How often do you eat fast food?



  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    My ONLY fast food any more is a 1/2 baja salad no dressing/tortillas from Wendy's or a 1/2 sub way sub. Quite honestly, Mcdonalds, BK, etc make me feel queezy when walking in there.
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    Chipotle and Panera regularly. Chic-fil-A as a treat once in a blue moon (I used to eat there twice a week). No fast food burger places for me (however, I do miss the double stacks at Wendy's).
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have Nandos maybe once a month (I love their vege burger...) but apart from that I don't really much care for fast food.

    In general, with this kind of food, I don't think you have much portion control, and it's so easy to go over calories.

    Actually most fast food places have very strict portion control practices in place. You'll get more consistent portioning in a fast food place than you will most other restaurants.
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    I used to get alot of fast food, since i started working last year, and since i dont like cooking, and had money,
    i would always go to taco bell, mcdonalds, and jack in the box. didnt realize how much money i was WASTING, and gaining all that weight, when my mom cooks so much healthier food at home. just pure laziness on my part.
    Now im scared to eat fast food , knowing all the crap thats it in there now
  • Natasha7t2
    Natasha7t2 Posts: 129
    Now im scared to eat fast food , knowing all the crap thats it in there now

    Good girl. You are right to be scared! :wink:
    That's what happened to me. Now, no matter how starving I am, I can't bring myself to go to McDonalds, BK etc.

    Could also be because i found an what looked like an eyelash (not human) in my hamburger. :huh: Niiiiice
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    Never. It's really gross to me. Although I will have a piece of pizza a few times a year.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I cannot get my head around why parents would feed their kids fast food when they know how terrible it is for you - especially those that can afford to feed their kids better food. Why would you do that to your children?

    Because its too much hassle to cook something, and they're lazy. That's why.

    I've had one fast food meal in the last 4 months, and i felt really guilty about getting it. I shouldn't have felt that way, as i had planned for it, accounted for the calories etc, and was still within budget. It was really nice too. Just "really nice", not "omg gorgeous!" as i was expecting, which was nice. Also, 9 nuggets and medium fries really filled me up. I used to have 9 nuggets, 2 large fries, and a plain hamburger, and still want more when i got home!

    Btw, if you dont have the fries, and only get water...its hardly a "fast food meal" is it! The whole point is you eat a load of crap once in a blue moon, just to splurge and get a craving out of your system!
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    Now im scared to eat fast food , knowing all the crap thats it in there now

    Good girl. You are right to be scared! :wink:
    That's what happened to me. Now, no matter how starving I am, I can't bring myself to go to McDonalds, BK etc.

    Could also be because i found an what looked like an eyelash (not human) in my hamburger. :huh: Niiiiice

    ew! lol :tongue:
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    I was eating pretty much everyday, sometimes twice a day.
    Now when I eat takeout, which is maybe once a week (unless it's Subway) I get a salad.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Probably once or twice a week (lunch). But I went through the nutritional information for most of the local places we like, pre-selected things, and then saved them under "my meals." So if we're going to Taco Bell I can just select "Taco Bell" and it adds 3 fresca-style crunchy tacos (450 cals). "McDonalds" adds a cheeseburger and a fruit&walnut salad (510 cals). "Chick-fil-a" adds a grilled chicken sandwich and a large fruit cup (400 cals). Etc.
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    what im seeing here is alot of people saying that if they had a choice to eat some fast food, they would chose subway.
    which is lucky for me since i live around the corner from one. I only like the kids meals from subway though tbh haha :)
    a small sandwich, a small drink, baked chips and apple slices was just perfect for me :P
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    I never eat fast food. It just does not compare to real food, it looks, tastes, and is typically very bad for you. Once in a while I will go with friends/family out to eat at a restaurant for celebrations, but other then that I eat at home.
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    I eat 2 to 3 times a week.... But I have a little book of the fast food places I normally go to that contains the nutritional info. Me and my husband go together once a week as a lunch date during our lunch breaks and the other times I get caught running errands during my lunch break and have to grab something convenient.... I really don't see the problem with it.... but I'm not a health nut either...
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    I think im gonna cut down on my fast food entirely for right now, cause
    im realy focused on losing weight. instead, i can have a treat day, and buy one small little thing
    if i have a craving. but hearing about some of the stuff that they make into fast food meals, is putting me off
    from ever wanting to eat it again. Instead on treat days i can treat myself to a little candy bar or a little bag of chips.
    the thing im trying to learn right now is moderation and controlling my desire to eat food when i dont really need or want it.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    WAY more than I should. 1-2 per week. I have 3 kids and am a full time graduate student and have a husband who works 12 hour shifts sometimes graveyard....
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Once in a blue moon.
    If we're out and starving, we'll stop but I try not to if I can help it.
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    since reading all the nutritional facts about mcdonalds, taco bell, and etc. im gonna try my hardest to stop eating at fast food
    and i never thought of the healthy meals when i go out to eat at restaurants. thats a good idea.
    fast food places have made me gain about 10 pounds in the last 2 years =/
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    thnx for all the replies! :D
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    I do Chipotle about once every 2 weeks. I agree with the people that stated it is a lot healthier than many other "fast" options. After I checked the calories, I stopped having a burrito (most of the calories were in the tortilla) and started having a burrito bowl instead, and it's just as tasty. Even though I officially consider it my "cheat" meal, I always manage to fit it in under my calorie limit.

    I also occasionally do Boston Market. Again, I eat their chicken without skin, have a side of steamed vegetables and garlic dill potatoes. That's not a bad meal at all. If only I could say no to their cornbread!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    At least 2 times a week. But I don't pig out.