Lose 10 lbs in September Challenge



  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Can somebody explain how the challenges work? I've never done one but would like to. Do you check in on this thread? Do mini challenges show here?

    The logistics are still being worked out, but mini-challenges will be posted on this thread. In the past, we have checked in with our team captains and/or on this thread with our weigh-ins, but Jrdoty is working on an easier method since she's running it herself this month. It may include checking in directly to an online spreadsheet, with the week's top people being announced on here. Please be patient and check back often :-)
  • KimberlyBryant
    KimberlyBryant Posts: 31 Member
    I would love to join!
  • sherid94
    sherid94 Posts: 10 Member
    Okay, I want to join...I hope there will be tips on how to do 10 in 30 'cause that's scary!! :)
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm in
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Ok...currently working on getting all 3 team spreadsheets combined.

    For those of you worried about not reaching 10 lbs - don't sweat it! (But be sure you sweat!!) :tongue: Most people don't actually reach 10 lbs lost, but it's a great motivational tool to get you up and active and making some healthy choices. The ones that DO lose 10lbs also serve as great motivation and can be valuable resources as far as tips and tricks that have helped them get there.

    jdub - don't worry about being tech savvy - the google spreadsheet is SUPER easy. I'll maintain it for the most part. All you will have to do is copy and paste the link into your browser, find your user name, and enter your weight in for that week. On Sundays I'll go through and check the formulas and cleanup the people who haven't posted in a few weeks and everyone will be able to view/edit the same spreadsheet. This way I don't have to try and keep up with 500 people and you guys don't have to worry about sending me a message every Friday if you can just update it yourself. If you would prefer to send me a message and have me update it for you, that's fine, too.

    Mini-challenges will be posted on this thread every Friday, but will not be tracked on the spreadsheet. Mini-challenges are not a requirement to participate in this challenge, but they do serve as another fun motivational tool. They will run Friday (the day it's posted) through Thursday of the following week.

    If you have any questions that I didn't address here, feel free to send me a message. Looking forward to seeing some AWESOME numbers in September!! :drinker:
  • Do we need any mini team leaders to help with admin tasks?
  • texanqt63
    texanqt63 Posts: 2 Member
    i'd love to!
  • sherid94
    sherid94 Posts: 10 Member
    So we click on this thread every Friday to update our weight? Where do we access the google spreadsheet?
  • zumbawhit
    zumbawhit Posts: 115 Member
    Alright, jrdoty... it's time to turn the tables! I'm in... MOTIVATE ME!!! Only problem, I can't get to this forum from my iphone app... will you also post it in your friend threads? Or at least let me know when you've posted a challenge?
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    scooterboy - we're going to try this month with no specific teams and see how it works out with the spreadsheet thing.

    sherid - I haven't posted a link to the spreadsheet yet, but I will post it here in this thread. All you will have to do is copy and paste the spreadsheet into your browser, find your name for the appropriate date, and input your weight.

    I'll maintain the spreadsheet and if I don't have a starting weight for names on the list by September 9, I will delete your name from the list - and if you go more than 2 weeks without weighing in, that will also get you deleted. If you're not comfortable inputting your weight, that's fine, too - just send me a message and I'll update it for you.

    Don't worry about weighing in on September 2nd since you will have already inputted a starting weight for September 1st. Most people aren't going to lose much in 1 day...so the first official weigh-in will be September 9th!!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Alright, jrdoty... it's time to turn the tables! I'm in... MOTIVATE ME!!! Only problem, I can't get to this forum from my iphone app... will you also post it in your friend threads? Or at least let me know when you've posted a challenge?

    YAY!!!!!! I'm so glad to see you!!!!

    I'll keep you posted on stuff, Whit - and I do usually post on my news feed about it.
  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm currently in the August 10 lb challenge and as of this morning, I've lost 11 lbs! So I am totally up for doing it again. :)
  • I'm in again! :)
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I'm in again. Only got 5lbs this month. September WILL be 10lbs! Let's do it folks!
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    Count me in if I'm ok to join :)
  • I would love to be in this challenge too....will message you my starting weight.....tx
  • hockey4life7789
    hockey4life7789 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in!
  • grannylove2
    grannylove2 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to participate. Will try to remember to end you my starting weight Thursday. Thanks!
  • Count me in!! It just so happens that 10 lbs is what it will take to get to my goal weight.
  • I'm in! August was not a good month for me, so I'm hitting September hard!! Let's do this!