The Diamond Challenge - Shining Diamonds (Wk 2: Round 5)



  • nomerebutterfly
    nomerebutterfly Posts: 62 Member
    I struggle with the slow pace of it. It seems so unrewarding compared to the quick satisfaction of a sinful snack.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    For me it is probably sticking to my new diet. I actually find the hard part about losing weight is to keep it off. Not sure how to overcome it, otherwise I wouldn't be here (haha). Seriously, though, if I am not on top of it, it is so easy to fall back into old patterns.
    And once I am there, it is really hard not to say, oh eff it all, I might as well have that bar of chocolate, I already messed up.
    Candy and chocolate are also weaknesses of mine and it is really hard for me to practice moderation. It seems impossible for a bar of chocolate to last more than a day or two in my house.
  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member

    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    My biggest struggle is overeating and not caring that I did. The mentality of it's not gonna kill me to go over this one time is fine, but not when it happens like twice and three times a week.

    I have never overcome this obstacle. I track, but I track the overeating as well. I hope that this challenge will make me more accountable and I'll not overeat in fear of having to answer to someone.
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 94 Member

    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    Emotional Eating, I tend to use food when
    I'm happy or sad.
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    My biggest struggle is my "all or nothing" personality. If I have a "good" eating/exercise day I am great. However, the minute I eat something I should not have I convince myself the whole day is ruined and I might as well pig out the rest of the day, then that turns into another day and so on. I am working hard to control this because I know one treat/meal will not blow my progress. I try to get online here and read stories to keep myself from blowing a whole day!
  • I like working out.. I feel good afterwards. for me its getting started. Sometimes I am so out of energy I can't get up and do anythings. Last week I was working out 3 times a day. this week none. Motivation.
  • lyntello
    lyntello Posts: 19
    I struggle the most with motivation, which is why I chose to join this challenge! If nobody is watching me, I feel like it's okay to do whatever I want. Well, at least until my jeans start feeling too tight...

    Hopefully we can all overcome our challenges together!
  • TWood10
    TWood10 Posts: 41 Member
    I think the thing that I struggle the most is when I have to get out of routine. This always sets me back--i get motivated...going to the gym daily, etc..and then i have to go away from home for a few days...and i get tired, etc and dont eat as healthy and/or dont get back to the gym like I should when I get home.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Snacking is my problem. It is just so much easier to grab something junkie and head on my way. I also have a problem with tasting. I dish out ice cream for the kids and taste it, pour goldfish and nibble etc. This has been tough to cut back on
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    do I use the same pic that I am using for my signature?

    You can search google images for orange diamonds, green diamonds, or purple diamonds (whichever color you were assigned on the buddy list) and find a picture you like....right target as...then save wherever you want and then u can upload to your MFP & set as your profile pic

    Thanks a bunch. I was able to do it.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    It's monday morning here (germany), so I will go ahead and post my Day1 Question:

    ''What do you struggle with the most with losing weight, and how do you overcome?''

    For me it is eating healthy at home. I do such a great job at work but then the night comes and I just have to make sure that I keep my eyes open and watch what i eat.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    QOTD for Day 2:

    We all know we should work out regularly in order to make a transition to a healthy life. But be honest: Do you enjoy working out? And what is your favorite workout? Can you give any tips/suggest any fun workouts for those who may still struggle with this part of getting healthy and losing weight?

    I know, three questions, but I think they sort of go hand in hand so bear with me. :)

    My answer:
    I never liked working out much. I was never athletic, not even as a kid. And truthfully, I still don't like it all that much (i.e., there are LOADS of things I prefer to do) but I know how important it is to work out so I do it. I have started running again and have found that the run itself isn't the hardest part, it's just getting off the couch and out the door and get started. I have also found one workout I absolutely love, which is Zumba. I think it is actually the first workout which I would describe as truly fun. I moved in January and Zumba wasn't offered here until now, but luckily as of October a class will be taught in the next town over and I'm already signed up!
  • nomerebutterfly
    nomerebutterfly Posts: 62 Member
    QOTD for Day 2:

    We all know we should work out regularly in order to make a transition to a healthy life. But be honest: Do you enjoy working out? And what is your favorite workout? Can you give any tips/suggest any fun workouts for those who may still struggle with this part of getting healthy and losing weight?

