Coffee...How do you drink yours?



  • Purecity
    Purecity Posts: 115 Member
    Iced. Skim milk and 2 sugars.
  • Scoobiesnax
    Scoobiesnax Posts: 148 Member
    Coffee ? I used to drink mine "non-stop". I've managed to cut down to a few a week though.
    (a few pots...not cups)

    It's a work in progress.

    At home I usually have it with French Vanilla or Vanilla-Caramel flavoured creamer, when I'm in a restaurant or coffee shop I take it with milk and a sweetener. On occasion though, I do like to treat myself with a cup made with real, thick cream and a teaspoon full of sugar :)
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Strong with LOTS of sugar and LOTS of creamer. I work it into my day so it is not a big deal plus, I log that I drink a whole cup but I only drink half and only once in the morning.
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    If I could put it in an IV drip I would....

    Black or with a couple splenda depending on my mood...Hot usually unless it's a typical Sacramento summer in which case it's iced. And BTW, I consider decaf to be a crime against humanity....
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Black...the way God intended us to drink it! I'm a coffee snob, so I like my beans to be freshly ground when I make the coffee and I rarely use any flavoring or flavored coffees. Right now I'm working through some whole bean Peruvian peaberry coffee that is WONDERFUL!!!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member

    I'll call your coffee-snobbish & raise it.. ad infinitum. :bigsmile:

    I homeroast my own green coffee beans (stovetop). Never drink coffee made with burnt beans! (Ugh - this was all started by THE big-time coffee shop in order to sell stale beans).


    I haven't tried stove top roasting. My coffee roaster died on me a few months back, tried roasting in an air popper...didn't work too well.
  • comcatee
    comcatee Posts: 48 Member
    2 cups BLACK every weekday
  • welcominganewself
    I like dark roast coffee, preferably french or italian roast. LOVE starbucks, like DD and HATE Tim Hortons but usually brew my own at home. I drink it with 1 to to 2 tsp of real sugar (I cannot stand any of the artificial sweetners) and about 2 tbsp of land o'lakes fat free half and half (all the flavor and none of the fat).

    55 calories for 2 cups
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I like my coffee black...

    and sometimes I will dip a tea bag in my not knock it til you try it

    :sick: I don't think I'd like my coffee teabagged . . .
  • azingale
    azingale Posts: 74
    I need at least 16oz of coffee before I am able to communicate using human language skills.

    I used to drink it with a little sugar and a little bit of whatever lightener was available - skim milk, almond milk, cream, etc. When I was super exhausted, I'd add a lot of extra sugar for the kick I needed... but those were also days in which I was drinking *all* my hydration for the day in coffee... no water... just coffee...

    This summer I've cut back a lot, and I'm only drinking 16 oz, black (iced.) I allow myself black and green tea during the day, but I'm trying to drink as much herbal tea and water as possible.
  • pyroxian
    pyroxian Posts: 99
    Black or espresso. Major coffee snob. If its bad coffee I just can't drink it. Unless I'm desperate, in which case I'll drink it but complain about it the whole time. :laugh:

    Me too. Can't drink the work coffee it is TERRIBLE so I end up making my own at home. Has to be fresh ground beans :-)

    Used to add milk and sugar but now it's black and I love it!

    I'll call your coffee-snobbish & raise it.. ad infinitum. :bigsmile:

    I homeroast my own green coffee beans (stovetop). Never drink coffee made with burnt beans! (Ugh - this was all started by THE big-time coffee shop in order to sell stale beans).

    I have about 1 cup each morning with up to a tablespoon of light cream. Found out the calories & fat is negligible (esp since the rest of my day is *usually* very low fat). I drank it black for awhile - but I'm now in an apt that has the world's crummiest stove (two settings on the burners: off.. and high! :grumble: ) So a bit of cream makes it perfect. Still long for the coffee I used to roast w/a better stove (not the horrible, stressful apt situations, though, lol).

    I also roast decaf - most the time it's way better than the decaf you get in the stores or most coffee shops, but it still tastes.. different.. so I just limit myself to one cup a day.

    another coffee snob here, though I don't roast, I don't feel that I need to, as I have a lovely little shop about 1/2 mile from work where they roast fresh daily and won't sell anything unflavored that is more than 2-weeks post-roast... they label everything with roast date also, so it's very easy to get a bag of beans that is right at the peak of flavor (for most beans 48hrs after roast, IMHO). Currently working on a bag of Costa Rican estate grown "Hacienda La Minitas" that is to die for.

    I drink it black. Always. And ground immediately prior to brewing unless I'm camping, in which case I'll pre-grind enough to get me through the trip.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    As black as my soul.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Drink mine black. Because I'm not racist.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    Drink mine black. Because I'm not racist.
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    1 cup in the am. tsp of sugar. table spoon of chocolate mocha creamer.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    I take mine black, anywhere form 0-3 times a day.

    In my eyes, coffee is a drug delivery system (a tasty one) so why add calories?
  • butterfly0819
    through an IV!
    AMEN!!!! I can give up soda, drink more water, give up snacks.. but I have YET to EVER give up my coffee trying to lose :)
  • trailrider1963
    One before breakfast, one after lunch. 2 tsp sugar and 2 Tblsp evap milk. I'm trying to graduate to 1 sugar, 1 milk, then to black. In the summer the afternoon one is iced.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I drink mine with one tablespoon of half and half and two packets of sweet and low. And I drink a TON of it in the morning. Three mug fulls I'd say. Then it's water for the rest of the day unless I need a pick me up. :-D