Make a U-Turn

I wanted to share something that has helped me, not only with dieting, but in life in general...

In the book, "You! On a Diet" it says, (and I paraphrase) if you slip up (say eat 1/2 a cake or go for an extra slice of pizza) simply make a "U-Turn." It likens it to the GPS system in your car... if you miss a turn, it doesn't say... well, you've screwed up now, you might as well go all the way in the wrong direction. No. Instead it says, at your next possible opportunity, make a U-Turn.

Using this logic, there is no longer such a thing as a "gateway" food or an excuse to give up. Because if you screw up, just make a U-Turn and get back on the right course.


  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I wanted to share something that has helped me, not only with dieting, but in life in general...

    In the book, "You! On a Diet" it says, (and I paraphrase) if you slip up (say eat 1/2 a cake or go for an extra slice of pizza) simply make a "U-Turn." It likens it to the GPS system in your car... if you miss a turn, it doesn't say... well, you've screwed up now, you might as well go all the way in the wrong direction. No. Instead it says, at your next possible opportunity, make a U-Turn.

    Using this logic, there is no longer such a thing as a "gateway" food or an excuse to give up. Because if you screw up, just make a U-Turn and get back on the right course.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i really like that thought train

    i know for myself when i've binged or even if i just overeat, i pretty much always head in the wrong direction for the rest of the day
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    awesome thought tweber0976! I'm going to use that starting today.
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    awesome thought tweber0976! I'm going to use that starting today.

    same here!! and I got into the Christmas cookies today:frown:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    It's so true.

    The fact is, it wasn't one meal or one splurge that made us overweight. It's allowing that to become the "norm"

    You are allowed to enjoy fun and life,even on a healthier lifestyle. The key is having it be once in awhile and getting back on track!

    Even with mistakes, just get back on track. It is hard to think we have the strength to do this but each time we do, it will only make our confidence in ourselves grow. Knowing you can trust yourself with food is a HUGE reward!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Loving this thought process... and boy can I use it!

    ***Dang Tam, you are gonna wither away to nothin! Awesome job!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Thank you. Much needed especially at this time of the year!
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I am happy so many of you found value in this post. This is something I remind myself of often... and not in just matters of diet and exercise. :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Excellent visual image! I do best with thought-pictures and metaphors. Thank you - and welcome to the site, I don't think we've met!
    ~Cheryl :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    so glad CM bumped this...I missed it the 1st time around.

    I have been using this thought process, but have not had an analogy to place it with.

    U-turn! I love it. AND my GPS will continue to say that phrase until you actually do it!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    Wow! A bump. I'm honored. Thanks! I'm glad this one has been positive for so many.

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I like the U-turn analogy. I'll have to remember that. I can picture myself doing a u-ee. :laugh: Thanks. :flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Wow! A bump. I'm honored. Thanks! I'm glad this one has been positive for so many.


    and another b-u-m-p! I keep reading the same thing over and over about how defeated people feel when they "eat half a cake or that extra slice of pizza".

    I do it, and I don't think most of us will ever be so disiplined that we can avoid over-eating on occassion. I also miss my exit occassionally and have to do a u-ee in my car.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    You don't know how bad I needed to hear that today. I just posted how I was miserable after a semi binge because my sugar dropped.

    I'm ready for tomorrow!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Like that !! I am gonna print it and put it on my mirror!:drinker:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member

    Like that !! I am gonna print it and put it on my mirror!:drinker:

    I was just thinking the same thing!
    This helped me a lot yesterday!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I wanted to share something that has helped me, not only with dieting, but in life in general...

    In the book, "You! On a Diet" it says, (and I paraphrase) if you slip up (say eat 1/2 a cake or go for an extra slice of pizza) simply make a "U-Turn." It likens it to the GPS system in your car... if you miss a turn, it doesn't say... well, you've screwed up now, you might as well go all the way in the wrong direction. No. Instead it says, at your next possible opportunity, make a U-Turn.

    Using this logic, there is no longer such a thing as a "gateway" food or an excuse to give up. Because if you screw up, just make a U-Turn and get back on the right course.

    Thank you for sharing, Tim!!!:flowerforyou: