Where'd all the support go?



  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I love all of my supportive, encouraging, witty, sarcastic, twisted, beautiful, handsome friends. They are the best bunch of friends I could have ever asked for. People on the forums. Well, they are just more entertainment.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member

    I like this.

    Are you a channer? If not just ignore I ever said anything and move on, because I probably look crazy. O.O

    I assume you mean 4chan or whatever it's called....no I'm not, but have heard of it. I'm just a seasoned forum goer :bigsmile:
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I have seen on here to just state your opinion not attack those who are not doing the same as you. Everybody is different and what works for one may not work for all. They think they are right just as much as you think you are. I rely mostly on the friends I have on MVP than the forums. :)

    Everytime I state my opinion someone either

    a. belittles my intelligence. Which is bull because I got a 30 on the act, I was in high honor roll through high school, and I have been on the 'streets' at points in my life, so there is no way i am stupid. i also know what I am talking about when it comes to weight loss, but I'm not getting into that again

    b. just blatantly attacks me.... I don't have the best self esteem, so it really takes its toll, you know?

    A good friend of mine often says, "People are pigs". I understand how you feel - I hate it when people imply I'm stupid- or say it outright for that matter. It's easy to say let it roll off your back, but it's very hard for most of us to do that. I'm sorry that people have been mean. Maybe we should all make a pact - if someone who we've "friended" is mean, we should "unfriend" them. If someone is mean in someone's post - ours or a complete strangers - we should call out their meanness and then leave the post before we get sucked in. What do you guys think?
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I have just been here since Jan of this year and all my friends are nice and supportive. Though I do see some posts on here that aren't nice.

    I have seen posts on here that are mean/ catty too but I think for the most part people here are supportive.

    You are going to find people like that no matter where you go in life sad to say.

    I agree with you. I have had very nice people to comment but i have seen some stuff that was kinda rude, but i agree that in real life people are more rude nowdays. I find it hard to swallow at times. It seems people are not as caring anymore ,not all mind you, but it is different in the real world even. It just saddens me that people can be extremly flippent or caddy. Sorry they treated you that way.
  • weightofyourskin

    (That wasn't rude, by the way. That was passive aggressive/sarcastic)

    And you somehow think that makes you better than people who are straight-up rude? Someone really needs to call you a whaaaambulance.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member

    (That wasn't rude, by the way. That was passive aggressive/sarcastic)

    And you somehow think that makes you better than people who are straight-up rude? Someone really needs to call you a whaaaambulance.

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I was getting my undies all bundled reading this...

    But then I saw the kitty.

    I lurve ya killa. i do....
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Probably jealous because you are young, thin and beautiful. If you were 100 lbs overweight people would be nice to you.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    All I'll say is this. You are 18. You are, by your own admission, young and sensitive. You posted your ACT score as some sort of "proof" of intelligence. Many of us don't even remember taking the ACTs/SATs :) Our life experience has taught us other things. And some people may be trying to share that with you. You can choose to accept it, play with it like a kitten with a ball of yarn, ignore it, etc.

    This is the wonderful WORLD WIDE web. All sorts of different people, opinions, etc. It may not be the place for you to chat if you don't like disagreement. Personally, when you said "People don't like me when they find out I'm not fat" (I'm paraphrasing) I'm immediately rolling my eyes at such a statement.

    Not everyone farts rainbows, some don't even find beauty in them :)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Probably jealous because you are young, thin and beautiful. If you were 100 lbs overweight people would be nice to you.

    Yes. People are only nice to the overweight.

    See what I just did there?? :bigsmile:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Not everyone farts rainbows, so don't even find beauty in them :)

  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    Not everyone farts rainbows, so don't even find beauty in them :)


    lol wtf... google much?
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Not everyone farts rainbows, so don't even find beauty in them :)

    lol wtf... google much?

    Fart rainbows much? :happy:
  • luckygirlblue78
    I have noticed there are a few different "Motivational" schools of thought here on mfp. There are sweet, sunshiny people, "Great Job! :D". There are matter of fact "Nice work" people. And there are *kitten* who use the Wonderful world wide web to be unaccountably rude, "Hey, I don't fart rainbows". These people are just bullies. I have read bully posts from skinny people and fat people. *kitten* are *kitten*.

