what are you like at the gym



  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    Headphones and grim determination, but polite enough to wipe down machines and wait my turn.

    Except this morning! I had to hit the last machine in my workout plan and some doof jumps on it with no idea how to use it. For 15 minutes I had to stand there while he fiddled with knobs and the weights, just do watch him do half of a set (half assed) and leave without wiping it off.

    I don't like that dude.

    Yep. I can't stand that guy either. There is always someone like that in the way. I also can't stand those who leave giant butt sweat smears on everything. This is why I keep my workouts at home these days. I can be as grim or loud as I want and no one looks at me twice.
