When did people start noticing you had lost weight?



  • jjs22
    jjs22 Posts: 156
    Keep in mind that weight can be a very awkward topic for the other person as well. As a guy, I feel incredibly reluctant to talk about a woman's weight under just about any circumstance. There are just too many ways to lose ! I can only think of one time I ever had the guts to compliment a co-worker, someone I see rather infrequently, and she had lost over 30 lbs.

    Its funny, but now I'm in the same boat. I'm about 15 lbs down from my all-time high, and I've only hinted vaguely that I'm "trying to eat better". But nobody has said anything yet. I FEEL absolutely wonderful; I really feel like a skinny (and much healthier) person. But when I look in the mirror I have to admit that the outward changes are still kind of subtle.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    It's hard to know when people notice. It is, after all, very rude to comment on someone's weight, weight gain or weight loss.
    I've lost 13kg (18% of my starting weight), bringing me from a BMI of 29 to a BMI of 23 and from jeans size 14 (Australian) to size 10. My husband says he can really tell, and I can certainly see and feel the difference in myself, but happily, no-one else has commented.
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    Someone asked me if I'd cut my hair. I hadn't. :tongue: