Couch to 5K-General Support

Hi there,
I'm in week 3 of the Couch to 5K program. I was looking for a thread that offered general support for people at ALL stages of Couch to 5K and didn't see one so I thought I'd start one. Newbies can encourage each other, and the seasoned vets can give any tips or pointers they may have.

So, come on in and introduce yourselves!

1. Name
2. What level you are currently on in the C25K program
3. Do you have a race goal in mind, and if so, what is it?
4. Why did you start running?

Thanks everyone! Looking forward to getting to know you all.


  • bourgeoisk
    bourgeoisk Posts: 16 Member
    1. My name is Kristin
    2. I am running Week 3 Day 1 tomorrow evening!
    3. My first race is the See Jane Run Austin 5K on October 9th!
    4. I started running because I eventually have a goal of completing a sprint triathlon, and I knew this would be a great foundation for fitness!
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I did couch to 5K last year and I loved it. But then I fell off the band wagon. I despise running. But I just re-started and tomorrow is Week 1 Run 3 for me :)
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I'm not doing C25K, but a similar program, hoping I can still find support here!

    1. Linda
    2. I am on week 1, day 7 today, which was a 45 minute brisk walk
    3. I am going to do my first 5K on Sept 25th
    4. I started running because I quit smoking.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    1. Victoria
    2. I'm not doing C25K, but working on improving my 5k time for college cross country
    3. 7:30 would be awesome :D !! anything under 23:00 would be super awesome time!!!
    4. 3 years ago just for exercise because I wanted to start working out lol
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    1. I'm Cassondra
    2. Week 7 day 1 on Wed
    3. no race in mind, just wanted to rev up my calorie burn
    4 I knew that in order to speed up my weight loss I needed to start running.
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Hello everyone!

    1. My name is Molly
    2. Tomorrow I will be running week three day three of C25K. In all reality, this will actually be my 7th time running the week three circuit. I have stopped and started the program several times...but this time I am sticking with it and plan on FINALLY progressing to week 4 on Wednesday.
    3. I am training for the Flying Pig Half Marathon in May of 2012 in Cincinnati, OH. My first half ever!!!
    4. I started running because I have always idolized runners. I think that they have awesome, sexy legs and they are usually so fit!! I want to be able to get to the point where I can say, "I'm going for an easy run today. I'm only doing 3 or 4 miles!"
  • CarlaRG
    CarlaRG Posts: 264
    Hi I'm Carla
    Running Week 2 day 3 (for the second time) tomorrow
    My first race is the 2nd Annual Alicia Cooper Aplastic Anemia Awareness Memorial run/walk Oct 8
    I started running because I want to get healthy and to be strong.
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    1. I'm Stacey
    2. I only run 2 days a week so I'm not doing C25K exactly but am using it as a guide.
    3. My first race is the Moonshine Mud Run (5k) on October 8th benefiting a good friend's sister who was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer in March 2011.
    4. I had been at a plateau as far as weight loss was concerned and felt like I needed to bump up the cardio portion of my workout.
  • electraglide1998
    1. My name is Chris
    2. I didnt follow the C25K, but did my own thing. I ran a little more each week.
    3. I have run in three 5k races, my time has improved from 36:18 to 28:04 in 1.5 months.
    4. I started running because of the quick calorie burn and the cardio benefits
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    1. Sara
    2. Finished Week 2 Day 1 today :)
    3. Nothing soon, I really want to do the warrior dash next summer
    4. Just another option for exercise, plus I've always wanted to be able to run in races
  • bourgeoisk
    bourgeoisk Posts: 16 Member
    Yea! Good to see everyone!

    I'm about to head out and do Week 3 Day 1. I'm a little nervous but ready to kill it. Or myself trying. haha.

    Wish me luck!

  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    I'm not doing C25K, but I'm doing something similar, I think. My program started out with just walking and has moved me to walk for 5 mins, run for 1, then 2, then 3 minutes and so on.

    Currently, I'm in week 8 of this program--though I had to double up on a couple weeks in order to get the endurance I needed to proceed!

    I started running, which I had always LOATHED for about 20 years, because I started reading the CNN weight loss stories. The one common thread in all of them was change in diet and running. They were all running, on treadmills, in their backyards, in 5k's.

    So I started. And now I love it! I'm training for a 5k in October, if I can afford the entry fee.

