When a man cheats, is it the woman's fault?



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    When I first read the headline I was like Oh boy another guy trying to justlfy his actions. But in this case I would say she absolutely deserved it.

    How can you blame him? I am not one to condone cheating. However I am also not one to condone mental or physical abuse and he seemed to be getting a lot of the former.

    I was in an 8 year love-less marriage so I can relate. I was 8 years younger (21) when we got married. Soon after our 1st baby she stopped having sex. We separated numerous times and I am still amazed we had two kids (yes both are mine).

    Your friend should be ashamed of herself. And what did she expect for her dog to continue to obey? I really don't like to see good people get cheated on..but she doesn't "fit" in that category.

    She will NEVER forget this. Hopefully she learned her lesson.

    WHY did he put up with it? WHY didn't he just leave?

    It's a *kitten* excuse. Anyone that stays in an abusive relationship and uses that as an excuse is weak. I don't like weak.

    Oh hell... is there anything I do like? *LOL*
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    When I first read the headline I was like Oh boy another guy trying to justlfy his actions. But in this case I would say she absolutely deserved it.

    How can you blame him? I am not one to condone cheating. However I am also not one to condone mental or physical abuse and he seemed to be getting a lot of the former.

    I was in an 8 year love-less marriage so I can relate. I was 8 years younger (21) when we got married. Soon after our 1st baby she stopped having sex. We separated numerous times and I am still amazed we had two kids (yes both are mine).

    Your friend should be ashamed of herself. And what did she expect for her dog to continue to obey? I really don't like to see good people get cheated on..but she doesn't "fit" in that category.

    She will NEVER forget this. Hopefully she learned her lesson.

    WHY did he put up with it? WHY didn't he just leave?

    It's a *kitten* excuse. Anyone that stays in an abusive relationship and uses that as an excuse is weak. I don't like weak.

    Oh hell... is there anything I do like? *LOL*

    INCORRECT! Leaving just to leave is weak! People get caught up all the time..I always hear married couples say "if my spouse cheats on me I'm leaving". Then why in the TRUCK are you getting married then? You would throw your lives your children's lives out the window because of one major challenge?

    We don't even know the WHOLE story. Maybe SHE cheated or maybe he did leave several times (been there). Or maybe he was a stand up guy who simply had enough and his sexy big-booty co-worker (she looks like that in my mind..laid it on him!
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    On another note, a big part of relationships, is sex. Let's be real. No matter how much we like someone's personality, we're drawn to them by a chemistry connection - a sexual relationship based on our attraction to one another. When one person in that relationship stops taking care of themselves and lets themselves go -- I can understand why the other person would become sexually attracted to another person. Does it make cheating right, not at all. Does it make sense? Perfectly.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    When I first read the headline I was like Oh boy another guy trying to justlfy his actions. But in this case I would say she absolutely deserved it.

    How can you blame him? I am not one to condone cheating. However I am also not one to condone mental or physical abuse and he seemed to be getting a lot of the former.

    I was in an 8 year love-less marriage so I can relate. I was 8 years younger (21) when we got married. Soon after our 1st baby she stopped having sex. We separated numerous times and I am still amazed we had two kids (yes both are mine).

    Your friend should be ashamed of herself. And what did she expect for her dog to continue to obey? I really don't like to see good people get cheated on..but she doesn't "fit" in that category.

    She will NEVER forget this. Hopefully she learned her lesson.

    WHY did he put up with it? WHY didn't he just leave?

    It's a *kitten* excuse. Anyone that stays in an abusive relationship and uses that as an excuse is weak. I don't like weak.

    Oh hell... is there anything I do like? *LOL*

    INCORRECT! Leaving just to leave is weak! People get caught up all the time..I always hear married couples say "if my spouse cheats on me I'm leaving". Then why in the TRUCK are you getting married then? You would throw your lives your children's lives out the window because of one major challenge?

    We don't even know the WHOLE story. Maybe SHE cheated or maybe he did leave several times (been there). Or maybe he was a stand up guy who simply had enough and his sexy big-booty co-worker (she looks like that in my mind..laid it on him!

    First, don't ever say I'm wrong. I will kick you in the shins sooo damn hard and then run away squealing.

    Second, in the situation at hand (confirmed in your post) there was "mental and physical abuse." So he cheated on her. And THAT is going to fix this marriage???? It's abusive, and adulterous. Staying together (from the little we know) would be absurd unless these two people somehow do a 180 and become different people and fall in love with each other, stop being abusive, learn to respect each other, etc.

    Sleeping with his secretary should "teach her a lesson?" Really? THAT is how to fix marital abuse? To have an affair?

