why do some people only eat the egg whites, not the whole eg



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ok if Eggs are a good source of protein, Then why does it say 0 for protein on MFP?? I ate 3 Eggs this morning. Just curious
    as to the protein in them,

    Someone filled in the nutrition info incorrectly on the entry you chose. Eggs have protein.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    It is immoral to eat something that could have been a lifeform. Would you eat an aborted fetus?
    alrighty then
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    I personally don't want all the fat that are in eggs, that being said with my everyday breakfast I will have 4 eggwhites with 1/2 of a yolk.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    Because of cholesterol and fat.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    Thank you! He's my baby! :)

    Oops I thought I used the quote button- that was to rml
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Touche' I love it. LOL

    God gave man dominion over the animals He created and if I want to eat a chicken's period I will. LMAO! I eat 2 WHOLE eggs nearly every day and my cholesterol is perfect, even low sometimes on the bad stuff.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ok if Eggs are a good source of protein, Then why does it say 0 for protein on MFP?? I ate 3 Eggs this morning. Just curious
    as to the protein in them,

    Someone filled in the nutrition info incorrectly on the entry you chose. Eggs have protein.

    Whoa whoa whoa- you aren't trying to suggest that a user populated database could possibly have a mistake in it, are you? That's preposterous!!

    You're right. You're right. I should be spanked heartily.
  • ingies2011
    ingies2011 Posts: 127 Member
    It is immoral to eat something that could have been a lifeform. Would you eat an aborted fetus?

    LOL...ok, this is actually funny never thought of it that way...lol...thanks for that as I sit eating my egg whites.

    I eat only the whites because I don't like the taste of the yolk...yucky..also I can have 6 whites for 102 cal and 22 grams of protein so it fills me up in the morning...mmmm....lots of fetus' down the drain....that just can't be good.....damn I am having a hard time eating my eggs now...eeewwww

    If it makes you feel better, they aren't fetuses since they weren't fertilized. :-) You're eating the chicken's period.

    Just what I was thinking, it is not that you think with every period you have that you should have had a baby instead of it all going to waste. We have just manipulated chickens to our benefit so we get nutritious eggs from them, like we have done with most agriculture and animal farming.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    It is immoral to eat something that could have been a lifeform. Would you eat an aborted fetus?

    Would you include sunflower seeds here?!
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Ok if Eggs are a good source of protein, Then why does it say 0 for protein on MFP?? I ate 3 Eggs this morning. Just curious
    as to the protein in them,

    Someone filled in the nutrition info incorrectly on the entry you chose. Eggs have protein.

    Ok great, I will research then and get the accurate info, Thanks
  • Slinkybaz
    Slinkybaz Posts: 312 Member
    It is immoral to eat something that could have been a lifeform. Would you eat an aborted fetus?

    LOL...ok, this is actually funny never thought of it that way...lol...thanks for that as I sit eating my egg whites.

    I eat only the whites because I don't like the taste of the yolk...yucky..also I can have 6 whites for 102 cal and 22 grams of protein so it fills me up in the morning...mmmm....lots of fetus' down the drain....that just can't be good.....damn I am having a hard time eating my eggs now...eeewwww

    I assume you're joking as eggs are unfertilised. And I'm not proud - I'd try anything once!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Because of cholesterol and fat.
    It's saturated fat that causes elevated levels of cholesterol, no already-present cholesterol. This from the British Heart Foundation:
    I've heard that eating too many eggs can raise your cholesterol - how many can I eat?

    For most people there is currently no limit on the number of eggs that you can eat in a week. However, because the recommendation has changed over the years, it's often a common source of confusion.

    In the past a restriction on eggs was recommended because we thought that foods high in cholesterol (including liver, kidneys and shellfish, as well as eggs) could have an impact on cholesterol levels in the body.

    However, as research in this area has developed, so has our understanding of how foods that contain cholesterol affect people’s heart health.

    For most people, the amount of saturated fat they eat has much more of an impact on their cholesterol than eating foods that contain cholesterol, like eggs and shellfish. So unless you have been advised otherwise by your doctor or dietician, if you like eggs, they can be included as part of a balanced and varied diet.
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    So what do you do with the yolks?

    Seems a waste?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So what do you do with the yolks?

    Seems a waste?

    I would buy just the whites in the carton, but they're more expensive. I tried giving the yolks to my dog, but she didn't want them. So I just toss 'em. I feel bad about it, but what else should I do with them?
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    So what do you do with the yolks?

    Seems a waste?
    Eat the yolk. Its very good for you. I go with the idea that if humans didnt make it, it's good for you. :happy:
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Just for your information as far as the allergen stuff goes the White of an egg is what carries the allergen! That is why they tell you only to give babies the yolk because they don't want you to over expose babies to allergens in the hopes that you don't give them an allergy because of over exposure. At least that is what my pediatrician told me after I had already been giving my daughter the whole egg for almost 3 months and she loved it!!!

    As for me if I am going to eat an egg I eat the whole thing but if I have an omlet I use the liquid just whites so that I don't have yolks to waste but if like in baking I only use the whites I cook up the yolks for my dog and cats they love them!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    So what do you do with the yolks?

    Seems a waste?
    Eat the yolk. Its very good for you. I go with the idea that if humans didnt make it, it's good for you. :happy:

    ok where is that yummy poison oak since humans didnt make it it must be good to eat :laugh:
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    The reason many people choose to eat whites over yolks is b/c they pack more protein per calorie than yolks. For ex. an egg white is about 16 cal, and 4 gm of protein. A yolk has about 54 cal, with 3 gm of protein. So if you're seriously trying to raise your protein intake, without adding extra calories, it makes sense to eat the whites.

    That said, I don't like just whites, but I'll scramble an egg and add whites to that, to boost up my protein, keep the calories low, and get some flavor.

    And for all the mis-information that's being posted - eggs are NOT fetuses. They are UNFERTILIZED. It's JUST AN EGG. It doesn't become an embryo until the rooster adds his part to the equation. Also, there have been numerous studies to date that show that dietary cholesterol intake has little bearing on blood cholesterol levels. Your blood chemistry has more to do with how your body wants to process foods, as it does to how much chol. you're ingesting.

    So enjoy your eggs! ;)
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    So what do you do with the yolks?

    Seems a waste?

    I would buy just the whites in the carton, but they're more expensive. I tried giving the yolks to my dog, but she didn't want them. So I just toss 'em. I feel bad about it, but what else should I do with them?

    Make face packs or hair masques - there are lots of recipes online. Or use them in another dish?

    I don't eat yolks per se because I really don't like them (although they do go into my home-made pasta). I don't really need to worry about my cholesterol levels, so it is really just a matter of personal taste.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So what do you do with the yolks?

    Seems a waste?

    I would buy just the whites in the carton, but they're more expensive. I tried giving the yolks to my dog, but she didn't want them. So I just toss 'em. I feel bad about it, but what else should I do with them?

    Make face packs or hair masques - there are lots of recipes online. Or use them in another dish?

    I don't eat yolks per se because I really don't like them (although they do go into my home-made pasta). I don't really need to worry about my cholesterol levels, so it is really just a matter of personal taste.

    When I have an omelet (once a week or so), I eat the yolk and when I use an egg in a recipe, I use the yolk. But when I add whites to my salad (for protein -- I'm vegetarian), they're hard-boiled, so there really isn't another recipe I can use them in and I'm betting the face and hair masks call for raw yolks.