amazonian warrior queens (closed group)



  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Dnnmccloud, you are amazing :) WOW!! i willposr next week challenges hopefully
    by this evening
  • dnnmccloud
    dnnmccloud Posts: 124 Member
    It took me a minute to bounce back from vacation.....but let's get it.....LET"S make these last two weeks count!!!GOHARD or GOHOME!!!How we looking team!!!
  • dnnmccloud
    dnnmccloud Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks are quite amazing yourself!!!!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Welcome to Week 3 you are the PYGYMY TRIBE it’s time to see what you are really made of! You wanna be a BUSHMEN one day right?
    Make modifications as necessary and use water bottles, soup cans or my favorite Tomato Juice cans as weights! They really do work!

    Day 1 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 2 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 3 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 4 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 5 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 6 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVED IT! BTW If you did all the walking congratulations you completed 6 miles. A 5k is only 3.1 You've now walked 2 5K's this week! See I knew you could do it!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Two Weekly Team Challenge

    Same water and calories challenge plus 500 crunches/sit ups for the entire week! No groaning you can do this!
    Make sure you perform abdominal stretches after the crunches. They are key to a quick painless recovery. You can do the crunches anyway you want 100 a day, 50 in the a.m. 50 at night or all 500 in one day. Its up to you!

    *Modification for Burpees - get down on the floor on your hands and knees (four on the floor) and then quickly go to standing position and raise your hands above your head and then immediately return to the 4 on the floor position and repeat.
    Posted by MFP Challenge Series at 7:27 AM 0 comments Email This
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    WEEK 3 – BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced)

    Week THREE Daily Exercise Challenge

    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus

    Welcome to Week 3 you are at the 1/2 way mark! RAISE YOUR SPEARS! Make sure you begin each exercise challenge with a 4 minute tabata workout.

    THIS IS ANOTHER SPARTAN 300 Cardio Workout Series.
    Attempt to do all of these series at one time. If possible do not break these up along the day.

    Day 1 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 2 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 3 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 4 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 5 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 6 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVE IT! Week 3 we’re are stepping it up to another level! BE PSYCHED!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Three Weekly Team Challenge
    Same water and calories challenge plus walk, run, jog 5 miles this week all at once. No break , No stopping!
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Oh thank goodness no jumping jacks this week, doing the 100 last week and the shred really screwed with my knees.

    I'm all ready for this round, looks fun.
    Go team whoop whoop!
  • dnnmccloud
    dnnmccloud Posts: 124 Member
    Those dang toe touches!! UGH....*Spear raised shoulders back chest out!!!*Shouting I will not be defeated!!Let's gooooooooooooooooo!!!!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Sorry guys been alittle slack in posting......promise to do better in major pain with
    some dental problems hopefully it will be taken care of in the morning.
    I have done all the challenges and really been downing the water
    still trying to master the damn elliptical im up to 12 min with just a couple 10 sec breaks
    But hey im doing the jumping jacks with ease now i use to hate them so bad ! there not
    to bad now......the toe touches wtf who thinks of some of this **** !
    sorry i still havent dropped any weight same for 5 wks now :( been doing a higher calorie
    and different work outs so hopefully this sunday it will be down havent weighed in almost 2 weeks
    trying to avoid the scale!

    Wanted to let you all know your awesome !!!!!!!!!!
  • jennyocox
    We're over half way there folks!! Let's keep going! I put my back out last night, so I'm going gentle this week with the pygmy but still gonna do it!
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Been missing in action recently but I'm back on it and eager to do the challenges tonight, what are they this week?
  • dnnmccloud
    dnnmccloud Posts: 124 Member
    Yeah I've been missing in action as well....looking on here for the workouts????????
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    WEEK 3 –PYGMY SERIES (Beginner)

    Welcome to Week 3 you are the PYGYMY TRIBE it’s time to see what you are really made of! You wanna be a BUSHMEN one day right? Make modifications as necessary and use water bottles, soup cans or my favorite Tomato Juice cans as weights! They really do work!