    I am up to running for 5 minutes and walking for 1. By the end of this week, according to my training program, I'm supposed to reduce that to only 30 seconds of walking in-between jogs.

    But I admit, I was barely making it this morning with the only 1-minute break. Make it I did, but it was an iffy thing and I had to sports-psych myself into it the whole way, haha.

    I'm honestly scared to let go of my walking periods! I'm worried I'm going to start hating running again because it will be too hard and I'll lose the motivation that's been getting me up at 5:30 every morning. I don't want to start hating my new favorite habit!

    Anyone else been through this transition before? How did you handle it?

    Also--what do all of you eat pre-run, if anything?
  • mary127
    mary127 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Kristin (and everyone else!)

    My name is Mary

    I finished c25k program Aug. 5. When I began in June I stuck to the schedule and made it through the whole program. This is despite the fact I have never ever been a runner (and never wanted to be), have a bad knee, and need to lose a lot of weight. I'm happy that I can say I'm proof this program works!! I ran my first 5k two days ago and I made it through jogging the whole time (no walking!!). I'm not that fast, but was happy I made it under 40 minutes (38:31).

    Now that I made it through the first one my next goal is to improve my time a little each event. Not looking to sprint through but just gradually get to a little more of a "run" pace instead of "jogging". Hopefully my knee will hold up. :)

    Not sure exactly why I started, except that I kept seeing people post c25k workouts here and read some success stories and decided to be crazy enough to try it. Couldn't have done it without my ipod, that helped so much!

    If anyone here wants support and also help support me feel free to send a friend request! Good luck to you all
  • bourgeoisk
    bourgeoisk Posts: 16 Member
    Wow! What great stories by everyone! So nice to have support from runners at all levels of the program.

    I read somewhere today...."It may be the last thing in the world you want to do, but you will NEVER regret lacing up your running shoes and heading outside to run." How true! Once I get past the negative speak in my head and get outside, I'm in the zone. :)

    I did Week 3 Day 1 tonight, and even though my run pace was S.L.O.W. I did run the run intervals in their entirety with NO walking...except where I was supposed to walk.


    Hope you all have a happy Wednesday!
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    1. Hi! My name is Michelle

    2. I will be on Week 1, Day 2 Wednesday...this is about the 5th time I've tried and I've not yet gotten past the first week for various reasons...but seeing my scale consistently going down has motivated me to keep pushing.

    3. is actually a motivator to keep up C25K, I'm doing a night run December 10 (if I can find a sitter as my husband will be away at a Naval school) that benefits Children's Miracle Network.

    4. Most of my weight is in my belly, my husband tells me all the time the best way to get rid of it is cardio, but I'm VERY out of shape, and C25K seems like a perfect way to get started.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    1 My name is Dusty
    2. I am currently on Week 3 day 2
    3. I have a 5K walk scheduled this week, but I have one in mind for October 1st. Hoping I can at least run most of that one.
    4. I know its one of the best ways to be in shape. I like the idea of competing in races, especially with my 11 year old son.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    1. Name: Sha
    2. What level you are currently on in the C25K program? Starting week 9 day 1
    3. Do you have a race goal in mind, and if so, what is it? Yes, Mayors cup 5K here in Tuscaloosa, AL
    4. Why did you start running? To prove that I can after being injured right before the tornado hit here in April. The Race was orignally that weekend
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I'm Fiona
    I am up to Run 3 Week 1
    I haven't booked any race yet but my goal is to complete the city to surf (12k) run next year.
    I have been dieting (life style change) since January and have lost 29kgs. I have been wanting to start running for a while. I want to lose another 18kg or so and hope running will help with that. So far I am loving it and can't wait for my next run!!
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm starting week four tomorrow and I am so nervous to run for 5 minutes! Three minutes was rough enough. Wish me luck ladies! I CAN DO HARD THINGS!!! (I chant that to myself while I run, haha!)
  • upnorthtim
    upnorthtim Posts: 376 Member
    Hi, I'm Tim
    I just finished week 9 last weekend!
    Running for 30 minutes straight feels like a real accompishment as I could barely do the very short runs the first week..
    I'm running a duathlon this weekend that has a 2 mile run, 13 mile bike, and another 2 mile run. I'm also doing a 5k the following weekend.
    C25K is a great tool for getting you up and running!