The Diamond Challenge - Shining Diamonds (Wk 2: Round 5)



  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    I'm thinking up a question for tomorrow! So excited to be in this challenge!
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    I'm excited for this challenge to start tomorrow!
  • gemmalu
    gemmalu Posts: 56 Member
    Woohoo! Can't wait to get started!
  • Hey Shining Diamonds! Congrats to all of you! Here is the list:

  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    Little Diamonds - Thank you for posting the Buddy List...YOU ROCK!

    For all my Shining Diamonds ~

    I have your start weights from when you originally registered for the challenge...I will send you a message with this information. If you would like for me to include any weight loss/gain for the 1st week of the challenge, I will be glad to do so; however, in order for me to do so, I will need your current weight by tomorrow (Monday 8/29).

    I hope you ladies are ready ROCK N SHINE!
  • lyntello
    lyntello Posts: 19
    My username is listed wrong. It's lyntello (only one N). Don't want to miss out on any important information!!
  • Hi!
    My username is listed wrong. It's lyntello (only one N). Don't want to miss out on any important information!!

    I apologize - I do have it right on the spreadsheet I will be using for emails. I will correct it on the buddy list and repost :wink:
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    It's monday morning here (germany), so I will go ahead and post my Day1 Question:

    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    For me, it's snacking. I eat fairly healthy and I enjoy working out, but there are always chips and cookies (and gummy bears) in the house, thanks to my bf. I try to remind myself what I've heard from others ''Nothing tastes as good as getting fit feels!''
  • Day1 Question:

    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    When I am depressed, I tend to eat very little - or not eat at all. Well lately, my fiance and I have been constantly fighting, and I am not eating very much... usually around 600 calories a day - for the past three days. And well, it made me lose weight super fast, I just know that when I do start to eat normally again I will most likely gain a pound here or there. This is something that I struggle with, as I become depressed a lot, and I end up losing the weight, and then gaining it back... I am just hoping it doesn't cause a major gain this time as I am happy to be down to 202. :D
  • gemmalu
    gemmalu Posts: 56 Member
    For me, It's work - I am a high school teacher in the UK and work from 7.30am - 5.30pm. We only get half an hour for lunch which isn't long enough to eat properly and then get you next lesson set up so I end up missing lunch most days (hoping to change that). Then when I get home at 6pm I am so tired I can't be bothered cooking so I will eat really bad junk food out of the freezer....bleurgh!

    I have never overcome it before - I am hoping that by having this challenge, and having Lyntello as a partner, that I will be motivated enough to overcome it this time :-)
  • psychofied
    psychofied Posts: 138
    It's monday morning here (germany), so I will go ahead and post my Day1 Question:

    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    Lack of determination maybe. I always tend to give up easily. :( But I come back when I think about my goals. Without my motivation, I wouldn't achieve those.
  • ChanMay
    ChanMay Posts: 39
    I have been on meds for anxiety and depression for quite a while. Whether it is the meds or the conditions themselves, I have a very hard time losing. The weight comes off very slowly which causes me to lose motivation and cheat. I desperately need to overcome that and stay focused no matter what.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    Sweets. I have stopped bringing sweets into the house but I still had cravings, mainly at night. I have started walking in the evenings and the cravings have been reduced.
  • Jycooper
    Jycooper Posts: 195
    It's monday morning here (germany), so I will go ahead and post my Day1 Question:

    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    For me, it's snacking. I eat fairly healthy and I enjoy working out, but there are always chips and cookies (and gummy bears) in the house, thanks to my bf. I try to remind myself what I've heard from others ''Nothing tastes as good as getting fit feels!''

    what i struggle with the most, wow all of it. My whole weight loss journey is a struggle for me. Just being honest. I dont necessarily like to work out but i push myself to do so. Eating healthier is actually becoming easier now since i have found yummy healthy alternatives. I overcome my struggles by remembering what my goals are which is to be healthy, be able to run and play more with my kids, lose weight, etc .
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    I struggle most with water. It may seem simple enough and I don't know why it's so hard for me to even drink 8 glasses a day, but it is. And, I'm still trying to overcome that!
  • ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    I struggle most with water. It may seem simple enough and I don't know why it's so hard for me to even drink 8 glasses a day, but it is. And, I'm still trying to overcome that!

    My response is the same as Shelly - I have the hardest time drinking my water daily. I even bought a 52oz Bubba Mug thinking that would do the trick, I managed to fill it & empty it for about 1 week and then I stopped :cry:
  • emi_esp
    emi_esp Posts: 24
    It's monday morning here (germany), so I will go ahead and post my Day1 Question:

    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    For me, I struggle with nighttime eating, that's usually when I overeat or just eat something bad. I'm still programed to think that I need to have a sugary treat after the meal so I end up going back to the kitchen for something more even if I've had enough for dinner. I'm hoping to work on this for the challenge, maybe by having a piece of fruit with dinner instead...
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    It's monday morning here (germany), so I will go ahead and post my Day1 Question:

    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    For me, it's snacking. I eat fairly healthy and I enjoy working out, but there are always chips and cookies (and gummy bears) in the house, thanks to my bf. I try to remind myself what I've heard from others ''Nothing tastes as good as getting fit feels!''

    I am also one for snacking, with my kids eating snacks throughout the day it is really hard for me to refrain. Also my husband is one of those people who can eat whatever he wants and not really see any changes in his body. He often will sit down and have a a full meal at 10 pm. My solution for this has been to walk away while the kids are eating. Even at supper time sometimes I will just walk away because I know if I sit with them any longer that i will eat more than I should. This has been very effective for me since I started on MFP!

    Beginning today, we will have a town hall every Monday for all of the Diamond Teams (approximately 90 members). This is where you will find the Monday QOTD and the weekly challenge. If you have posted a response to Meg's QOTD that is fine; however, you will also need to respond to the town hall QOTD.

    NOTE: if you have not already done so, please change your profile picture to diamond matching your team color - there should be 8 Orange Diamonds, 8 Green Diamonds, and 8 Purple Diamonds! If you need assistance changing your profile picture, please let me know.