    Third, if she cheated as well, I stand by saying this marriage is irreparably damaged with TWO members now cheating (given that they do not have an open marriage, blah blah blah.
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member

    INCORRECT! Leaving just to leave is weak! People get caught up all the time..I always hear married couples say "if my spouse cheats on me I'm leaving". Then why in the TRUCK are you getting married then? You would throw your lives your children's lives out the window because of one major challenge?

    We don't even know the WHOLE story. Maybe SHE cheated or maybe he did leave several times (been there). Or maybe he was a stand up guy who simply had enough and his sexy big-booty co-worker (she looks like that in my mind..laid it on him!

    If someone disrespected my loyalty by cheating on me. That is not a "challenge" I need to overcome. Losing a job and facing a financial crisis as a couple is a challenege. Raising children is a challenege. Moving to another state is a challenge. Being disrespected is not a challenege. It is one selfish person's actions that have consequences and that consequence is losing me.. and if that means you lose your family... I guess you should've thought about that BEFORE you acted. Man up.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    You know why the title of this thread is "When a man cheats, is it the woman's fault?"

    Because when a woman cheats it's automatically assumed to be the man's fault.

    ZING! *runs*
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    You know why the title of this thread is "When a man cheats, is it the woman's fault?"

    Because when a woman cheats it's automatically assumed to be the man's fault.

    ZING! *runs*

  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    On another note, a big part of relationships, is sex. Let's be real. No matter how much we like someone's personality, we're drawn to them by a chemistry connection - a sexual relationship based on our attraction to one another. When one person in that relationship stops taking care of themselves and lets themselves go -- I can understand why the other person would become sexually attracted to another person. Does it make cheating right, not at all. Does it make sense? Perfectly.
    I agree!
  • ktbug82
    ktbug82 Posts: 166

    For better or worse means FOR BETTER OR WORSE
    I'm only correcting you because I agree with you and think it's an important point to make...

    It's not "for better OR for worse"... it's "for better AND for worse". You get both, you can't pick and choose.

    My God you're perfect, haha
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    On another note, a big part of relationships, is sex. Let's be real. No matter how much we like someone's personality, we're drawn to them by a chemistry connection - a sexual relationship based on our attraction to one another. When one person in that relationship stops taking care of themselves and lets themselves go -- I can understand why the other person would become sexually attracted to another person. Does it make cheating right, not at all. Does it make sense? Perfectly.
    I agree!

    I agree as well...its a huge part of a relationship! Relationships take WORK! Seems like a lot of people take their partners for granted and don't realize you have to nurture the relationship constantly. If you don't treat the person you are with well, then someone else just might step and try to do that for you!

    However, I still 100% believe you should confront the situation first (if there's hope), then if it doesn't improve, extracate yourself from the relationship before moving on to someone new!
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    You know why the title of this thread is "When a man cheats, is it the woman's fault?"

    Because when a woman cheats it's automatically assumed to be the man's fault.

    ZING! *runs*

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    First, don't ever say I'm wrong. I will kick you in the shins sooo damn hard and then run away squealing.

    LMAO!!! I like you.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    It's 100% always the cheaters fault. Even if the other party is a horrible person, no one is forcing the cheater to stay in a relationship. Unless the cheater is somehow being held captive in the relationship against their will.....cheating is always the cheaters fault imho.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    The cheating is 100% his fault. and cheating is never justified.

    However, she has some responsiblity for the marriage breaking up.
  • proctorgirl07
    proctorgirl07 Posts: 68 Member
    If he was that unhappy in the marriage, he should have left, not cheated.

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    sometimes it is their fault,i think
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    The cheating is 100% his fault. and cheating is never justified.

    However, she has some responsiblity for the marriage breaking up.

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Ok since we're all so dead set on our opinions...

    A man marries the girl of his dreams. They love each other deeply but sadly one day she's in a terrible car accident. She survives but loses most of her body function. The man loves her, stays with her, cares for her in the most intimate of ways. When he's not working he's tending to her and trying to keep her happy. She'll never be able to have sex again.

    Is he a pig and a *kitten* if he quietly meets some woman and keeps it from his wife, only to spare her further pain?

    Or should the man leave her, like many of you are saying? Or should he never have sex again in his life as well? Or should he be honest and tell his wife that since she's handicapped he's going to be out banging other women from time to time?

    Few things are black and white in this life.

    He should never have sex again as long as he and his wife decide to remain married. That's still no excuse for cheating. But that's just my opinion. Again, there's that little phrase (or at least there used to be) in the vows that states "for better or for worse".
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    The cheating is 100% his fault. and cheating is never justified.

    However, she has some responsiblity for the marriage breaking up.


    Absolutely. She sounds like a b*tch, don't get me wrong *LOL*
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    On another note, a big part of relationships, is sex.

    And sammiches... don't forget the sammiches.