The Diamond Challenge - Shining Diamonds (Wk 2: Round 5)



  • ChanMay
    ChanMay Posts: 39
    I currently do not but I need to start. I know I do not get enough calcium for one, I'm sure something else is lacking too!
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    I take regular generic multiple-vitamins.
  • Wow! So I completely forgot that there were QOTD's... so here goes:

    QOTD for Day 2:
    We all know we should work out regularly in order to make a transition to a healthy life. But be honest: Do you enjoy working out? And what is your favorite workout? Can you give any tips/suggest any fun workouts for those who may still struggle with this part of getting healthy and losing weight?

    Yes; I do enjoy working out! But I must admit... I don't get to as often as I would like. My favorite workout would have to be stationary cycling... only because it is so easy for me. However, lately I have been doing C25K on the treadmill, and have been enjoying it~ it has made me like the treadmill a lot more than I used to. As for a tip... I must say, that you should definitely try incorporating weight training into your workouts. In the beginning I was only doing cardio myself... but since I have started doing the weights as well, I definitely feel more muscle building up and helping my body to 'tone' out more... it is all about definition!

    QOTD for day 3:
    Do you use supplements or vitamins. If so which ones do u use and why. And if you do not why?

    Lately I have not been using any supplements/vitamins... however, I have in the past. My favorite brand is One a Day for Women - I have tried their energy supplement, as well as their weight loss one... but I can't find that product anymore. Their energy one kinda made me not feel too good so I stopped taking it, but I really liked thier weight loss one. Also, I tried their pre-natals when I was pregnant, and I liked them too - they didn't give me any of the nasty side effects that the ones my doctor prescribed to me did.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I currently take a multi vitamin. I take the gummy kind because I like them and they don't repeat. I also take calcium gummies. If I am low on fiber I will take that at the end of the day as well.
  • TWood10
    TWood10 Posts: 41 Member
    I have good intentions on taking some vitamins, etc...usually like natural stuff--multivatamin, flax seed, vit c, that type of thing. I think in the winter months, when sickness is going around, i actually take vitamins more often.
  • QOTD 5: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression...

    ~Sorry my question isn't very diet/exercise/nutrition related... but this is what is on my mind most at the moment. Recently ended a relationship, and just seeking any advice. Thanks.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    QOTD 5: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression...

    ~Sorry my question isn't very diet/exercise/nutrition related... but this is what is on my mind most at the moment. Recently ended a relationship, and just seeking any advice. Thanks.

    I'm sorry about your break-up.
    Depressed as in the disorder? No. If you have that, I cannot help you except maybe say it might be a good idea to get help (i.e. see a therapist). Depressed as in sad, sure. I don't think anyone hasn't been. My solution? Well, honestly, it just gets easier with time. Try to distract yourself and not get into a total slump. Work out and treat yourself well. But I do think that being sad and grieving is normal after a break-up.
  • QOTD 5: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression...

    I have never been diagnosed as having depression but I beieve its something that everyone deals with at some point in their life. I would say right now I am a bit depressed b/c I just found out a long time "friend" is not who I thought she was and now I have the last 13 weeks of nursing school to be around her and try to act as if everything is okay. But its gonna be hard b/c I am not good at hiding my feelings! I am sooo emotional so the main way I have dealt with this is crying like a baby.:sad: I try to talk to my husband about things (such as this) b/c I dont want him to feel I am acting this way b/c of something he has done. I guess I will just have to suck it up and get over it Right? I also watched my little sister battle with post-partum depression. It was very sad and it was actually my dad that recognized it and took her to the doctor. She had to take meds for a while but now she is back to her normal self. I hope you guys all have a great day!!
  • nomerebutterfly
    nomerebutterfly Posts: 62 Member
    QOTD 5: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression?

    I'm going to qualify my answer by saying that I'm in my second year of a two-year masters in Marriage and Famiky Therapy. I've really battled with the depression from the beginning because this program made me put all of my stuff out there and boy did it hurt. It helped to have a variety of people that I could talk to - my boyfriend, who tried not to judge or fix, my supervisor, who is like the mother I always wanted, my therapist, who points out the patterns in my life, and my classmates, who were going through the same things I was. Your instincts are right. Reach out. Don't go this alone. Nearly everyone knows what its like to be there.
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 94 Member
    QOTD 5: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression...

    ~Sorry my question isn't very diet/exercise/nutrition related... but this is what is on my mind most at the moment. Recently ended a relationship, and just seeking any advice. Thanks.
    Yes, we dealt w/ infertility and there was a year or so that I was
    definitely depressed.
    I dealt with it by talking to my husband and finding a online
    support group of women going through the same thing.
    Of course now that I have my daughter it's not an issue.
  • QOTD 3
    Do you use supplements or vitamins. If so which ones do u use and why. And if you do not why?

