To the guys.



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I have no first hand answer to your question but if a lady is willing to hold my hand I hope I never ever treat her like *kitten* and have no respect for a guy that does.

    You're a good guy!!! :)


    For me...with her. My girlfriend has more than enough respect for my routine not to interfere, and if she wanted to follow sets are short enough that we could trade off quickly and easily...her lift on my rest periods, me on hers...without this whole 'pace' mess you guys keep talking about.

    If she wanted to do cardio the entire time (she doesn't...she's truly infatuated with kettlebells lol, which is cool)...we'd still be there at the same time, enjoying each other's company.

    I get enough alone time at work.
  • bossmodehan
    bossmodehan Posts: 210 Member
    I have no first hand answer to your question but if a lady is willing to hold my hand I hope I never ever treat her like *kitten* and have no respect for a guy that does.

    You're a good guy!!! :)


    For me...with her. My girlfriend has more than enough respect for my routine not to interfere, and if she wanted to follow sets are short enough that we could trade off quickly and easily...her lift on my rest periods, me on hers...without this whole 'pace' mess you guys keep talking about.

    If she wanted to do cardio the entire time (she doesn't...she's truly infatuated with kettlebells lol, which is cool)...we'd still be there at the same time, enjoying each other's company.

    I get enough alone time at work.

    This is similar to what my boyfriend and I do if gymming together....I'll do some cardio and he'll do a little and the bulk of his lifting. Then he gives me some lifting exercises and he carries on with what he was doing, and support the other in our rests......the one time we tried running outside together was not pretty and not something I'd repeat :-P
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    One of the most important things a woman can do to have a successful relationship with a man is to occasionally allow him some space all of his own. I know it's hard to understand, even if you don't feel the same way (and some women do!), but the majority of guys need at least a little time alone. If you try to do EVERYTHING with him, you'll end up doing NOTHING with him!

    It also applies to women also. In any relationship, its very important to have some space to live your own lives. No matter how many years you're together, you're still 2 people with 2 separate lives. That's a FACT.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    One of the most important things a woman can do to have a successful relationship with a man is to occasionally allow him some space all of his own. I know it's hard to understand, even if you don't feel the same way (and some women do!), but the majority of guys need at least a little time alone. If you try to do EVERYTHING with him, you'll end up doing NOTHING with him!
    I'm not a guy, but I definitely need quite a bit alone time. That's one of the reasons why I'm not even dating, cause I have managed to run into guys who do no get that...
  • 17Chan
    17Chan Posts: 10
    I go to the gym with my husband, but we do our own thing. I'd feel like a weirdo hanging out with the men anyway. We've played tennis together, and done some jogging, I suppose that counts as working out together.. and it was never a problem, because we both workout often. But, I did have a very unfit friend, and it was the most annoying thing in the world working out with her. She walked way too slow, couldn't run, and always on the verge of passing out at the gym. (Actually asked on a couple occasions to take a cig break too. wtf, right?) So as long as the two people (husband/wife; friends) are on the same level, then it's all good, but when they're not, then forget it.
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    I will take any work out partner reguardless of sex. I am just glad to have someone there to push me. I think it is easier for me to work out with a partner. I don't do massive amounts of weights so the person does not have to be strong. I just like to have someone there that will beat on me if i don't show up :)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Not surprisingly, most people are so focused on sharing their opinions about themselves that they've missed the point of the OP. If the OP was just straight-up wondering how many guys work out alone, she wouldn't have included the story. The woman is asking *him* to go with her. She didn't roll up on him while he was working out and try to invite herself along. Clearly, she wants to jog, and given his response - he knows a little something about it through experience. She's asking someone to whom she's remotely close to go with her.

    We don't know if she asks all the time or not. We just know this has happened this once. Yet, of course, even with limited information, most of the answers here have assumed that she doesn't give him enough space, and that she does this sort of thing all the time. He doesn't need to jog with her every day or even often, but to discourage her (*ding ding ding* the point of the story) when she's asking is douchy. Point blank. This isn't about what he likes to do normally. A good response that gets the same job done without being a baby about it is "No."
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    My wife and I used to workout together, now our schedules are different, so we workout alone, we sometimes go to the gym together, but workout separate. I do like working out alone, but if she wanted to I would workout with her, she understands how I workout, I don't chit-chat or make small talk. I like to do my workout and go. That guy sounds like a d!ck. I would never tell my wife something like that.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    My wife and I used to workout together, now our schedules are different, so we workout alone, we sometimes go to the gym together, but workout separate. I do like working out alone, but if she wanted to I would workout with her, she understands how I workout, I don't chit-chat or make small talk. I like to do my workout and go. That guy sounds like a d!ck. I would never tell my wife something like that.

    I agree. If my boyfriend would say that to me, I'll use my boxing techniques to punch him right in his face in no time. No one ever has the right to say those things to someone especially a partner.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I like to workout alone. I get in a zone and just want to stay focused. If a girl wanted to go to a gym with me I would't mind however, we would't be doing the same thing. She could do her thing and i would do mine. As far as running is concerned I dont do it and if she asked me I'd tell her go for it have fun running.
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    ok i may be different here, but if my girl (when i actually find one) wanted to work out with me or walk/jog with me and doesnt mind slowing down for me i would have no problem with it. or even if she wanted to lift with me... i so much prefer to lift with someone even if they are not at my level.. it only takes a minute to adjust the weights... and with that said, i go to a gym with my best friend (who yes just happens to be a woman, and is also the person in my main profile pic with me.... kinda.... :smile: ) and she has wanted me to teach her to start lifting, and i have no problem with it and actually enjoy it because it is something that i can teach someone else, even though i am not all that good at it myself since i have only been lifting for about 4 months or so. but i prefer working with someone.....