Can we just talk about Twilight for a second?



  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    You do know in the last book she saves.. like.. everyone?

    Also, if it's such a bad book, why devote an entire post to how ridiculous you think it is?
    It's a book for young girls and people that realize that it's just a book.

    Team - who cares, I like all of them.

    Because that's what I felt like doing. If you don't like my post, why bother commenting? ;)

    If you don't like the books then why bother posting?

    Wow, that joke went right over your head, didn't it :laugh: If you had read her message to me, she said if I didn't like the books why bother devoting a post to it, so in turn I told her if she didn't like my post, why bother commenting To turn the situation around so she realized what she said made no sense. Seriously, what if everyone did that? Someone is speaking their opinion, and if it goes against another person's they just shouldn't say it? Sorry, not how the world works lol

    Actually...I'm pretty sure what she said went over your head...but I's hard to find intelligent conversation on the boards anymore...

    I don't like that you're implying I'm not intelligent. And no, I'm pretty sure what I said went over her head. Please, enlighten me how her joke went over my head.


    infinite loop..... *explodes*
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Well, I have to admit, I do think the movies are alright. Well, the first one anyways. But I definitely agree that it doesn't send a great message to young girls. Or women in general I guess.

    I tried to read the first book but absolutely could not do it. Not only did I find the author to be a very amateur writer but the story seemed redundant in going on and on and on about Edward.

    However, after recently buying a Kindle, I found the book Breaking Dawn for free. So, I decided to give it a go. Well....I LOVED it! Same amateur writing that drove me a little crazy, but all in all, I really liked the book. I might even read it again. And I can't wait until November and the movie comes out. They have a chance to make this movie in the series a really good one. I can't wait to see if the actually did.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    As far as I know, the book were not extended for adults. It is actually labeled as 'young adults'.
  • Mariannewww
    I like how a book is not intended for adults when it has the word adult In the Market audience . Also I'm pretty sure there are some fairly heavy sexual references throughout and particularly in the last book. But since when does writing for teens equal unimaginative pap? Philip Pullman for example writes fantastic teens books which Are equally accessible to adults as does Rowling
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    I've not read the books or seen the movies, nor do I have much interest in doing so. I will say that some of the extreme fans of Twilight are truly terrifying, though. The women that have total emotional breakdowns on YouTube (NuttyMadam is one of the more famous examples) and the ones that have full blown Twilight wedding ceremonies and preach how they'd take a bullet for any one of the cast from the movies.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I've not read the books or seen the movies, nor do I have much interest in doing so. I will say that some of the extreme fans of Twilight are truly terrifying, though. The women that have total emotional breakdowns on YouTube (NuttyMadam is one of the more famous examples) and the ones that have full blown Twilight wedding ceremonies and preach how they'd take a bullet for any one of the cast from the movies.

    LOL well there will always be fanatics..

    Look at some of the fanatics that follow Star Wars and Star Trek....some of them are pretty scary themselves!
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    I can one up all of you and admit that I have actually attended two Twilight conventions - haha!!

    But I am not a Twilight fan, never read the books but... I am just a very supportive mother who accompanied my teenage daughter and her friends to these conventions. The conventions were okay because I got to meet some of the actors but OMG I was very shocked at this large crazy cult of women who call themselves "Twi-Moms" -- talk about was kinda scary!!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    You're not well read then. Are you limiting yourself to classics like Turn of the Screw and 1984?
    Vampire bats are believed to be the only species of bats in the world to adopt another young bat if something happens to the bat's mother. I think that's nice.

    That's sweet - I threw up a bit in my mouth. But, do you like the Twilight books or Harry Potter?

    Not really. I usually avoid the teen lit part of the book store.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Someone didn't give you enough hugs when you were a baby, did they? You can probably order No More Tears shampoo on Amazon.
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    Now, this isn't meant to bash Twilight fans or anything, but...TEAM HARRY FO' LIFE!
    But seriously, the Twilight series is probably the second stupidest thing I've ever had the displeasure to come across, second only to Jersey Shore. But that's a different topic. Seriously, you know what I got out of these books? (Yes, I read them. I had to know what the fuss was about.) I got that women are nothing without a man. If your boyfriend leaves you, you should just curl up on the ground and do borderline suicidal things to make him come back. I don't know about you guys, but I don't need no man. The entirety of the four books are about this young, stupid girl who becomes infatuated with this guy because he was the only guy to not wanna get up in those panties. Seriously, what do they even know about each other when they decide they're in love? "OMG ur a vampire? I must have your cold, sparkly babies! I wanna live forever!" (Cue "Forever Young", but the Alphaville version, not Jay-Z's sh!tty remake.) Stephanie Meyer is instilling something awful into our youth. That's it. I'm moving to Switzerland :grumble:

    I agree & support your opinions. The Twilight series is crap and I cannot understand how it's so popular. The books & the movies. I also think Jersey Shore is complete waste. It's not stupid funny at all (IMO). It's plain stupid.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    Can Harry Potter not be the "fantasy" book of our generation? No offense, and I like the HP books just fine, but seriously, kids, go read freaking Lord of the Rings and be amazed by the world created within that series.

    Agree, and disagree! :)

    I do love LotR, but the point of the phrase "of our generation" means that it was made for our generation. We haven't HAD any other series that comes close to LotR in the 90s and 2000's. I'm not necessarily saying that Harry Potter is as good as LotR, just that it really kind of IS the fantasy book of our generation cause it is one of the better, biggest, most imaginative ones written since the 90s.

    JKR may not be as good a writer (she does have a lot of flaws within her books) but I do think that Harry Potter did for the kids of the 90s what LotR did for the 40s; get a generation talking about reading, excited about reading, and completely enamored with reading, even if you don't like what was written as much as a different story.