What was your wake-up call to lose weight?



  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    Having high blood pressure (and having to go on medication for it), high cholesterol, etc. at age 25!
  • rei707
    rei707 Posts: 4
    Seeing pictures of myself! I looked pregnant! I just got so I was disgusted by seeing my flab in the mirror. I'm tired of not being able to keep up with my 4 yr old. (not being in shape is making my asthma worse.) And then I realized that for the first time in my life, I was actually overweight. All my life I've been "the skinny one" but two kids later, I'm realizing that my body has changed and I actually have to take care of myself now.
  • mindi2227
    My wake up call was looking at pictures of myself from this year and comparing them to pictures from 5 years ago. A gain of 5-8 lbs a year doesn't sound like a lot until you ignore them for 5 years. And wake up 1 day to realize the impact those 5-8 lbs is really having on your body and your life.
    Plus I am approaching 40 (a little too fast for my liking) and I want to be healthy and strong for the next 40.
  • dj_stevie_c
    Being told by a doctor I had moderately high blood pressure and should see my doctor immediately.

    It was a false alarm, was nerves rather than high blood pressure, however the feeling I had when he told me that made me think "right, I never want to feel that again"

    Plus for the last 20 years I have always pulled a silly face in pictures, I think it's to 'take away' attention from my size. I want to be serious in pictures for once.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    There wasn’t ONE thing that made me suddenly decide to do something about my imposing bulkitude as such; it was more a series of events that had been brewing for a while.

    For full details you can visit my Blog post on this issue, is you're curious :bigsmile:


    Good for the intervention from your friend and good for you for seeing it for the gift that it was! Good luck with your progress.
  • Shani262
    Shani262 Posts: 68 Member
    Sad thing is i am still ashamed of my current weight that i refuse to tell people and even post on the site so i have my goal listed. But i am sure most people can estimate by looking at me.

    But i got my ZUMBA DVDs in the mail today so i am excited about that. I can take them on the road with me for work.

    Zumba is how I got started! Dont be ashamed you came to the right place!
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Not being able to wear my clothes I had before I got pregnant and my boyfriends ex called me fat. Plus, I want to be healthy and set a good example of eating right for my daughter.

    Well, ignore the comment from the boyfriend's ex because her opinion doesn't matter, but getting into your clothes and setting an example for your sweet daughter are great reasons to lose weight.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Having high blood pressure (and having to go on medication for it), high cholesterol, etc. at age 25!

    That is a good reason to lose the weight. You're off to a great start so keep it up.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself! I looked pregnant! I just got so I was disgusted by seeing my flab in the mirror. I'm tired of not being able to keep up with my 4 yr old. (not being in shape is making my asthma worse.) And then I realized that for the first time in my life, I was actually overweight. All my life I've been "the skinny one" but two kids later, I'm realizing that my body has changed and I actually have to take care of myself now.

    Doing it for your kids is a great reason. Pictures seem to be the wake-up call for a lot of us here.
  • Shani262
    Shani262 Posts: 68 Member
    Being asked how far along I was, my wedding pictures :brokenheart: I hate looking at them, and finally the terrible selection of plus size clothes.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    My wake up call was looking at pictures of myself from this year and comparing them to pictures from 5 years ago. A gain of 5-8 lbs a year doesn't sound like a lot until you ignore them for 5 years. And wake up 1 day to realize the impact those 5-8 lbs is really having on your body and your life.
    Plus I am approaching 40 (a little too fast for my liking) and I want to be healthy and strong for the next 40.

    A lot of my weight gain happened as I went through perimenopause over the past decade. I quit paying attention and just as you said, those few pounds really added up.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Being told by a doctor I had moderately high blood pressure and should see my doctor immediately.

    It was a false alarm, was nerves rather than high blood pressure, however the feeling I had when he told me that made me think "right, I never want to feel that again"

    Plus for the last 20 years I have always pulled a silly face in pictures, I think it's to 'take away' attention from my size. I want to be serious in pictures for once.

    My blood pressure is always high at the doctor's office because I'm nervous there. At home it is better, but still could be lower so it helps motivate me.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Being asked how far along I was, my wedding pictures :brokenheart: I hate looking at them, and finally the terrible selection of plus size clothes.

    I look forward to shopping in the "regular" size department in stores.
  • CaitlinMyers428
    CaitlinMyers428 Posts: 151 Member
    Not being able to wear my clothes I had before I got pregnant and my boyfriends ex called me fat. Plus, I want to be healthy and set a good example of eating right for my daughter.

    Well, ignore the comment from the boyfriend's ex because her opinion doesn't matter, but getting into your clothes and setting an example for your sweet daughter are great reasons to lose weight.

    I agree. :) And you're doing a great job on your weight loss!
  • Kerry0785
    Kerry0785 Posts: 31 Member
    Not being able to fit into any of my jeans anymore.
  • nickblackburn080882
    im 29 and hitting over 300lbs with 4 young children the thought of not being there to see them grow up absolutely horrifies me
    ive been at it about 2 month and im already down to 285

    oh and to not be able to put the fear of god into their boyfriends which they fetch home from high school lol
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    im 29 and hitting over 300lbs with 4 young children the thought of not being there to see them grow up absolutely horrifies me
    ive been at it about 2 month and im already down to 285

    oh and to not be able to put the fear of god into their boyfriends which they fetch home from high school lol

    You're doing great! Yes, being there for your kids is why you need to keep it up.
  • babycoconut249
    babycoconut249 Posts: 12 Member
    The big things that made me care more about my body were that I was always feeling sluggish and tired. I didnt want to hang out with my friends because I was just so tired. I also felt self conscious. At that point I realized I didnt want to spend the rest of my life at home!

    Another was that my clothes were fitting tighter and tighter and it did not look nice. My parents kept making comments on how much weight I gained after not seeing me for a while.

    Also my dad is very athletic. He is in his 70's and jogs everyday. It did not feel right that my 70 yr old dad was in better shape then me.

    I was in the pre stage of high blood pressure as well.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Not being able to fit into any of my jeans anymore.

    There's just something about jeans....lol! I feel the same way.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    The big things that made me care more about my body were that I was always feeling sluggish and tired. I didnt want to hang out with my friends because I was just so tired. I also felt self conscious. At that point I realized I didnt want to spend the rest of my life at home!

    Another was that my clothes were fitting tighter and tighter and it did not look nice. My parents kept making comments on how much weight I gained after not seeing me for a while.

    Also my dad is very athletic. He is in his 70's and jogs everyday. It did not feel right that my 70 yr old dad was in better shape then me.

    I was in the pre stage of high blood pressure as well.

    No pressure with your dad jogging at age 70! Wanting to have fun with friends is a good reason too.