The Diamond Challenge (DITR) Round 5 Week 2



  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey all,
    so today is my Question Of The Day and the question is ....

    How many days a week do you workout, and do you take days off? Is it beneficial to take days off?

    It varies week to week depending on what I have going on socially, but if I don't do concerted exercise I try to walk a bit more that day.

    I find that if I have a big day coming up - eg out climbing on hills all day on a Saturday - having a rest day Friday leaves my legs feeling more fresh. Other than that - if you're doing cardio you don't need a rest day. Weights is a whole different story. You do need to listen to your body and take it easy if you're tired or sick.
  • sandislim
    QOTD: How many days a week do you workout, and do you take days off? Is it beneficial to take days off?

    I try to work out every day no matter what. I know that people have schedules 5 days on, 2 days off or 6 days on, 1 day off - that might work for men but it doesn't work for me. I have all sorts of hormonal stresses going on during the month, cramps, heavy periods (sorry) and sometimes I physically cannot workout -

    so I say why bother taking a day off when I'm ok to workout? So I try to workout everyday and if I feel off or whatever I take a break. That way I don't beat myself up for not following the 'schedule' when I have women's stuff to contend with!

    People say its beneficial to take days off because you give your body a rest and you get stronger the next time you workout. This may be true but I usually feel groggy if I miss out on a workout.
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    Hey ladies!

    9/2 QOTD - If you had the money to spend would you get lipo?
    Maybe, but only if they could shoot into my boobs some of whatever they suck out. Since losing weight I've lost some in the "girl's" department :(!

    9/3 QOTD - How many days a week do you workout, and do you take days off? Is it beneficial to take days off?
    I try to work out 6 days a week -- 2 days heavy cardio (zumba), 3 days cardio/strenght training with weights, and a day of either yoga or pilates. I do take a day off because I believe that my body needs a day to rest and repair muscles, etc. I see the difference in my work out after I take a day off. That's not to say I'm not active on my day off -- I'm just not at the gym doing a prescribed work out.
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    QOTD: How many days a week do you workout, and do you take days off? Is it beneficial to take days off?

    I try to work out every day no matter what. I know that people have schedules 5 days on, 2 days off or 6 days on, 1 day off - that might work for men but it doesn't work for me. I have all sorts of hormonal stresses going on during the month, cramps, heavy periods (sorry) and sometimes I physically cannot workout -

    so I say why bother taking a day off when I'm ok to workout? So I try to workout everyday and if I feel off or whatever I take a break. That way I don't beat myself up for not following the 'schedule' when I have women's stuff to contend with!

    People say its beneficial to take days off because you give your body a rest and you get stronger the next time you workout. This may be true but I usually feel groggy if I miss out on a workout.

    Same here. I try to work out every day that I can. There will always be days that I can't fit in a workout, for whatever reason. Those days default as my "rest" day.
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    QOTD 9/2/2011: If you had the money to spend, would you get lipo?

    I will try to loose everything I can on my own 1st and if I still got no result then admittedly I would :)

    QOTD: How many days a week do you workout, and do you take days off? Is it beneficial to take days off?

    I work out 4 to 5 times weekly and usually take my weekend off ..sometimes Friday as well as I totally get exhausted. I know my body needs rest because I do everything else around the house daily so taking days off really does help me ...Monday morning am back with a BANG and definitely feel more energized as I have rested well ..
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    Okay. I admit it. I'd get lipo in a heartbeat!

    I am bootilicious and I do NOT love it. The booty and thighs don't seem to dwindle no matter how much i lose :(
  • sistermooooon
    QOTD 9/2/2011: If you had the money to spend, would you get lipo?

    Right now, I would not, since I'm no where near my goal weight. But I'll be 40 in Feb. and I'm noticing gravity has definitely had an effect on things. I wouldn't have lipo because I cringe and turn away from the TV everytime I see a lipo surgery in progress and how the doctor rams that big long stick under your skin and jabs it back and forth. UGHHHH! BUT....I would almost consider a boob lift. Not enlargement, but lift. :)
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    9/3 QOTD - How many days a week do you workout, and do you take days off? Is it beneficial to take days off?

    I try to workout 4 days a week and take off 3. It is beneficial to me because I really hate to workout so if I did it every day I would get tired of it and quit all together.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    My goal is 6 days a week. This past week I only went in twice :o( The week before I hit it hard 5 days. I have 1 more week of my 8 week long class, then I will be gymless unless I sign up for another round or join the gym. I know I can't do it all on my own, so will have to do something. Will wait though till we get back from vacation.
  • kris24824
    kris24824 Posts: 22 Member
    I work out 5-6 days a week and 2-3 of those are two-a-days. MWS - Biking (1-2 hours), TTHS - Lap swimming (1 hour) and walk (1-1.5 hours).
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    QOTD: How many days a week do you workout, and do you take days off? Is it beneficial to take days off?

    I try to be active everyday, and am currently doing 30 Day Shred, so that has me exercising every day. I think if you need to take a recovery day, then do it. Listening to your body is the best thing you can do, and if it is saying I need a break, then give it a break.
  • Shawn_Marie
    Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend - back to the grind tomorrow - so wanted to go to the gym but I canned pickles, make 2 dozens muffins, 2 loaves of zucchini bread, canned broccoli, changed my headlights (yay for us girly girls :happy: ), cleaned my car .... so I think I made up for the gym being on my feet all day!
  • Imgoingdown
    Imgoingdown Posts: 14 Member
    Sorry I'm soooooooo late commenting in this thread, but congrats to all those who lost and WTG to the biggest losing team!
  • Starleng1
    9/3 QOTD - How many days a week do you workout, and do you take days off? Is it beneficial to take days off?

    I workout about 5 or 6 days a week. Yes, it is beneficial to take a day off. Not to just give your body a break, but to give yourself a day to just relaz.