September Challenge - Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROUP)



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    P.S. do we have a new signature banner for Sept?
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    Just wanted to let you all know that I tried to add everyone that I saw on here so far, but that was last night, and now I don't remember who I added and who I didn't LOL. (The site will only let me add so many people in a span of 10 mins), so if I didn't add you, and you see that I didn't add you, please add me!! Otherwise, I'll just add as I go from here on out.

    I'm beyond excited to start today. I've been lacking motivation, and this is exactly what I need. I won't let you guys down!!!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    P.S. do we have a new signature banner for Sept?

    I was just coming in here to ask this!! Do we have a new one? Who made the August one??
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    Ok, so I'm just about to do the daily challenge, but I wasn't sure what some of the exercises were, so I watched the youtube videos to see the demonstration. I got to the wood chop video....and does anyone else think that they were zoomed in on the woman's body too much, and it didn't show form at all. I mean....I get how to do it, I just thought it was a little like 'one of these videos is not like the others' LOL...anywho off I go....I'm doing the advanced ones by the way!
  • amazing_grace♥
    FOR GLOBE JUMPS........ each jump is counted as one. So to go all 4 corners around is considered 4 jumps!! Also, if you are having trouble doing globe jumps - do the squat kicks instead.

    Also, the new banner is coming!!! :wink:
  • cath1717
    FOR GLOBE JUMPS........ each jump is counted as one. So to go all 4 corners around is considered 4 jumps!! Also, if you are having trouble doing globe jumps - do the squat kicks instead.

    THATS SO A RELIEF (or maybe it's wrote relieve...??? Scuse my english...) thanks!!!
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    I am done eating and exercising for the day, so I just thought I'd let you know. I am under calories and have drank 10 cups of water today.
    I did: 50 squat kicks, 50 jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 50 mountain climbers, 50 wood chops and 50 globe jumps (they're the devil)
  • amazing_grace♥
    I am done eating and exercising for the day, so I just thought I'd let you know. I am under calories and have drank 10 cups of water today.
    I did: 50 squat kicks, 50 jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 50 mountain climbers, 50 wood chops and 50 globe jumps (they're the devil)

    @SweetToothMelissa - you GO girl!!! Awesome!!!

    FOR ME......

    I just finished walking 5.3 miles, plus I did 1.1 mile at work today, so that's my extra mile (tomorrow?),
    30 squat kicks - DONE
    50 jumping jacks - DONE
    10 glasses of water so far
    Will come in under calorie goal - (haven't had dinner yet!)

    .....and now I'm off to move some furniture at my shop!! Sheesh!!
  • cath1717

    Hi September challenge members ! Hope you're doing all great on this first day!

    Today, I did all the exercices for the 3 days of the challenge, NOT because I'm a freak :wink: , but because I work 2 jobs and I knew it was better to fit it all today.

    50 SquatKicks / 50 Jacks / 50 Abs / 50 Mountain / 50 Wood / 50 Globe (replace by Squatkick) = OK
    Under calorie = OK
    Water = OK

    2x15 Swimmer / 2x21’s / 2x15 DumbbellChest / 2x15 Lawnmowers / 2xTricepKickbacks / 2x15 Shoulder Shrugs = OK
    Under calorie =
    Water =

    50 SquatKicks / 50 Jacks / 50 Abs / 50 Mountain / 50 Wood / 50 Globe (replace by Squatkick) = OK
    Under calorie =
    Water =

    Have a nice day !
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Had to walk my daughter to the school for her open house today, and then we had to walk back home, of course. 2.2 miles each way, plus a mile of walking at work = 5.4 miles of walking today!!! Then I did the challenge exercises when I got home.


    50 squat kicks, 50 jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 50 mountain climbers, 50 wood chops, and 50 globe jumps -- Done.
    Under calories, and something like 12-13 glasses of water.

    Even had room for a couple glasses of wine, which I am enjoying now before bed...

    So, is this called the "Kick the Crap out of September" challenge??? :)

    And those globe jumps are the devil, aren't they? Good way to put it, Melissa! I hate them, they look like they should be so easy but they are such torture. Though doing 50 was much easier when you can count each jump, I was counting each whole square as one globe jump before! I couldn't imagine trying to do 50 of those!
  • amazing_grace♥
    @cath... wow, you are a go-getter! Lol. You guys are making me look bad doing the basic today... haha. I plan to mix them up a bit, but had too much going on today! Have a great night all!
  • sbrown44
    Hey all,

    Recovering from being sick so I only did the basic 50 jumping Jacks, 30 squat kicks plus I'm squeezing in 50 crunches. Came in under calories and drank 98 ozs of water :) Not sure who all I am missing so please feel free to shoot me a friend request.

    Btw, where do we track the exercises? or would it be in general?
  • sbrown44
    Logged the jumping jacks but ca't figure out the squat kicks. I still have a lot to learn about MFP.
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    All goals were met for 9/1/2011
  • amazing_grace♥
    Hey all,

    Recovering from being sick so I only did the basic 50 jumping Jacks, 30 squat kicks plus I'm squeezing in 50 crunches. Came in under calories and drank 98 ozs of water :) Not sure who all I am missing so please feel free to shoot me a friend request.

    Btw, where do we track the exercises? or would it be in general?

    @sbrown - unless you have a heart rate monitor (HRM) its hard to track them. You can log under circuit training, general, but I think it gives way too many calories burned when I compare it to my HRM. Does anyone else have any suggestions?

    Also, eats_with_a_fist made our august banner. He said his computer is down so he can't get to our September banner right now. Hopefully soon. Does anyone else know how to do that?
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    Oh! I forgot to post here what I did yesterday. Ooops!!! Let's see, I was under calories, by a lot actually, but didn't want to eat right before bed. 9 glasses of water, 35 minutes cardio, 30 squat kicks (not sure how to log those), and 50 jumping jacks. No class on campus today, but I have tons of homework and research to do on cars, so I plan to get my butt out there and run early, before it gets to warm. Have a GREAT day, everyone!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    @Cath - I totally missed where you said you did all the exercises in one day!! Are you crazy?!?! LOL! That's awesome! Go you!!

    @amazing_grace - my daughter does graphics. I'm sure she'll make one for us if we need her to. Just let me know. She could whip out a banner in no time. Also, can we get an updated list of team members? I think people have joined and dropped since you first posted it. Wanna make sure I got everyone on my friends!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    @sbrown, I log mine as calisthenics (push ups, sit ups, vigorous). It gave me 111 calories for 11 minutes last night. Not sure if that is accurate or not, but I don't usually eat them all back so I don't worry about it much.
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 1 Thursday
    50 Squat Kicks CHECK
    50 Jumping Jacks CHECK
    50 Crunches CHECK
    50 Mountain Climbers CHECK
    50 Wood Chops CHECK
    50 Globe Jumps CHECK
    Water CHECK

  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    LET"S DO THIS THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Day 1 Exercise Challenge:
    30 Squat Kicks = DONE
    50 Jumping Jacks
    8 glasses of water = DONE
    Not go over target calories = DONE

    Day 2 Exercise Challenge:
    2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses = DONE
    1 Extra Mile jog, walk or run = DONE
    Not go over target calories = DONE
    8 glasses of water = DONE

    Day 3 Exercise Challenge:
    50 Crunches*
    20 Mountain Climbers
    Not go over target calories
    8 glasses of water

    Here is what I have done so far.... I will make sure I am not over in calories since I am volunteering at Shadowbox tonight :wink: