Outwit the Chubby~ ☆SKINNYS☆~Sept Tribal Challenge (clos



  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    Hi Skinnys

    First let me say:
    u2fergus... ANY LOSS IS A GREAT LOSS!!!!! I know you worked hard this week but don't be down, 1.2 is a step in the RIGHT direction. There are so many factors that could be in play. Keep your head up! YOU ROCK.... YOU'RE A SKINNY!

    Now.... I met my goal early this month....but I decided to wait until after the October Challenge to up the calories. Problem is, my body doesn't seem to want to wait.

    I have some good days but other days I am just always hungry.... my co-worker jokingly calls it my tape worm. I feel like my sister (remember, the former Olympic Athlete) who is often referred to as the bottomless pit. She eats constantly...but is also a personal trainer who runs 5-10 miles a day, without an ounce of fat on her body (actually I think her body fat 13%) and is doing the October challenges with us just to be supportive!.

    I'd love to keep loosing for the SKINNYs ...and myself.... 125lbs was my pre-baby, 20something weight I'd love to be there again. BUT I'm coming to terms with the fact that my body doesn't want to lose anymore. I'm truly ok with that, My upper body is lean and toned but my lower body could still stand to burn off a few layers....But I guess thats going to come eventually. What I really should do is get my body fat measured so I know if I truly need to be eating more or if it is hormonal or just crappy will power.

    I don't know...this is just getting hard.... BUT I'm sticking to the plan...1200 calories until Sept. 30th. But please don't kill me if I go over.

    Last night I had to do jumping jacks for 1 min before finalizing my food diary to burn off the 8 calories I had gone over! I'll do my best to stay at or under. I want to help the team. I am committed!

  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Hi Skinnies...

    Is anybody else planning on doing the October challenge? I saw that Gary mentioned it today on his comments, and I wondered what your plans are. I'm sort of in two minds about it... the challenges are very time-consuming and I'm struggling with that part of it, since they have to be done in addition to your regular exercise. Also... not too much action on the scale, so I'm not winning us any points for that. But... I really like the camaraderie and the motivation. What are you guys thinking about it?
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Kellie- I know how you feel, but you are headed in the right direction! you've come so far and it WILL come off!

    Kcgslp- your doing fantastic. You've managed to change your entire lifestyle, which is so awesome! It must be so hard with your sister such a rockstar, but I'm so proud of how awesome your doing!

    Regarding an October challenge, I'm not sure that I'll be doing one. I can't believe I'm saying this, but sometimes I do less cardio because I'm trying to fit in all the challenges, and I loose more doing straight cardio. Also, I feel like most of this is strength training, where I'd rather work exercise into my life in more manageable ways. Going for walks with my kids, bikerides, etc. My kids are starting to resent me doing the challenges when I get home from work even though I really do try and include them.

    I also feel like we loose members each challenge, because it's hard for everyone to keep up. Personally, I'd like to keep the forum going, (skinny's forever!) to help and encourage each other, just not necessarily focus on the challenges. Instead we can share what we're doing that works, what we're eating....etc..

    I hope no one minds, and if anyone wants to lead the oct challenge, I'm here to offer any support and help you need. I'd like us all to stay as a team, even if we're not participating in the challenge. Personally I'd rather support each other and stay as a team, than be down to 5 members at the end of October. Then maybe after the oct break, my body will be ready for November. I think it knows what to expect right now, and I need to shake it up for a month.

    Sorry if this disappoints anyone, it's not my intention to leave you guys. Hopefully it's exactly the opposite!
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212

    Now.... I met my goal early this month....but I decided to wait until after the October Challenge to up the calories. Problem is, my body doesn't seem to want to wait.

    I have some good days but other days I am just always hungry.... my co-worker jokingly calls it my tape worm. I feel like my sister (remember, the former Olympic Athlete) who is often referred to as the bottomless pit. She eats constantly...but is also a personal trainer who runs 5-10 miles a day, without an ounce of fat on her body (actually I think her body fat 13%) and is doing the October challenges with us just to be supportive!.

    I don't know...this is just getting hard.... BUT I'm sticking to the plan...1200 calories until Sept. 30th. But please don't kill me if I go over.


    oops! Look what I started. I actually meant to write September Challenge above. I guess in my mind I keep telling myself to hold on until October (hence the October challenge kept spilling out). So sorry to bring up the topic of October.

    But this is alot! and dare I say it too much. SKINNYs have been great for me and I hope will continue to be but there will be no more challenges to me. I have to start living in reality....not in the challenge world. I have to learn to self motivate!

  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I'm also not planning on doing the October Challenge, the August challenge went really well for me but they have just become far too time consuming. I'm already spending at least an hour 6 days a week doing cardio, I just can't keep up. I barely get through my days right now and I haven't even been spending the 4ish hours a day that I'll be spending in the lab coming up soon. I'm doing a Fly Across the World challenge were our exercise counts as stuff and that's how we 'win'. I just feel like I can do that to keep me focused.

    Sorry Skinny's. It's just far too much on top of everything else. So, I will be bowing out next month. But I'm still here to support everyone!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Oh, man... this is SUCH a load off my mind!!! I'm really glad to hear we're all on pretty much the same page. I was afraid I would be letting the team down if I said I wanted to quit in October. I know heofon and I both are getting burnt out, too. I still want to stay MFP buddies with everyone, though, and still encourage each other, because you guys really are the best. And we accomplished a lot in August and September, wouldn't you say? I think the challenges definitely served their purpose.

    Anyway, challenges done for today. Enjoy your weekend, everyone! :)
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Haha wow I'm glad I wasn't the only one not gearing up for October! If we were going to stick it out together, I would do it for the group but gosh I'm BEAT! I agree alot of this feels like strength/toning type training. I'd rather do an additional 30 minutes of cardio rather than planning out time for the challenges or... my poor fiance goes to bed at 930 or 10 and I have to stay up to finish out the challenges!

    I agree - I would love to stay SKiNNYs forever as a support group!

    As for this month... I've done about 500 crunches so far this week towards the goal. I'm 2 days behind in the challenges.. ugh.
  • lmmiller1
    Looks as if the whole team is on the same page!!! No October Challenges for me either. Maybe we can set a goal as a group each week that is cardio related and try to met a weekly challenge instead of a daily challenge. Just a thought.... I do look forward in continuing supporting all of you!!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Looks as if the whole team is on the same page!!! No October Challenges for me either. Maybe we can set a goal as a group each week that is cardio related and try to met a weekly challenge instead of a daily challenge. Just a thought.... I do look forward in continuing supporting all of you!!

    That would be kind of fun. I really would love for us all to stick together in the sense of motivating and encouraging each other. You guys have been so important in helping me build better habits and having such a good (well, sometimes) attitude about this. Plus now that I have gotten you all, I'm interested to see you succeed in your fitness journey.

    Anyway, I've completed my challenges for the week, including 300 crunches. (Pygmy only calls for 200 each, so i did a few extra in case somebody else can't do theirs.) If we're short some crunches, let me know and I'll be sure to get them in by tomorrow. Crunches, at least, are something that doesn't bulk me up, so I don't mind doing extra of those. :) Ok... off to run my C25K for the day in the rain. I think it might be kind of fun, since all I've been doing all morning is cleaning. Boo! But my parents are coming for a short visit tomorrow and I like to make it look like I'm a very dedicated housekeeper when we have visitors. :wink:
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    I'm so glad to hear we're all on the same page!!!! I was hoping that I wouldn't be letting you guys down, because I would have felt really bad if you all wanted to do Oct, and I was the one who didn't! I do really like the idea of still challenging eachother with mini goals that are more set to beat, than force ourselves to meet. Such as crunch week, seeing what number we can get to etc. Maybe each week a different member could pick a new task for our group. Anyway, that's what's been rolling around my mind. I still need pushing, and would live the support of you guys. This journey is far from over for me.
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Had a pretty awesome NSV I forgot to mention on Thursday. I put on a pair of jeans that were in my closet that haven't fit me in over 2 years - AND they were LOOSE!!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Had a pretty awesome NSV I forgot to mention on Thursday. I put on a pair of jeans that were in my closet that haven't fit me in over 2 years - AND they were LOOSE!!

    I'm not surprised at all, kiltbunny! You are a totally different person! Congratulations!!! :)
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I'm so glad to hear we're all on the same page!!!! I was hoping that I wouldn't be letting you guys down, because I would have felt really bad if you all wanted to do Oct, and I was the one who didn't! I do really like the idea of still challenging eachother with mini goals that are more set to beat, than force ourselves to meet. Such as crunch week, seeing what number we can get to etc. Maybe each week a different member could pick a new task for our group. Anyway, that's what's been rolling around my mind. I still need pushing, and would live the support of you guys. This journey is far from over for me.

    I like that idea! I'd totally be up for that. :)
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Wow Kiltbubby! That's awesome!

    Week 5 Pygmy Challenge

    Week 5 Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus

    Welcome to Week 5 you are the PYGMY TRIBE it’s time to push yourself! Make modifications as
    necessary and use water bottles, soup cans or my favorite Tomato Juice cans as weights! They really do work!

    Day 1 - Walk, run, jog a 5k (3.1 Miles) 100 Jumping Jacks, 100 Crunches, 40 Toe Touches, 5 burpees
    Day 2 – 3 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 lawnmowers
    Day 3 - Walk, run, jog a 5k (3.1 Miles) 100 Jumping Jacks, 100 Crunches, 40 Toe Touches, 5 burpees
    Day 4 - 3 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 lawnmowers
    Day 5 - Walk, run, jog a 5k (3.1 Miles) 100 Jumping Jacks, 100 Crunches, 40 Toe Touches, 5 burpees

    Same Team Challenge as last week! RAISE THOSE SPEARS! Pygmies you are doing it! Go Team Go!.....(which was...Weekly Team Challenge - as a combined team effort attempt to reach a goal of an additional 2000 crunches. For a team of 10 that would be an additional 200 crunches per team member over a span of 6 days! As always water, calories!) we are a team of 8, so 1600 total.


    waiting on bushman...I don't see it listed???
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    I'll do those Pygmy ones I guess. I need some jumping jacks!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Well... I went in to the office in Michigan yesterday and I was so busy all day that I only saw the mean ladies for a very short time as I was walking by with other people, and they wouldn't have had time to say anything about my weight anyway, so I guess that was good. I wasn't able to get to my goal of 225 by yesterday (not for lack of trying), but oh well.

    I DID have a funny thing happen today, though! I wasn't able to exercise Sunday because we had company and I wasn't able to exercise yesterday because I got up at 4:45, drove three hours to work, worked all day, drove three hours home, and got here with only enough time to take out the trash and wash a few dishes, so there was no exercise happening there. I FOUGHT to keep my calories below the limit both days and I managed it, but I was still expecting to gain weight today, because... well, these days, it seems like I'm always gaining weight for no reason, and it's just about to be TOM, too. BUT...... to my shock, I stepped on the scale and had lost 2 lbs since my lowest weight last week! I have finally cracked the 229 mark that was holding me hostage almost the entire month of September, and I was 227.4. I'm sure it sounds terrible to all of you, but to me, that was a huge victory, and I'm really excited about it. This is less than I weighed on my wedding day! :)

    Tonight, I have a class immediately after work, so I won't have much time to exercise, but I'm going to go to the Y and do my 5K and anything else required for the pygmy challenges. Hopefully I can get this in before they close at 10:00... my class runs till 9:00 or sometimes later. But I'm going to do my best. I want to take this loss and keep running with it! NOT going to get lazy! :)
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Well... I went in to the office in Michigan yesterday and I was so busy all day that I only saw the mean ladies for a very short time as I was walking by with other people, and they wouldn't have had time to say anything about my weight anyway, so I guess that was good. I wasn't able to get to my goal of 225 by yesterday (not for lack of trying), but oh well.

    I DID have a funny thing happen today, though! I wasn't able to exercise Sunday because we had company and I wasn't able to exercise yesterday because I got up at 4:45, drove three hours to work, worked all day, drove three hours home, and got here with only enough time to take out the trash and wash a few dishes, so there was no exercise happening there. I FOUGHT to keep my calories below the limit both days and I managed it, but I was still expecting to gain weight today, because... well, these days, it seems like I'm always gaining weight for no reason, and it's just about to be TOM, too. BUT...... to my shock, I stepped on the scale and had lost 2 lbs since my lowest weight last week! I have finally cracked the 229 mark that was holding me hostage almost the entire month of September, and I was 227.4. I'm sure it sounds terrible to all of you, but to me, that was a huge victory, and I'm really excited about it. This is less than I weighed on my wedding day! :)

    Tonight, I have a class immediately after work, so I won't have much time to exercise, but I'm going to go to the Y and do my 5K and anything else required for the pygmy challenges. Hopefully I can get this in before they close at 10:00... my class runs till 9:00 or sometimes later. But I'm going to do my best. I want to take this loss and keep running with it! NOT going to get lazy! :)

    That's awesome Kellie!!! Great job!!! You deserve to finally break that barrier!!!

    I'm up a stinking two lbs since friday. I've stayed under my calories every day, but it could have been with better foods and I take accountability for that. So I logged it, and i'm moving on. I'm trying not to gain during this very stressful time in my life, and it doesn't seem like it's working. But i'm not giving up, I'm plugging along! Challenge done from yesterday (pygmy) and hope to step back up to the bushman this week. I'll go post that now...
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I'm up a stinking two lbs since friday. I've stayed under my calories every day, but it could have been with better foods and I take accountability for that. So I logged it, and i'm moving on. I'm trying not to gain during this very stressful time in my life, and it doesn't seem like it's working. But i'm not giving up, I'm plugging along! Challenge done from yesterday (pygmy) and hope to step back up to the bushman this week. I'll go post that now...

    I'm so sorry about all the stress... that is horrible for trying to keep weight off. Just to offer a little rationality/encouragement... you KNOW that you didn't eat 7,000 calories more than you were supposed to. And that's what it would take to make you gain two real pounds. So... as crappy as it is to see the scale say two lbs higher, just remind yourself that you haven't goofed up that much, and that water weight will eventually dissipate as suddenly as it appeared and put you back down to where you want to be. Keep hanging in there, because you ARE handling the stress very well (just think how many calories the old you would have eaten through by now!!) and there has to be a breaking point pretty soon where things start getting easier for you and your family. I know it!
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I hope you do not let the '2 pounds' get you down. You know there's no possible way that that 2 pounds is real weight (fat) because you aren't eating enough food to gain weight! That's almost more than we eat a week. (Almost, it's close!) You'll see that weight drop off soon, I'm sure of it! Just keep trying to eat well, and drinking that water and it will all come together.

    I have been starving the past couple of days! I'm still eating under my calories but wow am I hungry! I've even been eating more protein than usual the past couple of days (finally going over my protein for the day instead of way under) I'm trying to make sure I eat when I'm hungry, and also drinking more water to make sure I'm not just thirsty but those hunger pains have been almost constant! I'm hoping this subsides soon!

    And way to go on that loss! You totally deserved it.
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Challenges for today and yesterday... done. We're almost there, guys! :)