    Great! Sunshine won't motivate you. Fine. Read a different post.

    If it's a sunshiny thread, and you aren't sunshiny, move on. If you stay to insist on inflicting yourself on others who are obviously unresponsive, you're simply a bully.

    Not everyone is motivated the same way, and if you were really, REALLY interested in motivating someone, wouldn't you do what THEY needed? If you go so far as to read their food diary, why not pay attention to their posts and see what may work to motivate them?

    Bullies aren't interested in helping you. Bullies are only interested in making themselves feel powerful or important. They beat up on others, praying especially on weakness, (because, see, it's easy, and really bullies just puffed up bottom feeders).

    They aren't powerful or important, without us telling them they are. So don't pay them any attention.

    It's like watering a weed that's killing your garden.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    as an accountant i find being called unaccountably rude... intriguing.
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    I agree people can be jealous because you are young thin and pretty but on the other hand " my opinion" it seems as though this is really bothering you and maybe you might want to start either being more selective with the friends you choose if thats the case or be prepared by people that will always have a comeback and they will continue to do it because you are giving in to them. FOCUS on why you are here and know life is full of people who are all different and sometimes just a quick double checking your resources might save all this bull**** but then again you are right we all have maybe at some point misused a term or whatever. I'm in my 20.s not too much older than you but posting your ACT score seems weird you don't have to prove your smart to any of us. No one on here should validate who you are maybe you were looking for some encouragement it seems but don't waste your energy on battles that don't matter. Just my opinion! Good luck missy! :)
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I learned a LONG time ago and perhaps it is something that you should learn since you're young (Hell, when did I get so old?)...

    We choose how we react to how people treat us. We can sit and wallow and pity or we can move on. We can dwell or we can tell ourselves "Y'know what? That person is WRONG about me. I am not xyz. I am abc." We choose our reactions to others and to give them a reaction that they want, then they've won and you might as well just give up right then and there.

    This is definitely a lesson I need to learn, I am entirely too proud I think.
    There is definitely some self-awareness and humility in you, which I respect. Having those characteristics so young will serve you well. Hold onto that.

    Are you a channer? If not just ignore I ever said anything and move on, because I probably look crazy. O.O
    Did you really throw out a 4chan reference in a thread you started about how people are MEAN?
  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    Not everyone farts rainbows, so don't even find beauty in them :)

    lol wtf... google much?

    Fart rainbows much? :happy:

    !?!?!? NEVER
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    *drags the dead horse into the thread*

    Well, if you're going to beat it, you might as well not have to reach for it.

    That's so thoughtful!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    *drags the dead horse into the thread*

    Well, if you're going to beat it, you might as well not have to reach for it.

    Maybe it is a dead horse being beaten to YOU, but it seems to me that the original poster had a genuine concern (hence why it was even brought up).

    I don't get why people can't use the back button on their computer. Why even post? Really? If you aren't interested in what was written - BACK. BACK. BACK.

    There's no need to hit reply just to be snarky.

    Maybe thats just their opinion,were all entitled to our opinions even if others find them mean or snarky.I personally feel people around here just need to toughen up.The same argument could be said if you dont like what someone posts you dont have to quote it or reaspond to it.
    To the OP if this is about your other thread with the bmr rmr debate the only one I saw being rude in there was you whenever someone disagreed with you

    I was only rude when someone belittled my intelligence, which most of the people who I responded to did. I got one term wrong, and suddenly I was an idiot.

    really cause I was reading that thread when it got pulled,and never once did I see someone belittle your intelligence.Or call you an idiotTelling someone hey i dont think your right is not belittleing your intelligence its callled disagreeing.

    Okay, I'm not going to argue with you. It was my thread, and I did read every single post on there, but I'm done arguing with people who are apparently smarter than I am.

    (That wasn't rude, by the way. That was passive aggressive/sarcastic)

    aka Snarky?
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