September Challenge - Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROUP)



  • amazing_grace♥
    @SarahRuth - that would be awesome if your daughter could make us a banner ...... here is the updated team list....
    It would be great if everybody would "friend" everyone else so that we can all encourage each other!!


    And how about introducing ourselves again (for the new people!).... :flowerforyou: And for those of us returning from last month, how about we tell something new about ourselves that we didn't tell last month!! :smile:
  • amazing_grace♥
    My real name is Teresa (Grace is my last name), I'm single, live in Columbus, Ohio, and am a mom of 2 boys and a grandma of 4 - two of which are teen-age girls!! Yikes!!! I work for a large bank during the day, and have my own Massage business on the side. At my heaviest weight (in April of this year) I was up to 220 and decided that enough was enough!! I was sick of that woman I saw in the mirror every day and she was just getting bigger and bigger every year!!

    Hmmm, something that the returning team doesn't know about me..... I love the old classic movies (Casablanca is my all time fav!) but other than that I'm not a big tv watcher. I usually DVR any shows that I wanna watch and then watch them later so I don't have to sit through commercials!!
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 2 Friday
    2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses CHECK
    2 sets of 21’s CHECK
    2 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s CHECK
    2 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers CHECK
    2 sets of Tricep Kickbacks CHECK
    2 sets of 15 Shoulder Shrugs CHECK
    Water CHECK

  • amazing_grace♥
    Where's everybody at on a Friday night???????

    Today I walked on my breaks at work (95 degrees here today), did my 5 mile walk right after work (ugh!!) then shower and to the movies with my girlfriend. Whew!!

    Had 4 pieces of pizza at lunch since they ordered in free pizza!!! Yummo!!) but no dinner because I was barely under my calorie goal for the day!!! Sheesh!!! Had 12+ glasses of water because it was so flippin' hot on the bike path at 5pm ..... sheesh! I should sleep really good tonight!!

    Just got home from the movies and did 2 sets of 15 swimmer's presses!! I did my one extra mile yesterday!
    I'm BEAT!!! Goodnight all!!

    See everybody tomorrow!!
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    All goals complete!
  • Hello everyone. I'm back from vacation and back on track. Today I'm under calorie goal and I drank 8 glasses of water. I did the exercises for yesterday and today (bushmen series). I really want to lose 10 pounds this month, but I am commiting to 5. I participated in the August challenge and I'm pumped about the September challenge. Go team!
  • sbrown44
    Hello All,

    My name is Sheryl and I am the mother to three children. My youngest is a senior this year and my oldest gave me my first grandchild 19 mos ago so my house is full of love, laughter and alot of bad food! I work in a call center and truly love my job! I am at my all time highest weight which makes me look like an oompa loompa with my height.

    This is a very scary new journey for me and I know I will succeed.

    It is very nice meeting everyone
  • sbrown44
    Also wanted to say that I did todays challenge :)
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    Hi everyone :) So, I am 25 years old, and I live in Batavia, NY (in between Buffalo and Rochester), and yes Buffalo wings were invented in Buffalo, in case you didn't know! I live with my boyfriend, Tanner, of over 2 years, and we have a ferret and a (blind) bunny. In November 2008, I was up to my all time high weight of 233 lbs. I started eating better and exercising. I woud do a work out DVD (usually Jillian Michaels) every single morning, and then run on my parent's treadmill 3-4 times a week. In 7 months, I had lost 70 lbs, went to visit my best friend in Japan, met my now boyfriend there, and came home, and continued to lose weight, until I got down to 145 ish. I have trouble maintaining, and have gained about 20lbs back and lost it again twice I am back in the 160's but I am losing now once again, so that is good!!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Sorry I wasn't around yesterday! Crazy busy day! I officially turned in my resignation at my current job, so there was a whole lot of talk about that, then a friend dropped me off at the store (as close as he could get me to my house) and I did some shopping then had to walk the two miles home with my groceries... took pictures all the way for a monthly photograpic scavenger hunt I participate in, so I walked it somewhat slowly. lol. Then when I got home by the time I finished making dinner, my daughter wanted me to watch a movie with her, then my husband got home a little early, and before I knew it the day was over...

    So, I didn't get in the exercises. But I will do both days today... later. Plus, I have 5.3 miles to run this weekend to make it to my personal 10 mile goal.

    I was, however, under calories and had enough water (barely, but I made it).

    I LOST 4 POUNDS THIS WEEK!!! I weighed in this morning at 164.2! I wanted to get to 165 during the August challenge, and I was so frustrated to be still hovering around 168, and here it is only the third day of September and I'm BELOW 165!!!! I'm so happy! It's just been an all around good week for me. :)

    Something about me... I don't remember what I said last month. I'm 35, live in the Tampa, Florida area, and I'm married and have three daughters. I work in an office at a desk, so before I joined MFP I lived a rather sedentary life. I am now finding ways to make exercise a part of my life and just be more active in general, like buying a bike and riding it to work, walking home from work, biking on the bike trail with friends on the weekends, etc. I don't generally do *intentional* exercise anymore, like workout DVD's and weights, but I used to. I now am so active day to day that it's hard to fit it in. And I am trying to run more, which is why I am setting weekly mileage goals for running now. I think I will do that ever week and slowly increase it. :)

    We should do some sort of weekly theme to get to know each other better, if everyone is open to it. Like one week we all tell something unique about ourselves, or something exciting that is going on in our lives, etc. etc.
  • cath1717

    Water = OK
    Calories = BUSTED :sad:
    EXERCICES CHALLENGE Day 1 + 2 + 3 = OK
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I have almost completed the exercises. I still owe 40 woodchops and the 50 globe jumps. I mowed the lawn, then I tried to get my exercise out of the way while I was already all sweaty. So I did all the upper body work and moved right into the day 3 exercises. Got all the way to the woodchops, and I just didn't have the energy to go further than that. I'll try and get the rest done later. If I don't get to it tonight, it should be easy for me to knock that out tomorrow.
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    all the challenges for yesterday and today are good, including under cals and got my water in! Keep up the good work team!!
  • Water check
    Under calories check
    All bushmen series exercises for today check
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    under cals, 10 cups of water, and all bushmen series exercises done for today. Am I mistaken...or does it seem like a lot of people on our team aren't posting? Maybe some people just post all on Sundays? Can't wait to see what next week brings!!!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Under calories, plenty of water, need to finish up the exercise tomorrow. :)
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    What happened to our group? Seems we were way more active last month. Where is everyone?!?!
  • amazing_grace♥
    I'm here!!!! Hehe. I decided to go to Nashville last minute yesterday morning, so I went out and walked my 5 miles first, and did my 50 Crunches and 20 Mountain Climbers, then showered and hit the road!!

    This morning, I've already been up, did my C25K, AND walked for an hour! I feel GREAT!!

    Not sure why everyone is so quiet on our thread - I hope its because everyone is having a GREAT holiday weekend!

    For WEEK 2 Challenges, Gary's now has a blog that not only tell what exercises to do, but also has a link to all the videos.

    Let me know if you have any questions.....
    The Pygmy is the beginner level and the Bushmen are the Advanced level (as if you couldn't tell that by the exercises, haha).

    ALSO, I NEED EVERYONE'S WEIGHT AS OF TODAY!! :flowerforyou: PLEASE POST !! :heart:

    Have a great day everyone!! :drinker:
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    My weight this morning was 164.4, which is a 1.6lb loss from the 1st. WOO HOO!!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Current weight: 164.2 (Love seeing that number right about now!)

    I hope it is just the holiday weekend. I didn't even think of that. This challenge was really active last month. Hope it's not dying down. :(