    I actually do like to work out. I'm an endorphin junkie and have unusual stamina for a girl my size. The trick is actually getting to the gym when the bed is so much comfier and the weather sucks! My favorite workout by far is swimming laps. My tip is slowly push yourself. You have so much more potential than you know, I promise!
  • ChanMay
    ChanMay Posts: 39
    Once I get myself moving than I enjoy working out. However, I have a very hard time motivating myself to get going!! I have also falling in love with Zumba though and faithfully go twice a week to classes.
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    We all know we should work out regularly in order to make a transition to a healthy life. But be honest: Do you enjoy working out? And what is your favorite workout? Can you give any tips/suggest any fun workouts for those who may still struggle with this part of getting healthy and losing weight?

    Honestly, I still hate to work out. But I can also honestly say my orange diamond partner has helped me with this already!! The tip she gave me was even when the day is crazy and working out seems impossible I should do something simple like walk the dog. I tried this yesterday after being on the go for 15 hours straight (and exercise was the last thing on my mind) and it worked. I walked the dog for half an hour and felt great afterward. I even took the dog back home and walked a little while longer on my own. I am excited to see what other tips people have!
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    I definitely agree, walking is the kind of exercise you can do even when you are really tired and stressed. It's really relaxing and still burns some calories at the same time.
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    QOTD for Day 2:

    We all know we should work out regularly in order to make a transition to a healthy life. But be honest: Do you enjoy working out? And what is your favorite workout? Can you give any tips/suggest any fun workouts for those who may still struggle with this part of getting healthy and losing weight?

    If it's a fun activity (like paintballing) where I am working out and having fun at the same time then I definitely enjoy "workin out" but I dread getting on my elliptical to work out. I do however like the Jillian Michaels 20 day shred...I just need to be more motivated! The only suggestion that I have is to do fun activities where it involves you working out.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    QOTD for Day 2:
    We all know we should work out regularly in order to make a transition to a healthy life. But be honest: Do you enjoy working out? And what is your favorite workout? Can you give any tips/suggest any fun workouts for those who may still struggle with this part of getting healthy and losing weight?

    I *love* to work out. Biking is probably my favorite, with jogging taking a close second. I love being outside when the weather is nice, and I like the feeling of accomplishment when I am covered in sweat after a good go. I also like any fast paced, intense work-outs, because I get bored easily.

    Advice? Find something you like doing, whether it's walking or swimming or Zumba, and do it. If you're enjoying yourself then you're likely to keep up with it. Good question, partner!!!
  • emi_esp
    emi_esp Posts: 24
    QOTD for Day 2:

    We all know we should work out regularly in order to make a transition to a healthy life. But be honest: Do you enjoy working out? And what is your favorite workout? Can you give any tips/suggest any fun workouts for those who may still struggle with this part of getting healthy and losing weight?

    I know, three questions, but I think they sort of go hand in hand so bear with me. :)

    My answer:
    I never liked working out much. I was never athletic, not even as a kid. And truthfully, I still don't like it all that much (i.e., there are LOADS of things I prefer to do) but I know how important it is to work out so I do it. I have started running again and have found that the run itself isn't the hardest part, it's just getting off the couch and out the door and get started. I have also found one workout I absolutely love, which is Zumba. I think it is actually the first workout which I would describe as truly fun. I moved in January and Zumba wasn't offered here until now, but luckily as of October a class will be taught in the next town over and I'm already signed up!

    I have to agree with you, Zumba is awesome! I actually really enjoy working out and have for quite some time, it's the diet part of losing weight that I struggle with more. I think that I enjoy any form of workout simply for the feeling of expending myself and really breaking a sweat. It is more fun though, if I'm working out in a Zumba class or playing a game with friends. But I find that listening to my favorite music helps me get through 30 mins on the elliptical. I'm looking forward to Zumba classes starting up again next week :)
  • Jycooper
    Jycooper Posts: 195
    No I don't like to workout however I do it anyway and afterwards I'm always proud of myself for following through. I don't have a favorite. Right now I'm doing 30DS. It's hard however I know at the end ill like the results. I really don't have any tips or suggestions of any fun exercises I guess bc I haven't found anything I would consider fun. What I can share is info that someone shared with me which was to increase the incline on the treadmill which burns more calories than if there is no incline. U can almost burn the same number of calories with an increase in ur incline for half of the amount of time.