    I don't. Maybe, I'm just not a fan of taking any supplements. But maybe I should.
  • QOTD 5: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression...

    I wouldn't say I was clinically depressed, nor I have I been depressed/sad for terribly long periods of times but I have been very sad before. After my grandfather died I was pretty depressed and spent a lot more time in bed than I ever had before, just sitting there. It definitely contributed to my weight gain, along with the stress of school in general. I'd say that the only way to deal with it is to go outside, get some fresh air and try to deal with it. Eventually though, I think that kind of sadness goes away, more serious depression I don't know about...
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    QOTD 5: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression...

    ~Sorry my question isn't very diet/exercise/nutrition related... but this is what is on my mind most at the moment. Recently ended a relationship, and just seeking any advice. Thanks.

    The best thing for me to do when I am feeling depressed is to go for a good solid run. Sometimes as a teacher you have a hard time seeing the growth and the success in the classroom as you can get caught up in the behaviors, or feeling inadequate because one of your students is not meeting expectations and you feel responsible...if only you could have done this different or that different maybe they would have got it... Anyhow when I come home feeling like this my husband often tells me to hop on ym elliptical and run the depression out of me. By the time I get off I can look back at my day and see some of the positive stuff that happened too. I am still aware of the other but usually my point of view has changed.
  • Hi there, I have been on medication for depression and anxiety for 13 years. Unfortunately I have quite a family history so it is something I know all too well.
    Aside from taking medication, it is very important that I eat healthy foods and exercise. When I lose focus on those, I can feel myself slipping into the funk. Sleep is also very important. Getting overtired tends to make me feel overwhelmed easily which quickly leads to my anxiety. Over the years, I have learned to watch for the signs and stop it before it gets out of hand.
    If your depression is related to a break up, I think you may be able to handle this on your own (I would use meds as a last resort) definitely take time to focus on you. Relax, do things you love to do. Take some time to really take care of yourself. Hopefully with time, you will start to feel better :)
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    QOTD: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression...

    ~Sorry my question isn't very diet/exercise/nutrition related... but this is what is on my mind most at the moment. Recently ended a relationship, and just seeking any advice. Thanks.

    Depressed: feeling sad over long periods of time, without reason.
    Sad: being uphappy (with a reason)

    When I am sad, I make sure to let myself be unhappy. I don't try to make myself feel better right away. Watch a movie, eat some dang ice cream, have a cry. Then maybe I hang out with friends and try to distract myself, but these things take time.

    When I feel depressed (down and out for no reason), then I either: exercise, go out in the sun, or eat something cause I get grumpy and/or depressed when I haven't eaten.

    Sorry about the break-up. :(

    Edit: Pretty sure this is QOTF 4, not 5, as it is only Thursday :)
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    QOTD 5: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression...

    A few years ago something happened that made me look at my relationship with my mother. I ended up getting really angry, crying all the time and having anxiety attacks. I went to my doctor and she put me on medication. The medication was horrible for me, I slept 15 hours a day for the first month and felt dead inside. After a few months I decided I would rather feel everything than nothing so I got off the medication. I am still extrememly emotional but I have learned to deal with it. My husband realizes that I have to talk alot about things that bother me and cry about them then I am better. And for me diet and exercise are very important, if I restrict gluten I am more emotionally stable.
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    QOTD 5: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression...

    I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I was taking medication for it which made me gain A LOT of weight in a really SHORT amount of time. I recently stopped the medication because of the weight gain and have been dropping the weight which is awesome. I'm waiting to go back to my Dr. to get prescribed something else. I deal with the depression on a day to day basis and I write a lot which helps.

    As for your depression from a break-up.... I really recommend journaling and the biggest thing is is to keep yourself as busy as possible.
  • TWood10
    TWood10 Posts: 41 Member
    I do deal with depression--I think that I have learned my triggers raelly-0-and know that at the first sign, I need to reach out for help--keep in touch with people even when I dont want to--really especially when I dont want to!
  • Sorry to hear your relationship ended. To answer your question no I dont think i have ever been depressed. There have been times when I have been sad but not depressed. When I am sad and down I think about God's love for me and how he sent his only son to die for my sins so that I could have a relationship with him and eternal life. Its His love for me that always brings me through. There is no greater LOVE.
  • QOTD 5: Have you ever been depressed? How do you deal with depression...

    I think I've been depressed for maybe 3 years now. I just recently have been officially diagnosed but I haven't started taking the medication. I think a lot has to do with the stigma and some my pride as to why I haven't. It runs deep in my family so I've kind of gotten use to the feeling as something normal. The great thing though is it is not extreme depression. I think exercising helps a lot. Sometimes interaction with people aka social situations and my dogs. They always put a smile on my face. But other than that, I'm still just trying to figure me out.