September Challenge - Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROUP)



  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Oh, btw, do we have results from the August challenge? What team won? Stats? Anything?
  • amazing_grace♥
    I'm in Nashville right now, and don't want to "weigh in" on any other scale that mine at home..... so I'll post my weight tomorrow once I get home... :wink:

    ...and yes, I'll get the winning information posted for all to see just as soon as I can!!
  • sbrown44
    Hey all,

    Did the exercises, resisted those mouth watering ribs at the rib cookoff. Quick question tho...I weigh on Fridays but will get that as soon as I get home tonight and post tomorrow. Water is done and will log all the food :)

    Hope everyone has a great holiday, will not be on until late again tomorrow.
  • Sunday: Under calorie count & 8 glasses of water
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    Okay, Labor Day Monday... I've only eaten breakfast and really have no desire to eat lunch as it's 3:20 pm here now. I'm gonna make dinner in about an hour. Ran 2.25 miles today and was looking for the Week 2 Challenge exercises, but I don't see them. So, I'll go do some push-ups, crunches, and wall sits. I might walk with a friend after dinner, but if I don't hook up with her, I'll take my doggie out! I"m way behind on my water, but it shouldn't be a problem to catch up!

    My name is Jodie. I'm a 37 year old SAHM mom of 3 kids and part time college student. My husband and I have been married for over 13 years. SarahRuth and I know each other in RL and have been friends for over 20 (!!!!!!!) years. I'm 5'8", and at my heaviest 5 years ago I weighed 201.8. I was uncomfortable, lazy, and HATED the way I looked and felt. I finally got sick of it, as well as took into account the family history of diabetes, and got off my *kitten* to do something about it! I lost 57 pounds using WW and have managed to keep all but about 6 pounds off for almost 5 years!!! The elliptical rider was my best friend during that period of time. Last summer, I found I enjoyed running. Weird, because I hated it as a kid. But, one day I found myself literally running out of the house and away from my kids. That was it. I was hooked. I've run 2 5K's and hope to run at least one more as well as a 10K by the end of race season! My ultimate goal is run a half marathon before I turn 40.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Does the 5K running have to be all at once to get the extra point? It's up around 100º outside here, and I don't run on treadmills. If I broke it up into a couple of sessions, would that count?

    I totally screwed yesterday up. Sorry about that. I finished my diary and was doing all good, then I sat down to watch some TV with the hubby, found myself having a couple glasses of wine, which led me to want to nibble, and I am not even going to try and track all the eating I wound up doing. And I didn't ever finish those few exercises I needed to do. I feel really bad

    Today I have already finished all of the challenge exercises, plus I went for a 1.7 mile run. I will do another 1.4 later, if it will get us the extra point to make up for my failure last week. LOL.
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    And here I was all worried about logging and completing the entry right at midnight last night! :-P Just kidding! No one here is a failure! Hell, I think we should get extra points just for signing up! ;-)
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    LOL, Jodie. I kicked butt in August, I deserve to have a bad day, I think!

    I just ran another 1.6. I hope that can count towards the extra point for the 5K, since that makes a total of 3.3 miles for me today. :)
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    So today, I was under cals and had all my water, but I will do my challenge exercises tomorrow along with day 2's exercises. Where the heck is everybody????
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Where the heck is everybody????

    Good question. :(
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    Okay, so, here's how my day went:

    Waaayyy under calorie goal...may indulge in a libation after the children go to bed. Don't worry...I'll log it. ;-)
    8 cups of water

    1 minute Bear Crawl: I'll admit, this was tough. It did NOT feel right at all and I had trouble with my hips and knees. :-(
    100 jumping jacks
    50 crunches: I hope it doesn't matter what type of crunches. I did a conbination of different ones.
    25 split squats: 25 on each side
    1.75 mile walk with my dog

    This is all in addition to the 2.25 miles I ran earlier today. :-D
  • Weight 228.2
    Under calories check
    Water check
    Bushmen series exercises check
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    Sorry guys haven't had much time to post, but I've been doing the work and have continued to meet my goals!!! My wt as of Sunday was still 161 lbs.
  • amazing_grace♥
    Ok ladies!! I'm BACK!! I just got home (from Nashville) tonight about 7pm.... so I went out for a bike ride until well after dark... now unpacking and laundry.. I will catch up on the exercise challenges tomorrow night - promise!! Oh, and SarahRuth - yes - you can split up the run - no worries!!

    Hope everybody had a GREAT holiday weekend! I know I DID!! Now tomorrow is back to the ole grind! :yawn:

    Xtine sent me a message that her daughter has been trying to have her baby since Friday. Xtine says that she has been in and out of the hospital since last week, but that she's definately committed to the team..... hopefully we'll hear from her soon, that both mama and baby are FINE and healthy!!

    I'll get caught up on the stats tomorrow!! Good night all!! :drinker:
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    My daughter created a couple options for us for banners. They're pretty simplistic... but it's something. She didn't know what to do with "Amazing Grace". lol

    So, let me know if you like either of these. :)

  • sbrown44
    Sorry guys, today was a busy day. Had to take my granddaughter to the ER so no exercises for me but will catch up on those. Under calories and consumed the water.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. Still sitting at 186lbs but I usually weigh on Fridays :)
  • cath1717

    Hi guys! I did not leave the group, was in vacation for the long week-end!

    @sbrown44: Hope your grandaughter is fine! :flowerforyou:
    @Sarahrut: Yes it's ok something to get loose to not turn freak :drinker:
    @Amazinggrace: my weight 207.5
    @Amazinggrace: What's the TABATA starting workout we are supposed to do?????

    I prefer the black and blue banner for our team!

    OK so for monday, I was under calories and took all my water. I did'nt do any of the exercice challenge sice I was away. BUT I will do them for sure!

    See you soon, Cath :bigsmile:
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    It's me! I'm here!! :bigsmile:

    I didn't lose any more weight this past week AGAIN! Blahhhhhh...:sad:

    Although I didn't find the time to exercise I was under my calorie goal for Sunday and Monday and drank my water.

    Saturday I didn't log anything... Sorry guys!

    It's Tuesday and I'm back on track! Will log my exercise later this evening! xo :love:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    What happened to our group? Seems we were way more active last month. Where is everyone?!?!

    I am sorry that this weekend I was MIA! :cry: I was super busy with the weekend and my race on Sunday.... I am ready for the new challenges!!
  • amazing_grace♥
    So - for the Team Challenge - be sure to post if you do a 5K or a portion of it everyday - ok? I know some of you already have.... so thanks!! We get an extra point per person for each 5K that is completed this week. (limit - one per day per person - haha).

    @SarahRuth - i like the first banner. I really like the colors on it! What does everyone else think?

    @cath - I asked Gary about the TABATA timer and routines, and he is posting the link as well as information about the timer on his blog.....

    Tabata training is a 20 second intense workout with a 10 second break over 4 exercises and then you repeat for a total of 4 minutes. It is designed to increase aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. You can google and read more about Tabata training.