TEAM *kitten* 2 ASHES (closed group)



  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    Here are my stats for the week:
    - I was over on calories on Wednesday and Friday this past week...not by much, but I was over. My weekly totals on food consumption did even out for the week.
    - There was a death in the family this week and I was off my routine.
    - I didn't do the Pygmy or extra challenge on Tuesday as a result of the death in the family and going to the visitation, however...I did it the rest of the week.
    - I did the water challenge and completed it daily.
    - Somehow, I did lose weight in the end. My current weight is 215. I've lost 2 pounds.
    - I didn't run or do cardiovascular yesterday (Saturday), because I am running the Heels and Hills 10k this morning. Saturday was my rest day, but I still did the Pygmy.

    -Marcy (Faeriegirl74)
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    no new exercises posted yet!
    repeat last week's till further notice???
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    Here are my final stats from the Tribal Challenge:
    Here are my stats for the week:
    -I went over slightly one day this week (Thursday)
    - I completed all of the last week's exercises as directed for Pygmy.
    - I did the water challenge and completed it daily.
    -I lost weight... last week my weight was 215. This week it is 210.5...I lost a total of 4.5 pounds this week.

    -Marcy (Faeriegirl74)
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    So sorry I've been MIA - 3 day holiday for me.
    Thanks to those that sent that their final stats to me.
    I hope to do the final tallies tom eve, so if u haven't sent them to me yet, pls try to send by then.

    Thanks so much for participating, and congrats on your accomplishments!
  • slybaby
    slybaby Posts: 125
    Final weight: 143lbs
    Challenges: pygmy are done
    Water: done
    Calories: under