    Day 1 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees*, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 2 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 3 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees*, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 4 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 5 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees*, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 6 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVED IT! BTW If you did all the walking congratulations you completed 6 miles. A 5k is only 3.1 You've now walked 2 5K's this week! See I knew you could do it!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Two Weekly Team Challenge

    WEEK 3 – BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced)

    Welcome to Week 3 you are at the 1/2 way mark! RAISE YOUR SPEARS! Make sure you begin each exercise challenge with a 4 minute tabata workout.

    THIS IS ANOTHER SPARTAN 300 Cardio Workout Series.
    Attempt to do all of these series at one time. If possible do not break these up along the day.

    Day 1 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 2 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 3 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 4 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 5 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 6 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVE IT! Week 3 we’re are stepping it up to another level! BE PSYCHED!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Three Weekly Team Challenge
    Same water and calories challenge plus walk, run, jog 5 miles this week all at once. No break , No stopping!

    Again, let me know if you have any questions. Videos can be found here:

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    Joined Jul 2011
    Posts: 173
    Sun 09/11/11 08:12 PMQUOTE:

    So for the BUSHMEN series you had to run/walk/jog ONE 5K this week plus do the calorie/water thing. If you did the 5K and kept under cal and drank all the water you get 6/6 for the weekly challenge.

    For each day that you ran an additional 5K you get a bonus point.

    So, they way you have it stated I'd be giving you 6/6 for the weekly challenge and then an additional 5 bonus points. {BTW-great work running SIX 5Ks this week--that's amazing!!!!}

    For the PYGMY challenge, you get a bonus point for each day you did ONE mile above what was required that day.

    Does that make more sense?? So for check-in I need to know the # of days you did a 5k (Bushmen) or mile (pygmy) above what was required. :)

    I'll work on making these more clear!

    Oh ok...that does make sense. Then yes 5 for the bonus 6 for the daily. I put in 34k this past week. Thanks for clearing that up!

    "Time to nut up or shut up" ~Woody Harrelson

    "The politics of lasting just a little bit longer is the art of living every day
    And that which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger until it finally kills you all the way" ~ Blues Traveler Report Post|Quote|Reply
    Joined Dec 2010
    Posts: 245
    Mon 09/12/11 10:33 AMFrom Gary:


    For all you hardcore September Challengers I have a mini-challenge for this week! High Plank to Low Plank! It's harder than it looks and at the same time its not as hard as you think! The challenge is to successfully do 100 of these in this week. 20 a day will get you there by friday. You can even do 10 in the a.m. and 10 in the p.m. Let me know what you think. I have posted the video on my blog as well for easy access. some of you are still requesting videos. Every video is listed here on my blog! Good luck and let's see those planks! This is great for strengthening lower back and core! RAISE YOUR SPEARS! WOO HOO We're almost halfway through September! 240's here I come!

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    Joined Jul 2011
    Posts: 173
    Mon 09/12/11 11:17 AMI noticed Gary put up a status post saying that the organization side of things is getting out of hand. This sort of stuff I'm pretty good at but I'd like to know how things are being done currently. Is it really just a spreadsheet with groups split up by person logging their weight information?

    "Time to nut up or shut up" ~Woody Harrelson

    "The politics of lasting just a little bit longer is the art of living every day
    And that which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger until it finally kills you all the way" ~ Blues Traveler Report Post|Quote|Reply
    Joined Feb 2011
    Posts: 223
    Mon 09/12/11 11:28 AM305/500 Crunches

    20/100 High-Low Planks

    DONE - Day 1 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk (WAtP video)

    Oh dear lord, those high-low planks are KILLER! I thought I hated burpees, but I think those are my new most hated exercise. My arms are shaking now. I also did my workout for my other challenges this morning. I think I need to go collapse now.

    Good luck this week everyone! We can do this. We are strong!

    Mini Goals Along the Way:

    218.8 (SW) ~ 196 ~ 164 ~ 145 (GW)
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