or unsweetened tea. All chains have their nutrition information posted on their websites. If you eat out frequently, pick a few things on the menu in advance that you know the calories of, then when you're in a hurry, you know ahead of time what is safe to pick. Moderation is key.
  • thinmeto90
    Almost never! Except the occasional Taco Bell...I have this thing for
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    I eat fast food every couple of weeks, but usually it's because of poor planning on my part. If I don't have something planned for dinner, I'll resort to fast food. I will go for something within my calorie goal, though. French fries are almost always out. Very high fat and high salt. I'll get a diet soda or unsweetened tea. All chains have their nutrition information posted on their websites. If you eat out frequently, pick a few things on the menu in advance that you know the calories of, then when you're in a hurry, you know ahead of time what is safe to pick. Moderation is key.

    very good idea. thats a smart one :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Usually about once a week or so, it's certainly never negatively impacted my weight loss or fitness goals.
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    If you're serious about weight loss you should cut it out altogether. But to Merril's point, if you need to, it's ok as long as it's within your calories. The problem is not only the nutritional value, but the high sodium content of fast food. I'm not saying to deprive yourself, but it is so much healthier to cook for yourself.
    Personally, I miss fast food as much as the next person, but my personal goals of weight loss supercede a Big Mac anyday!

    yah i agree. i dont WANT to like fast food. i wish i could cut it outta my life entirely like some people lol,
    and just learn to cook good food, but its all just laziness on my part. just gotta do better
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    Usually about once a week or so, it's certainly never negatively impacted my weight loss or fitness goals.

    where do you go and what do you order ? i might need help with that cause i usually pick fries and a burger,
    then gain the weight. if i knew whats a healhier option and moderation , then i wish i could do what you do
    , that way i woudlnt gain the weight lol :)
  • futurefitgirl88
    subway is considered fast food right?
    I eat fast food almost on a regular basis then. I think it is about making smart choices. :) and these days almost all fast food restaurants have choices for those that are watching their weight. But if you do not have the will power to resist the fatty foods (which wud be for example; getting a cookie at subway) then I'd stay clear of it and eat at home instead!!
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    If you're going to eat take-away opt for a healthy take-away... Nandos or Subway?
    I haven't had McDonalds, KFC, Hungry Jacks or anything like that for a year now :-)
    Trust me you will learn to hate it lol.
  • prettyash76
    I say once every few weeks, but what i like to do is make my own burgers which are turkey burgers and bake some steak fries in the oven at home. I dont eat much fried food
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    every once in a blue moon.

    I got a burrito the other night 'cause i was starving and it was late and i was being lazy but that was the first time i had fast food in probably 2 months.

    I don't like fast food very much at all so it's easy for me to not eat it.
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    If you're going to eat take-away opt for a healthy take-away... Nandos or Subway?
    I haven't had McDonalds, KFC, Hungry Jacks or anything like that for a year now :-)
    Trust me you will learn to hate it lol.

    haha i feel you! :)
    im starting to hate mcdnalds already =/
  • futurefitgirl88
    If you're going to eat take-away opt for a healthy take-away... Nandos or Subway?
    I haven't had McDonalds, KFC, Hungry Jacks or anything like that for a year now :-)
    Trust me you will learn to hate it lol.

    amen to that!

    also one thing I love is this local mexican restaurant...I eat their quesedias (except i only tell them to put 1 table spoon cheese and no sour cream etc! I think they are about 500 calorie max. amazing!!!

    Just know what you are putting in your mouth. Don't eat **** that is deep fried (oil=calories)...and eat loads of veggies and fruit coz it fills you uP!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Usually about once a week or so, it's certainly never negatively impacted my weight loss or fitness goals.

    where do you go and what do you order ? i might need help with that cause i usually pick fries and a burger,
    then gain the weight. if i knew whats a healhier option and moderation , then i wish i could do what you do
    , that way i woudlnt gain the weight lol :)
    When I eat fast food, I don't worry so much about choosing healthy. I believe in moderation. I plan for these things. I make adjustments to my day. I've eaten everything from double bacon cheeseburgers at Five Guys to taco supremes at Taco Bell (hey, at least it's low fat sour cream. :wink: ) To me, eating fast food is no different than eating at any other restaurant, I enjoy the different menu items, I've worked in restaurants, including fast food restaurants for over a decade as a manager, so I know pretty much what really goes into everything, and yes, there is a lot of salt, but the ingredients used in say McDonald's are actually no different than the ingredients you would see in any casual dining family restaurant.

    It really depends on calories remaining for the day. If I have a lot of calories left over, I may splurge on a less healthy item, if I have less calories, I get a little more selective. Generally more selective means less condiments, skipping fries, etc. And I never get drinks, if I do it's a Diet or water. A large soda from a fast food place will easily set you back about 500 calories, so the drink is a definite no buy.

    Of course, I offset my unhealthiness at fast food places with the fact that I cook everything I eat at home 100% from scratch, so that may offset any "damage" I may do by eating there. :laugh:
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I haven't had any fast food since I started eating better on June 3 of this year.
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    Wendy's chili has been my go-to if I really have to have fast food.
  • kristinathenina
    I eat at subway at least 6 times a week, sometimes more- I work there. I just keep to the 6g of fat or less, no cheese, and scoop out the excess bread inside (just have to ask). That being said, I normally try to keep my sodium content low when I am at home so that I can eat at work without going over my sodium content
  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    I only reserve fast food for a treat. I never eat it because i need to eat. And even then its only once a month or less. My weakness: chili cheese fries or tots with jalapenos.
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    I eat at subway at least 6 times a week, sometimes more- I work there. I just keep to the 6g of fat or less, no cheese, and scoop out the excess bread inside (just have to ask). That being said, I normally try to keep my sodium content low when I am at home so that I can eat at work without going over my sodium content

    Clearly it's working for you!